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Posts posted by blutarsky

  1. 1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

    for these people it's like a pilgrimage that many people make..whether it's to Mecca or Israel or Kumbh Mela or...Glastonbury Tor...for them it means a lot, for everyone else it looks ridiculous.

    Bollocks is it. Most people who make a pilgrimage to Mecca will also pray to it 5 times a day, every day. 
    I bet 90% of those in The Queue ™️ don’t even watch the Christmas Day speech. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Hugh Jass II said:

    I fear you know more Elbow songs than me and I am way out of my depth now.

    I'd bet that I don't, however, I do know Wikipedia and how to search for an artist's discography. The only Elbow song I could name off the top of my head is One Day Like This, which I actually thought was called A Moment Like This, if I'm totally honest. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Hugh Jass II said:

    There's definitely Grounds For Divorce.

    Seems he's become a bit of a Fallen Angel and could even be Seldom Seen in future. It would appear he doesn't have much Grace Under Pressure but perhaps what saves him will be if Guy Garvey wonders What Am I Without You

  4. 9 hours ago, steviewevie said:



    Fucking plebs, know your place. 

    All this queen shit is absolutely enraging me. Can’t wait for it to be over. I’m finding it increasingly difficult not to say or do something that’s going to get me in trouble. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, kingbadger said:

    Would love to know what else makes you middle class. I have a flat screen TV, does that count? I also have both a toaster AND a grill. How bourgeois. My flat has a two-seat sofa and an armchair, yet I'm the only person living in it. The absolute decadence. 

    I’ve got a Nutri-Bullet. Never mind middle class, I think that technically puts me 12th in line to the throne. 

  6. 15 hours ago, stuie said:

    Thing is, it’s still a filter.  People are either crew, or invited by crew.  The numbers are limited and you don’t get many twats.

    Always a great atmosphere in there. 

  7. Just watched the set back and it has me doubting my memory. 


    It's really pretty dark throughout the set, but we used the interstage cut through to watch half of The Killers then emerge into the middle of the Chems crowd bang on time for the drop of Hey Boy Hey Girl. Thing is, I vividly remember it still being light, maybe 10-15 minutes before the sun dipped below the horizon, however, the video footage doesn't reflect this. 

    Does anyone else remember it being light or have pics to corroborate my memory? Googled and couldn't find any. 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Old_Johno said:

    I’m going to throw my fiver on it being £299 for a ticket, think they will want to keep it under £300 as a mental barrier for people. 

    Won’t stop the complaining mind, but arguably festivals haven’t been “affordable” for at least 10 years

    Good logic. Hope you're right but don't think you will be. 

    I'm going £310. 

  9. On 8/8/2022 at 2:28 AM, Reckoner said:

    Very similar although I got the Covid out of the way before I left. Consistently sick from daycare germs from the 10 month old as well and the weather in Sydney generally terrible. 

    Was also feeling pretty comfortable that 2022 was my last one for a while, am still am, but can also feel the doubts starting to creep in as October approaches. 

    How are those doubts going? 

  10. I am FUCKING TERRIFIED that people are bein arrested purely for voicing republican sentiments. This is everything people fought against with the CJA in the 90s and the Public order Act earlier this year made real. 

    We now live in a police state. 

    And people are wallowing it and not complaining. Such a compliant populace. 

    I actually had my line manager explicitly tell me not to talk about the monarchy because she knows I'm anti-monarchist. My colleagues genuinely told me that as a teacher I'm not allowed a personal opinion because the teaching standards forbid it. Here's what the TS actually say: 

    Teachers have a responsibility to



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