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Posts posted by Simsy

  1. My husband went to see mitski while I went to Macca. Sent him the what 3 words and a photo of the nearest flags and he found me with no problems (although I deliberately picked a less busy area so he'd be able to turn up late).

    Did have to send all messages to him on WhatsApp and text, because it was hit & miss what would get through (he's on Vodafone, I had no problems on EE).

  2. 2 minutes ago, K2SO said:

    Also, when did Zelinsky (spelling?) turn up? I completely missed that

    He was on the screens before libertines (and I assume was shown on the pyramid too).

    My initial reaction was "doesn't he have anything better to do at the mo?", but I wasn't really paying attention and didn't realise he was asking for money for weapons. That doesn't seem very Glasto.

  3. 2 hours ago, The Nal said:

    Wetting toilet paper a tad before putting it on the seat so it doesn't blow away. Just a blot. 

    Another top tip: if you put a ring of bog roll on the seat before using the loo, TAKE IT OFF AFTERWARDS! Don't leave it there for the next person to find.

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  4. 3 hours ago, FuzzyDunlop said:

    This was good. 9/10 for quality. 3/10 for portion size.

    It wasnt a bun, it was in a potato cake type of thing wasn't it? Really nice. Just needed to be bigger. Could have eaten 3.

    Was that the arepa place? The bun thing is made with corn flour.

    Don't think I waited more than 10 mins for food anywhere this year, although the coffee and bacon sandwich queues every morning looked like they'd probably be at least a half hour wait.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Skelts said:

    Fuck You missing from O-Rod too

    They also blanked out any swearing in her set, so I assume it's because they want it to be "family friendly".

    2 hours ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    In Spite Of All The Danger was missing from King Macca

    What? Ok, I'm cancelling my TV licence.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Alvoram said:

    Aren’t more than 50% of the JP sides open? Marquees with 50% of the sides open do not count as indoors and are not covered under the ban. 

    Inconsiderate though, if your smoke is causing a nuisance to somebody else. 

    If the fire marshals spot you they'll have a word, so it's defs not allowed.

    Although a cigarette isn't as bad as the genius who set off a flare in there during Charli XCX.

  7. 2 hours ago, ghandi said:

    Really funny moment when going to the mens toilet right at the back. He started playing Love me do. Everyone in the queue and whilst doing their business singing along 😁

    Ah, I was so disappointed that I was the only one in the block of long drops singing along to blackbird. Thought we'd get some good harmonies going 😂

  8. 30 minutes ago, Calvin Klein said:

    This guy met with his friend right next to me in the middle of the Kendrick set and proceeded to talk loudly non stop until the end. They just chatted for the second half of the set. When a big hook came on the song, he danced and headbanged, and when that was over, continued his loud talk. Fucking hate talkers during shows.

    Also, sorry but I don't understand smokers being fine blowing smoke on other people's faces like it's ok.


    I've found there are 2 types of talkers at gigs. Type 1 don't seem to care that there's music on, treat it like a noisy pub and carry on their convo (eg the people next to us for wet leg who got in early to see a really hyped set but were talking about their last holiday). Type 2 do seem to care about the music, but are narrating the whole thing "oh, I hope they play x, yes I love this one, this is so good" etc (eg the people next to us for libertines who seemed to be enjoying it but just didn't STFU).

    Re. Smoking, apologies if I told anyone here off for smoking in John Peel, but the smoking ban came in 15 years ago, you must know by now you can't smoke inside!

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  9. 1 hour ago, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

    Honestly, my question was just a bit tongue in cheek because someone asked a similar question in the Lenny thread a long the lines of "Are there enough black people there?". It's just such a shame everyone's fascinated with sex and race these days, ahead of merit, or letting people freely choose to see who they want to see.

    When I asked, did you see them because they represented women, that's just because other people on this thread are always going on about 'representation', as if everything that happens in the world needs to be equally representative at all times. Why can't we just let people do what they want? Book who they want? Buy tickets to go to places they want?

    I'm 100% confident that all of the acts you mentioned and saw were great. But that doesn't mean that EE is booking them based solely on merit. She's literally admitted that in interviews, I'm sure you can find the articles yourself. She said they were aiming for 50-50 balance, therefore, they're not booking wholly on merit, but also factoring in the singer's/bands' dangly bits and bobs. I don't like it personally, that's all. If I hire people to work in our company, I don't factor in their gender or race based on my own personal historical context. They're skin colour and men's/lady parts should have absolutely ZERO bearing on any decision.

    That's all.

    I think they are booking more female or non white acts on merit, but they're giving people opportunities that they might not have had in the past because of their skin colour or dangly bits and bobs.

    I'm not saying that when people said Adele must be subbing Radiohead instead of headlining it's because they thought her vagina meant she couldn't play after dark. I'm not saying that everyone who thought Jay Z was the wrong genre for the fest is a massive racist. I'm saying that glasto is in a position to give acts the opportunities they deserve.

