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Posts posted by Simsy

  1. 14 minutes ago, Rocketfrog1820 said:

    If it helps I'm on board. what's you twitter thingy? (I don't use twitter unless I need to, such as times like this!)

    I'm needglastotix. Sounds desperate? That's cos I am.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Raincatcher said:

    I entered an EE competition in 2014 where they were giving away 20 pairs of tickets. You had to think of a useful glasto invention then create a drawing, vine or video of it. Mine was one of only 10 entries retweeted by the official EE twitter account so I thought I was in with a shout. 


    Came to the winners announcements and a load of people with twitter accounts with tens of thousands of followers or who work for websites such as the Poke and YouTube vloggers won. Oh and there were only 19 winners.

    I'm not bitter though, honestly 

    Maybe we should all follow each other so we look more popular! I currently have zero followers so I think my chances are pretty slim.

  3. 5 minutes ago, liamium said:

    sure this has been discussed to death but what do we think would be the reason for not selling the few thousand returns I assume there would've been after May 5th? sizeable chunk of cash for the fest, that. 

    Couldn't get a refund after 5th May so the festival would still have the money.

  4. 45 minutes ago, ivan said:

    They sent batches to HMV.

    My mate walked into their branch in Manchester and bought one .

    That year there were thousands unsold .  I think Emily Eavis did say it did sell out eventually but I am not sure if that was a bit of spin from the pr dept.

    I doubt this year coming to the end of May that there can thousands still unsold or unallocated .


    27 minutes ago, blackred said:

    The late tickets didn't have photos on them, a mate brought one on the Wednesday and collected from the ticket office on the Thursday morning

    Fair enough :(

  5. Hi guys, I've been perma-lurking in this thread for a few weeks now (thanks for keeping me sane through this!). I know some people are starting to get worried that it's getting too late to print & post resale tickets, but what happened in 2008? If it didn't sell out in advance they must have been printing & posting tickets pretty late. Did anyone here buy last minute tickets that year?

    Just another straw for us to clutch!

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