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Posts posted by Quark

  1. 35 minutes ago, Miathedog said:

    I liked getting the magazine on the way out that had the double-page spread aerial photo in it. Sat looking at one on the wall

    now 😂 


    We always had campsite fires. I think the last was 2009, remember having two big sections of tree trunks that year as well, we were all sitting on them by the fire. We seem to have had a lot of room in camp that year as I remember . 

    We had a very similar setup in 09 up in Big Ground

  2. 12 hours ago, Porcelina said:

    Strange, was my fourth time seeing them and comfortably the worst. Atmosphere felt really disjointed, but it down to the recent bereavement. Rachel seemed all over the place and the house light situation set a weird tone from the off.

    Ugh, forgot about the house lights! That was laughably inept. First time I've seen that sort of thing be an issue at the Dome.

    I'd love to see them on a good day in that case, I really enjoyed it.  But maybe the benefit of not having much to compare it to and just letting the noise wash over me!

  3. Long shot but just listed a seated ticket for Slowdive at Brighton Dome on Twickets after managing to get a standing one. Accepting offers.

    Lesson for all concerned: be careful when buying tickets half asleep and in bed 😂

  4. 52 minutes ago, Superscally said:

    Love him. He smashed that Superbowl halftime

    I may have seen you professing your admiration on one or two twitter posts, but by and large you've been fairly quiet on the subject 😁

  5. 45 minutes ago, talaw53863 said:

    I've been eyeing "A Fabulous Creation" myself; seems like a fascinating dive into the evolution of the album format. And anything Beatles-related usually piques my interest, so "Abbey Road" by Hepworth is definitely on my radar now. "Bob Marley: The Untold Story" sounds like a captivating read too; always down for a good music biography. Don Letts' "There And Black Again" sounds intriguing, especially if you're into the punk scene. And "The People’s Songs" seems like a unique take on British history through music. Plus, "1,001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die" sounds like a hefty but rewarding read for any music lover. Thanks for sharing your current read, "Perfect Circle: The Story of REM" – definitely adding that to my list!

    Should add that Hepworth's book is on the history of Abbey Road Studios rather than the album, but pretty sure there'll be a fair amount of Beatles-related chat in there.

  6. 22 hours ago, gigpusher said:

    I have a policy now to not discuss things I don't like in public forums online (apart from the Tories) I prefer to spend my energy on things that bring me joy. Obviously there's lots of music that's not for me and younger me would probably have had a list of about 30 songs that I couldn't stand but now I just choose not to give any more attention to the things that are not for me and spend my time on the things that bring me joy.

    The world today has slim pickings for joy in general so I cling to it in the music and art that I love.

    We all need to be a little more GP 🙂

  7. 1 minute ago, gigpusher said:

    It's an arena gig and not a stadiium one but saw a Facebook post with someone complaining about The Corrs ticket prices and so I had to have a look. Cheapest tickets £93 and went up to £230. I mean that's just crazy to me.

    What can you do, Andrea? I'll tell you what you can bloody well do!

  8. A Fabulous Creation: How the LP Saved Our Lives by David Hepworth is quite a good read as a year-by-year snapshot of the development of the album as a concept and the combo of industry and social changes around it. It does get a bit old man yells at cloud at times, but if you can get past that it's decent.  Got his Abbey Road book to read soon as well.

    Bob Marley: The Untold Story by Chris Salewicz also good, really enjoyed that one.

    There And Black Again by Don Letts was pretty good, mixture of autobiography and the development of Punk.  I'm a fan of Letts so enjoyed it, but might not be for everyone.

    The People’s Songs: The Story of Modern Britain in 50 Records by Stuart Maconie was a great read for me personally.  Does what it says on the tin, takes 50 songs over 50 years and does a chapter on what's happening in Britain at the time that ties in with it.

    Also picked up a copy of 1,001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die in a charity shop a while back.  Great (if weighty) book if you fancy something to pick up and read a few pages, or get some inspiration on what to listen to.

    Currently reading Perfect Circle: The Story of REM by Tony Fletcher.  3 chapters in and love it, going right from the initial meetings in Athens through to the time they called it a day. 

  9. 1 hour ago, gigpusher said:

    Yes I wasn’t being entirely serious but as  CalGon says it’s not impossible for maybe a one off for something that meant a lot to them. They don’t hate each other or anything like that. 

    Yes I can’t see a cash in reunion tour although stranger things have happened. 

    Obviously so Quark doesn’t have to buy a new book we’ll have to ensure it was a final split. Maybe Michael Stipe will do a solo set with his new material. 

    Finally, someone gets it

  10. 3 hours ago, gigpusher said:

    The reformed REM could happen!! 


    2 hours ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    It's by no means likely, but the members all seemingly still get on - so on that basis they're more likely to join up for one last mega-tour than the likes of, say, Talking Heads, The Jam or The Smiths.

    Saw something on Twitter about this today. Think it was summed up quite well as "we'd all love to see REM reform, but at the same time it would take away a little bit of what we love about them".

    They've been so adamant about not doing it and being collectively happy with how they signed off that, as much as I'd be in line to see them, I genuinely hope they don't. It'd be nice to see them stick to their guns.

    Personally I don't think it'll ever happen. You might get a one-off song at some kind of big charity event or something like that, but I don't see them doing any new music or a reunion tour for the dollar.

    Plus I've just started Tony Fletcher's biography of them that goes right from the beginning to the separation, and I don't want to have to buy an updated edition.

  11. 13 hours ago, Superscally said:

    Definitely absent? Or just currently?

    Opted for a year out. Unless the poster drop ticks an unprecedented number of boxes or a reformed REM come straight outta left field, it's a no from me.

    13 hours ago, Beerqueen said:

    He's getting worried about the shoulder carry!

    Still lighter than my rucksack 😁

  12. 38 minutes ago, Scrump said:

    Off topic but can I ask what it was like camping by Woodsies? I'm considering it this year

    I know long walk to SE corner but not too bothered by that. I hear they had more late night stuff going on around there but can't seem to find out what it was or if it was any good. 


    We were up that way in 2022, camped in Lime Kiln.  It's decent for sleeping as it's quite out of the way, great if you're coming by coach through PGA as it's not as far to walk and you can make a quick escape to the bus queues on Mon morning.

    But it's also miles away from everything.  Nearby food options aren't great. Heading back to the tent to grab something became less of an option as the weekend wore on. 

    Personally wouldn't camp there again tbh, but does have its benefits.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, The Nal said:

    He also believes the Haiti earthquake was caused by a secret US weapon, climate change is a hoax, the NWO caused the financial crash, Trump won the election, Bin Laden died in 2001........

    He's going for the full house

  14. 21 minutes ago, Franky said:

    Tricky, search Hell is round the corner, listen to silky music

    Suspect we're at cross purposes here.  Implication that Tricky snuck into Bristol using a terrible disguise.

    As you were.

  15. 4 minutes ago, gigpusher said:

    The more I listened to it the more I like it actually.

    Feels a bit like Jim Steinman decided to get involved with the tail end of Britpop. 

    This is a good thing.

  16. 18 hours ago, Supernintendo Chalmers said:

    And the Booker Prize for 2024 goes to...

    Can you get someone to record a reading of that passage and add it to your playlist? Morgan Freeman perhaps.

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