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Posts posted by MEGABOWL

  1. 9 hours ago, fraybentos1 said:

    Feel like the 1975’s best shot at it was coming back after a bit of a break then doing glasto a bit more exclusively than what they’re doing atm. They headline trnsmt this year and then 3 of the last 4 reading/ Leeds. Just makes it more underwhelming if they then did glasto in 2024 after doing basically every other fest.

    Much as I love AM, the 1975 probs should have played this year instead 

    Doubt it’ll make any difference to their chances next year. Glastonbury doesn’t care about exclusivity in the same year let alone different years.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dronx said:

    Similar to my experience this morning but with AXS. Just left it running on my phone from half 10 and was through by about 11.25 

    Excellent. I had to go for seats as we’re gonna take the kids but £143 for what looks like a decent view pitch side view seems fairly reasonable by modern standards.

  3. Got 4 seats for Edinburgh off Ticketmaster using the browser on my phone. Joined the waiting room at 0930, was 3800 or so when the queue opened. All very easy.

  4. The baby won’t be a show stopper. Other people tour with kids, nannies etc. I still think she’s favourite for the slot that isn’t Dua and the 1975. If it isn’t her and they can’t get Madonna (likely) they’ll have to pivot to something else, possibly Dave. Agree with those who say Green Day would be a good shout one day.

  5. On 7/7/2023 at 1:52 PM, Hugh Jass II said:

    Now that the dust has settled we can look at it objectively I imagine they'll be looked at as a big band who came, played their set then left with minimal fuss.

    Hardly a barnstomer of a night but nowhere near the disaster many people thought (or wanted) it to be.

    Agreed. They were good, it was good fun, but nothing left changing or festival defining.

  6. It was a bit muddy to the left of the King Tuts stage where all the food stalls are, guess it cut up when they were setting up in the rain on Thursday. Apart from that it was fine but not sure how it'll hold up if we get the heavy showers forecast today

  7. 6 hours ago, sprocketrocket said:

    "At 61, Rose's vocals aren't what they once were, but he can still pull off a wolverine yowl when he warms up - and his snarling delivery remains convincingly menacing. (Some TV viewers complained his microphone was too quiet, but in the field he cut through the swathes of guitar like a knife through butter.)"


    I didn't say it was too quiet, I said he sounded like dame Edna everage 


    "It's only when the riff to Welcome To The Jungle rings out across the Pyramid Arena, a good 20 minutes into the set, that they achieve lift-off" 


    Sounds ace. You've totally convinced me. 



    It was ace. I get that you don’t want to feel like you’ve missed out but stop digging. You’ve even managed to include a quote that states how the sound in the field was much better than on TV, which is often the case.

  8. On 5/28/2023 at 2:11 PM, ShutUpDonny said:

    So, who's going to this one? Bought the ticket based on the lineup (and visiting Scotland for the 1st time seems like a nice bonus) but then I read up on the impressions from previous years and it looks like the crowds are ... kinda insufferable, especially if you're older? 

    I’m 46 and been a couple of times, not had any mither at all. Yeah there’s drunk teenagers around, it’s a festival, but it gets a bit overplayed IMO. There are plenty of older people about, especially late in the day.

  9. 3 hours ago, Drinky said:

    Are Kasabian the worst act to headline the Pyramid in the super fence era? They're jostling for that position with The Verve

    Rod Stewart


    Mumford and Sons

    Florence and the Machine

  10. 4 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Yes - but then he created a thread on eFestivals called Elton's Special Guests which only hyped people up.

    That was a bit naive. He didn’t have to tell people Britney was at Bristol Airport. Just got people all hepped up.

  11. 48 minutes ago, FuzzyDunlop said:

    I am definitely not saying no one would care (Ive already said that I would be there) - I'm only saying a noticeable percentage wouldnt be. Even if that percentage is only 30%. It's still large enough to make a difference in a way it didnt for Elton.

    I don’t think she’d get an ‘Elton doing his last UK gig’ crowd but I think she’d get a very big turnout. Shes very popular and whereas casual fans won’t arse around jumping through hoops trying to get tickets for her own gig I think a lot would at least go and check her out at a festival. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Frankly Mr Shankly said:

    I think he made the mistake of saying ‘4 special guests’ without setting the bar for who they were. If he’d said I want to use the slot to ‘highlight some great new talent’ then people’s expectations might have been lower and the crazy suggestions like Eminem, Britney & the Spice Girls wouldn’t have appeared. 

    It’s not his job to legislate for Internet craziness. What Furnish actually said:-


    “He just thought, 'I'd really like to do something with these artists at Glastonbury. And that's all I'm going to say.

