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Posts posted by SheffJeff

  1. 7 minutes ago, Mr.Tease said:



    Thats the first thing that came to mind when I heard this new rule. I would be interested to know what constitutes a meal though. I can see wetherspoons offering a free pint with every 3.00 chip ordered or some other ludicrous loophole they can find.

  2. 12 minutes ago, philipsteak said:

    Have to wait until they've all sorted lucrative contracts for their mates first. Only fair


    Interesting thread by Jo Maugham regarding just one of the many backhanded deals made by the Cummings clan... wonder how much money they're gonna make out of the second wave.




  3. 7 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    I'll do Fuzzy's job for him. I presume he's talking about this story. It really helps to provide a link at least to any story you want to bring up.


    Fuck me, I do hate that prick (Hancock not Fuzzy). Im also slightly pissed off that they have a smoking room if I'm honest.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Fuzzy Afro said:

    Yeah exactly. If life is just a game of “protecting the vulnerable” and me going round to my in laws for Sunday lunch continues to be a crime indefinitely, I’d rather just top myself. 

    They must make a bloody good sunday lunch! 😀

  5. 1 hour ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    To be fair, I was taught at school that the mean, median and mode were all different kinds of averages.  I know that the mean is generally taken to be "the" average, but given the audience at what people learn at school, I think we can give them that one - especially since  they've clarified which average they mean (pun not intended).

    My old man always used to tell my Mum 'Liz, you're a mean cook. And by mean I mean average'.

    Sorry for the non relevant/interesting comment but this conversation just brought back a memory I'd not thought of for years.

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  6. 59 minutes ago, ace56blaa said:

    This is a really bleak topic, but I was looking into the argument about suicide due to lockdown. 

    I can't seem to find any recorded or released data about suicides in 2020 in the UK.

    Obviously ONS has posted data from last year, showing suicide has increased in the uk the last ten years, but nothing about directly resulting from the pandemic. 

    In fact only data I can find suggests that the first quarter of the year wasn't as high as previous years, but the ONS data said that there'd be delays due to covid and publishing data like this. 

    I know it's a depressing subject, but if anyone has the info I would like to know as it's important to weigh these things thinking about lockdown.

    My mum volunteers on a suicide hotline thing and apparently calls were significantly lower than usual during lockdown. I'd never really thought of the reasons this might be but Mr Tease raises some interesting points above.   

  7. 5 minutes ago, eFestivals said:


    It was particularly interesting to me as my elderly mum was in hospital (non-covid) during the summer, and around a week after admission was oddly confused (and annoyingly, the docs wouldn't believe that wasn't her normal state).

    I'd been thinking she'd got in and out of hospital safely without catching covid but now I'm not so sure.

    Sounds like it's a possibility... it's a shame antibody tests aren't more widely available as I'm sure it would ease a number of peoples worries if they knew they'd already had it though I know they aren't flawless (my mum who's in her 70s had the worst flu of her life in December with all the classic Covid symptoms but this was obviously prior to Covid apparently being in the UK so she's lived like a hermit all year). 

  8. 2 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    this week's private eye says that the main symptom in elderly people is a 'a new mental confusion' - which isn't anything I've heard before.

    Maybe Trumps had it for even longer than he's letting on.

  9. 2 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    thanks ... I will hold off using mine whilst I find that out ..... social distancing might just about allow 2 people in it ... :( and theres no way people will know without holding the door open ... so unless its bookable in time slots ill avoid 

    To me it seems like they've reopened due to economic reasons rather than there being any evidence that they're safe.

  10. This is the article:

    In new government guidelines, saunas and steam rooms have been given the go-ahead to reopen after more than six months closed. On average such facilities account for 40 percent of revenue for spas, although according to the UK Spa Association, this figure can be up to 75 percent.   
    The UK has over 900 spa and wellness businesses, which together generate £2.1 billion and employ 45,000 people. Although popular, massages and facials are classed as ‘add-ons’ in spa settings. With many customers booking in for spa days without treatments, until now many businesses have had to weigh up the financial viability of opening up for treatments alone.  
    Helena Grzesk, the general manager of the UK Spa Association said, “ We have waited several months to reopen saunas and steam rooms, and the prolonged closure has been detrimental and frustrating for the industry.   
    “We wrote to the Prime Minister, Chancellor, Secretary of State for BEIS, Secretary of State for DCMS, and Chief Medical Officer on several occasions to request a reopening date and to further emphasise the evidence around the safety of saunas and steam rooms.”  
    An integral part of any spa, saunas and steam rooms positively affects muscles, joints and bones. Heat can help to remove lactic acid, salt and urea from the body and facilitates the absorption of nutritional substances and oxygen. The heat also stimulates the immune system whilst steam opens and clears the respiratory system, unblocking sinuses and helping the client to breathe more freely.

    No mention of why they are safe.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Fuzzy Afro said:

    Could argue that the care home thing meant that the NHS wasn’t overwhelmed which would have meant a lot of deaths of people in the 40s-60s whereas sending infected patients to cate homes meant more of the deaths were 80+. So for that one mitigating factor, I’ll still give the gold medal to the recent fuckup which led to 50,000 close contacts of people who tested positive running amok in society instead of self isolating. But it’s a photo finish as I said. 

    85% of the time I agree with you completely and 15% of the time I think you might be a troll... to me this is one of the 15% comments.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, stuie said:

    Not everyone has the same treatment options and 10 medical staff as you, you absolute narcissist. 

    I don't think he could have posted a worst tweet for downplaying Covid to the average yank. Fucking tool.

  13. 39 minutes ago, Mr.Tease said:

    Usually called a manic episode, but I don't think that's what's going on with him, maybe it's medication fuelled, or desperation or just the product of the last 4 years of people enabling and rewarding this kind of self-deluded BS

    I completely agree though I think he's actually spent his whole life doing what he wants with no condemnation or consequence just constant praise and reward.  A textbook narcisistas as homer says.

  14. His twitter feeds been very shouty today though I suppose he is trump. I do have a good friend who's schizophrenic though and these tweets remind me of the WhatsApp messages I tend to get from him when he's on the verge of getting sectioned.


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