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  1. Exclusive in August? In 2024?
  2. By „booked“ I meant „booked, but not announced“. He is expected to announce a tour soon with the official announcement of his new only unofficially released album. Rumored street date is 2nd August. Last tour was under Live Nation and announced for US and Europe at the same time. On a Friday at 4 pm…….
  3. With Jack White not at Lowlands and with no announcement yet, I wouldn‘t count on him. Guess he is just doing Scandinavia because he already has a tour booked for mainland Europe.
  4. Any idea why Justice couldn’t replace here as well?
  5. A comment 3 days ago on their Instagram on the post about the cancellation.
  6. Croatian promoter of the shows in Zagreb said the band is expected to make an announcement tomorrow. Also Lowlands is releasing their timetable tomorrow. So I expect a re-confirmation or cancellation tomorrow.
  7. Karlos12345


    I know the concept, thanks. But venue holds aren‘t for free and promoters won‘t do this for fun. So either the two talked or agreed upon via management. Or nothing is in place.
  8. Hope Jack White announces more dates soon and adds a few gigs this side of the pond.
  9. Karlos12345


    I‘m sorry but why would you „put everything in place“ for a reunion when the two have not even spoken to each other?
  10. Karlos12345


    Wembley block bookings? Have there been any?
  11. Karlos12345


    @chew the fat What timeframe are we looking at for the gig? June?
  12. Karlos12345


    If true, you‘re sharing news of the year of the music scene I guess. Want to believe and would definitely be there, but first poster with info like this has gotten my hopes up for nothing before. Interested but not convinced yet.
  13. You got that from reddit? Would be interesting to see, if this proves to be true. Could be legit but could also just be someone who seeks attention.
  14. Rumor has it (Italian photographer for I-Days) Josh has hernia. I think they canceled the obvious dates where a recovery is impossible and wait for an update after the surgery to decide on the rest. Unfortunately I don‘t see him playing 7 shows in 14 days only 4.5 weeks after emergency surgery for hernia. Fingers crossed but I don‘t have my hopes up. Hopefully they can reschedule the headline shows for the fall.
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