    Clearly there were loads of female artists at Glasto this year who deserved their spot, and hopefully it'll make some other festivals (that are a fucking sausage fest) realise that those acts are festival acts.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:


    And did you both choose them because they were women/representative of you? Or did you choose them because they played great music?

    I'm betting the latter. Esp, in Wet Leg's case.

    That's the point. I went to see them because they play great music. They're not getting booked ahead of better male acts to fill some kind of quota, they're being booked because they're good.

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  11. On 6/25/2022 at 8:59 AM, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

    Saw people asking about the ethnicity make up of the crowd this year in the Lenny thread and if it's representative of the UK, so I thought I'd ask about the quotas for female bands.

    Are women flocking to all the female bands that are representing them? Or are they ignoring their representatives?

    They don't actually have a "quota", but as you asked, I saw at least part of Wet Leg, First Aid Kit, Sigrid, Phoebe Bridgers, St Vincent, Little Simz, Billie Elish, Go_a, Joy Crookes, Self Esteem, Haim, Olivia Rodrigo, Moonchild Sanelly, Caroline Polachek, Lorde, Angelique Kidjo and Charlie XCX. Loads more female acts I wanted to see but couldn't because of clashes.

    I wouldn't be surprised if I saw more female (or mixed) acts this year than in my first 5 glastos combined.

  12. 5 minutes ago, oakdown said:

    There's still plenty can go wrong with mobile tickets. I worked as a Ticketmaster liaison at a big outdoor show in Glasgow last year and even with it being much smaller than Glasto (and having city-centre-level data coverage) the whole thing was a nightmare. Major problems with the scanners, confused security, punters not able to get their tickets up due to the 4G getting overloaded. I was wandering about trying to hot-spot folk just so they could get in. 

    Obviously there are a ton of events that use mobile tickets and have it run just fine, but I can imagine the fest not wanting the potential headache of backing-up gates as opposed to dealing with paper ticket issues at the box office. Not saying they're right, but I can see it. 

    There's also a risk of a tout selling a fake QR code to thousands of people, which you don't get with paper tickets.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Skoo said:

    This is really helpful info, thanks! So you get 2 wristbands - one for the festival and another that's worthy view specific?

    Found my 2019 wristbands this morning (when looking for something completely different), had a separate plastic one for worthy view.PXL_20220618_112318421.thumb.jpg.03c673c80981361d6d5b01844aee3b29.jpg

  14. 14 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    maybe if we start getting more of these silly temperatures in early summer they'd need to move the festival to early june or end of May...?

    Nah, it just needs to be set up better to deal with the heat. I went to sziget a few years ago, the main stages start later in the day, they've got shade and misters, and iirc they had air con in the circus tent.

  15. 15 minutes ago, Nobby's Old Boots said:

    Sorry if this has been mentioned but does anyone have one of these? Nearly pulled the trigger until I realised you need the pump & they're not self inflating. Wondering if it's going to be worth it now I'll have to also pack the pump!



    I've got one (but I've also got an inflatable tent, so I'm taking the pump anyway). It does add an extra 4kg to what I'm carrying, but I think it will be worth it for me.

    I tried it out a few days ago with my self inflating mat, and it was much more comfy than the mat on its own. I sleep on my side, so normally my hip is digging into the ground.

    My husband tried it out and couldn't even lie on it, I have no idea what he was doing differently to me, but he just kind of disappeared between the slats and got entangled in the whole thing, so they're definitely not for everyone! If you do get one, give it a go before lugging it all the way there.

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  16. In 2016 there were a couple of lads with a trolley of beer on my coach. Driver was going to make them leave it behind because it wouldn't fit underneath, but ended up putting it on the coach blocking the aisle (so everyone in the back half had to climb over it to get to the loo or get out). Not ideal when we were stuck in that nightmare traffic.

    Big bag + tent + hand luggage should be fine.

  17. 3 minutes ago, theciderviking said:


    Think cinnamon, nutmeg, mixed spice and just a hint of fruit. Actually quite pleasant on its own, but with a splash of ginger (or Vanilla Coke! Thanks Beth 😁) it becomes a whole new beast. 🤤 Perfect early evening warmer. 

    Ooh, that sounds lovely. I was worried it would have soggy buns in it.

  18. 26 minutes ago, MoonBuggy said:

    Been a few years since I last got the train to the festival and I'm getting a bit nervous about the strike chaos. If we've got seats booked (and it doesn't get cancelled...) will we definitely get onto that train, or do we still have to join the big queue at Paddington and take whatever departure we get? 

    Not fussed about space or sitting down, obvs, just want to be on site setting up rather than spending three hours at the station! 

    Even if there wasn't a strike, seat reservations don't guarantee that you'll be able to get on the train. It'll just be 1st come, 1st served. If the train fills up before you get on, they're not going to turf people off.

    I haven't tried to get to glasto from Paddington, so I don't know what the queues are like.

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