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Posts posted by Charm

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mouseboy11 said:

    In fairness, the people offering the service have no more chance of getting a ticket than we do ourselves.

    Agreed but it is pretty awful that someone can pay for extra chances to get tickets. 

    Charm x

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  2. 28 minutes ago, JoshuaSimmonds said:

    Curiosity got the better of me for anyone curious about Bark.


    So it is a thing then, totally unfair, let’s hope the festival contact the site and ask them to remove the service.

    Charm x

  3. 15 hours ago, Pinhead said:

    Youve been to shedloads of Glasto's tho haven't you - would that then be the first that youve missed since the 80s?

    I didn’t attend 09-14 and only started getting lucky in sales from 2015, mates had always got mine for previous festivals and as my Glastonbury gang has now dwindled to 2, I’m the only one seriously trying. I’m also guessing my newbies will be pretty useless on the day and having a back up plan feels good.

    Wishing you lots of luck. 

    Charm x 

  4. 1 hour ago, Little Andy said:

    Thank you Charm, that would be utterly brilliant if there ends up being room!

    No problem, there’s definitely 4 of us and the other spaces being filled depend on whether a couple more newbies manage to register, seems pretty unlikely now.

    Charm x

  5. 1 hour ago, Little Andy said:

    Nightmare! My ticket group ended up with 7 people (the dreaded number). Everyone knew everyone except me, so I've bitten the bullet and been the 1 to pull out. Is there anyone out there in a group with space for 1 more? I'll be all hands on deck for the sale, and have never missed out on tickets on all 5 attempts (either me or a friend getting through!)

    Not sure how many I’m trying for yet but will happily add you if there’s room, will let you know nearer the time. 

    Charm x

  6. 1 hour ago, DareToDibble said:

    I have serious concerns about this rule where your registration will be locked for 10 minutes.

    Say you’re lucky enough to see that glorious payment page. Put your details in and the page dies... going back/refreshing doesn’t work.

    If you are lucky enough to get through again you won’t be able to get them anyway as your registration will be locked? Horrible to think about.

    I’m worried about this too, fortunately I have another registration number to use in case of problems.

    Charm x 

  7. 9 hours ago, kalifire said:

    This appears to have changed this year. You get 5 minutes to enter payment details now, theoretically anyway. 

    I’m sure that’s the intention but I won’t be surprised if a load of people complain that it sold out when they were entering their payment details. 

    Charm x

  8. 14 minutes ago, northernringo said:

    So if you get to the payment page, and proceed to pay within 5 minutes, you are essentially guaranteed tickets? Basically, at this point have you been allocated tickets?

    Or can 100 people view the payments page even when there are just 80 tickets left, for example?

    They can still sell out while you are entering payment details. 

    Charm x

  9. 1 hour ago, Gnomicide said:

    They cocked up the info about Gate D and were sending people to A saying D was full when it was actually fast flowing and then clear from around 9:30.

    If entering from the car parks gate A is horrific as the coach side of the gate gets priority and those poor souls are held back for ages, never go to A from the car park, it’s a terrible trick. 

    Charm x

  10. 5 minutes ago, Billy Shears said:


    Hi guys, for those left to head up the organisation of a large group of hopefuls, the attached document that I've made might be of use to you! 

    It gives a step by step guide to a tried and tested system that people have discussed on here and other information useful to newbies! 

    It's not really 'tips or tricks' but organization seems to be a good start for ticket day! 

    I made this document a 'Google Doc', which could be accessed and edited by anyone who has the link - the link was then put in our group Whatsapp so people could add there details to the document and build the teams. It seems to have been popular amongst my teams and easy to understand.

    I know a lot of people will already have their own systems in place but for those who don't please feel free to crib off this one.

    I'm hoping sharing this on here will bring some of you ticket success on the 6th and also mean the ticket gods look favorably on me!

    Cheers and best of luck for Tday!

