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Posts posted by blutarsky

  1. Absolute result for school leavers this year - the provisional GCSE exam timetable has just been released and the final GCSE exam is on Glasto Wednesday. There are hospitality and catering, and Polish exams on the 21st, so any 16-year-olds wanting to come are pretty much in the clear. 

  2. 1 hour ago, hjd said:

    Have always camped at glasto but considering camper tickets this year....

    My campervan would sleep 4 at a push, but could you bring a small tent to park up next to your camper if required? Would one campervan ticket cover 4 people as well? 


    Yep - tell the stewards how much room you need when they park you up and they'll leave you space. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Suprefan said:

    At least everyone will be able to watch the performance  at the SB or Coachella unlike Glasto. Theyre called worldwide cultural events for a reason


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  4. 29 minutes ago, Suprefan said:

    But wouldnt you want to see how the fest would do if they did release a lineup before tickets went on sale to further prove its apparent superiority? Coachella has a blind presale in June every year since it went to 2 weekends and sell plenty of tickets before the lineup is out in January. The thing that makes the glasto sell out happen is cause they only ask £50. If they asked full price or payments you wouldnt have 30 min sell outs, especially right now. Glasto is still very underpriced but obviously some people welcome the price increase because it removes lower income folk ( college age  )  from thinking about getting a ticket and lets everyone else ( middle aged ) get their hands on em. Maybe they should just make the fest 35 and over after it reaches £400 in price like I predicted in 5 years.


    speaking of the industry being in trouble


    Sorry, I tried reading your post but there seems to be some sort of language barrier. All I could understand was “I love Coachella! How can I get Coachella into every single conversation on eFests? I’ve got such a boner for Coachella. I did it, I mentioned Coachella. Woohoo! COACHELLA!”

    • Upvote 9
  5. 14 hours ago, Skip997 said:

    There's been a shit load of strange decisions that have been "out of respect"

    My daughter’s swimming lessons were cancelled “as a mark of respect”. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact the lessons take place in a school swimming pool and the school was closed for the bank holiday, they were cancelled purely out of respect. Because the last thing the queen would have wanted is for some toddlers to have fun and learn to swim. 🙄 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 14 hours ago, sisco said:

    Tbf, barring an Oasis comeback I’m not sure anything else would get the publicity they would 

    On recent evidence I’d say Meghan Markle showing up and drinking a lemonade would get the most coverage. 

    • Like 1
  7. As counterweight to the orgy of vomit inducing mindless patriotism bound to be on display for the coronation in early June I’d like the following: 

    • Johnny Marr doing the Queen is Dead in full
    • Manic Street Preachers as long as they play Repeat - “imitation Demi-gods”, “dumb flag scum” and “repeat after me / ‘Fuck Queen and country’”
    • Bob Vylan for obvious reasons 
    • Slow Thai - “I will treat you with the utmost respect / Only if you respect me a little bit, Elizabeth… you c**t”
    • Blur to play This Is A Low 
    • Billy Bragg will be there so he can play Take Down the Union Jack 
    • Shame Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbot didn’t do Heatongrad - “Fuck the King and fuck the Queen”
    • The Housemartins - “Try shaking a can at the Queen, Cause her purse is fat and bursting at the seams.”
    • Kunt and the Gang doing Prince Andrew is a Sweaty Nonce of course. 
  8. Sorry to hear this. He was before my time here, but I’m sure it’s a safe assumption that if someone is an eFests member then there’s a 95% chance you’re going to have a fair few things in common with them (even Barry). Sounds like WoW was one of the good guys. 

  9. On 6/30/2022 at 7:12 PM, FuzzyDunlop said:

    Sunday... I'd go to Bicep instead of Kendrick.

    I had a good time at Kemdrick, but I'd have preferred Bicep

    This! Also would have forced myself out of bed before 3pm. 

    On 6/30/2022 at 8:01 PM, Quark said:

    I think the only change I'd make is on Friday I'd bomb it from Supergrass to the park to see Arlo Parks. Would still have left me time to get to Sam Fender. I'd also have taken a hoody out with me earlier in the day so I didn't have to do a tent run after H&A, and then I could have seen Chainska Brassika.

    Apart from that, nada.

    EDIT: Thursday I'd have swung up to the Crows Nest after Nova Twins for a bit for some drinks and shenanigans with my whatsapp group before heading to Greenpeace. Could have been done with hindsight.

    We caught Chainska Brassika on Small World but were too tired to really enjoy it. Friday was our “early night” in bed by 2am. Felt the benefit on Saturday - so much so that we wrote ourselves off for Sunday 🤦‍♂️ 😂 

  10. Just now, steviewevie said:

    ok, fair dos...with you on that actually.


    Right, back to the livestream.

    I was a genuinely pissing myself laughing when they shut the queue, only to put people who wanted to Join the queue into a queue. It blows my mind. 

    I just can’t wrap my head around this orgy of grief for a woman who lived 96 exceedingly privileged years and had absolutely minimal effect on people’s lives, other than the fact you always knew she existed. 

    I think people just like to make a fuss of things. Take my mother in law for example (no really, take her), she’s only really happy when some disaster has befallen someone else and she can find a way of making it about herself. 

  11. I don’t hate the queen or people who want to see her coffin. I just find it generally laughable and bizarre. 
    I do, however, feel angry at the way such fanfare is being made when it just seems so unnecessary and outdated in our society of massive iniquity. 

    15 minutes ago, BobWillis2 said:

    Ooh look how edgy I am, I hate the queen. 


    43 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    ...and anyway, does it matter if they watch the queen's speech? I don't know...I think all the spite towards those people who want to queue and show their respects,  or even actual members of royal family is just misguided, it is the system that is fucked up, and the system that needs changing. If you want to abolish the monarchy don't go and shout fuck off to some old lady who's sad about the queen or waving the flag at Charles..gets you nowhere...organise a march, demonstrate, join Republic etc


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