    "Sorry. I am sworn to secrecy. This one is very special. It is not just another day in office. It's a different setlist - it's a huge outdoor live festival. He's got four different collaborators joining him on stage at different times, who I won't name, sorry."

  13. 5 hours ago, Frankly Mr Shankly said:

    Is that true? I know Glastonbury traditionally don’t pay over the odds like Coachella etc. but I find it hard to believe there’s a flat rate headliner fee. 

    I don’t think it is. A while back but I remember Michael talking about negotiations with different acts. There’s a ceiling which is very low compared to other festivals but there must be wiggle room.

  14. On 7/4/2023 at 6:09 PM, al_coholic said:

    His IoW show was embarrassing, absolutely dreadful. The bloke thinks far too much of himself.

    Oh he’s a proper bellend. The bellends bellend. So much of a bellend we almost need a new word for other vellends because he’s redefined the concept of bellendery. I wouldn’t be anywhere near. But he’s be a perfect Legend slot and is publicly well up for doing it. 

    • Upvote 1
  15. 1 hour ago, shuttlep said:

    it was great 


    it didn't feel special , i understand what people are about new young singers. I am not there to see new young singers I am there to  see a spectacular .  I was left stood there saying "who " when he got the guests on.   next week I won't remember the guests , i will even forget that one was Mr Flowers I will just remember the sing along 

    4 special guests and a customised setlist is pretty special. Not sure what else he could do. No promises were made about guests, that’s just an issue with people’s expectations

  16. 37 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Yes, with the likes of Ray of Light, Music and Hung Up in there too. But not.much from the last 15 years or so.

    That. Even then she could still make a hash of it. 

  17. 18 minutes ago, shuttlep said:

    the 4 guest he brought on added nothing to the show for me , he should have just done it on his own. I didn't even notice their was a quire there until I watched back on TV .


    he was amazing , could he have done more yes sooo much more, did he need to not really , but it would have been nice. I head how so many people were excited that Britney might come on, he  could have done more



    The guests were great. He said from the start one of the attractions of doing it was the way the festival breaks young acts. He even did a BBC special flagging up some of the upcoming acts elsewhere on the bill. Giving some the oxygen of publicity on his stage was a great idea. 

    The internet might have gone way over the top expecting him to get into some kind of special guest pissing contest with Macca but that isn’t his fault. He never promised that. 

    Setlist-wise he added Pinball Wizard and Are you ready for Love? and binned some more obscure tracks.

  18. 23 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

    Why do they need to go anywhere re "historical significance, weather, crowd,  massive name bringing the hits and a unique set, international attention etc."  If EJ is the end fine, they've had a good run. As we all know tickets will sell out anyway, so where's "the problem".

    Going for three younger headliners should be the default anyway. Last year, with the exception of Macca, should be the template going forward.

    And if GFL can dig up any more old duffers, then put them in the legends slot.

    Why should going for three younger headliners be ‘the default?’ That makes no sense at all. That’s as daft as saying ‘it should all be legacy headliners.’


    ”As we all know tickets will sell out anyway, so where's "the problem".”


    The problem is they can’t be arrogant enough to think like that. As soon as they do things will slide.

  19. 37 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Tracklist of the Greatest Hits album she released last year still a bit of a curate's egg.

    I’m of an age where my idea of a Greatest Hits set is The Immaculate Collection from start to finish and a couple of others. Which isn’t what we’ll get.

    • Upvote 1
  20. 1 hour ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Probably had more 'fun' at GnR as we were all high as kites and surrounded by a bunch of folk in exactly the same mood - so it was an absolute hoot.

    But Elton was objectively the better show.

    Definitely. It’s hard to see where the fest goes from there in terms of historical significance, weather, crowd,  massive name bringing the hits and a unique set, international attention etc.

    Theres some logic to going for three younger headliners next year to diffuse expectations and completely bodyswerve trying to follow it up.

  21. Objectively it was great, an absolute worldie and a pinnacle moment in the festivals history.

    Subjectively I enjoyed it but it’s only B Tier personally. I was too far back and it was too quiet. Enjoyed GNR more due to being much closer.

  22. 7 minutes ago, Comfy Bean said:

    Fancied Rihanna to do it but then I stayed up late and watched her stink out the Super Bowl.

    Loved the chat back in the day about how she was getting carried about backstage at T in the park to avoid touching that awful grass stuff*. Word was folks weren’t allowed to look at her 🤣

    * I have no evidence that any of this is true apart from the Superbowl which was clearly sh*t.

    I remember hearing that story 😆 Can’t wait until she smells Glastonbury.

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