    Glastonbury Team Sheet.docxUnavailable

    Thanks but can’t open it.  

    Charm x

  11. I wondered what was going on too, we walked through from the disabled car park and joined the nearest q which turned out to be pretty quick. I did notice coaches that came in after us were dropping people far away but still doesn’t explain why there was 3 q’s. 

    Charm x

  12. 1 hour ago, parsonjack said:

    Although last year bucked the trend (for me anyway....) I still firmly believe there is a 'sweet spot' around 15-20 mins in where the chances of getting a registration page improve...mainly due to reduced demand as people get tickets, those giving up, and those who get on FB, Twitter, forums etc to complain they aren't having any success.

    Focus people, FOCUS!

    I agree, have got tickets around that time myself, its the point in the sale where the dedicated can get lucky. 

    Charm x

  13. 2 hours ago, clarkete said:

    Every year there are always those who do it during (or most amusingly just after) the sale itself - sometimes including details that they really shouldn't put in a public forum. 

    Who has time to be posting in a forum when they should be concentrating on the sale, they hardly deserve tickets, I only come on here when I’m done. 

    Charm x

  14. 1 minute ago, DareToDibble said:

    Amazing, thanks!

    I’m assuming you also want tickets yourself? Closer to the time send me over your groups details and we can try for you, too :) Could do 3 groups of 6 with @Hugh Jass?

    Definitely want tickets, sounds like a good plan but obviously if the people I have offered help to fail in the coach I will have to help them first, will let you know.  

    Charm x


  15. 3 hours ago, Hugh Jass said:

    As awful as it sounds I do feel that we as a community should be looking out for each other rather than the random strangers who will inevitably pop up over the next week or so asking for help then vanish never to be seen again.


    16 minutes ago, DareToDibble said:

    Is it worth us grouping up into 2 or 3 groups of 6 amongst ourselves? I have a group of 6 and would be happy to pair up with another 1 or 2 groups to help each other should we get through. As has been said I think any more than that could become incredibly chaotic but should be easy enough to manage just 2 or 3?

    I totally agree that we should be helping each other out and I’ve already offered to help people from here with the coach sale,  if they get lucky I will happily take both of your details and try for you in the main sale, will be in touch closer to the time.

    Charm x

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  16. 7 hours ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

    I kind of had this discussion with my wife the other day. She asserted that there truly is no God. I asked her how she knew this ie. what facts she was using to support her view point. I went on to say that you could only know this as a fact if you were dead, which isn't the case. She then admitted that she had no facts to offer. The thing is, to my mind, nobody can offer any facts on either side of this argument. You can have the scientists saying that the Big Bang caused it all, yet they are unable to explain how those elements were created /' in existence in the first place, other than saying that they were just there. On the flip side of this the arguments that there is a God, are just based on faith, not on facts. Now a christian could say that the Bible is factual, but then that would mean that the Quran (for example) is a load of nuts. However, Muslims the world over, will say that the Bible is nuts. 

    Now if we extrapolate this a little further, the Bank of America has stated on record that there's a 20 - 50% chance that we are all actually living in a 'Matrix' like simulation. And maybe, we are. But that then begs the question as to whose 'Matrix' this is? 

    So to conclude, and this is only my opinion (on religion not lay lines), how can anybody have the audacity to say that there isn't a God, or that there is a God. Surely, if one had common sense, then one would have to be an agnostic. Any other view point, is untenable.

    Sorry, I managed to get that on to God, but then again I've been on the G & T's (and a little bit of drug) celebrating since the Supreme Court decision earlier!

    I think god is a pretty good example and I agree that no one can properly explain with actual facts rather than personal opinions as to why it does/doesn’t exist, so if my little old nan wants to believe in god through the medium of Catholicism and that makes her happy who am I to tell her she is wrong and make her feel bad. 

    What we believe is up to us as individuals and as long as people aren’t hurting others because of those beliefs and they enjoy them then it’s fine by me. 

    Charm x 

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