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Posts posted by SheffJeff

  1. 8 minutes ago, onthebeach said:

    A bit early but could we have a list of ‘people of the year’ - who has helped you get through the bad times/inspired you? Would it need a separate thread? I’ve got mine ready!

    Toilet Ducks gotta be up there for most on this forum.

    • Upvote 4
  2. 30 minutes ago, fatyeti24 said:

    There's a innuendo laden joke in there, but tbh, I've had a couple of beers and I can't be arsed.


    Theres a lot of comings and goings and unless cummings is going Boris isn't going to be cumming.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 55 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    I keep getting in quarrels on twitter with some of the dickheads who were at the protest in Manchester.

    My mates dickhead wife was at it and I couldn't decide whether to engage as her view are blinkered and she is quite scary but just realised my mild mannered mums having a friendly go at her on Facebook. "Were there many NHS workers there?" Etc. Go Mum.

  4. Lauren Hills was one of my bigger Glastonbury disappointments, was so excited to see her but she just couldn't be arsed and I gave up within a couple of songs. Have been going down the rap route and never heard this before:

    ... listening to a sweet bit of Sam Cooke though has now changed my path.


  5. 1 minute ago, Kurosagi said:


    "The president could come back in Georgia, it's not over...I have breaking news, over to a news alert in Georgia...Biden has increased his lead to 1096, but Trump has declared that this is not a legitimate vote...well there's a lot to react to...Georgia doesn't vote for democrats..."

    Jesus, I'm not sure I can take much more, I'm actually craving numbers, facts, a magic wall and people who can string a coherent argument together...

    Think you've done enough for the team mate, get back to CNN.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

    A bloodbath. Goes to the senate and I believe the VP gets involved. Unlikely scenario I would have said though, but also anything that will involve senate or supreme court will end up in a Trump win.

    Interesting chat on NBC (or was it CNN, too much channel hopping) about Democrats hoping for a moral victory at the beginning of the count i.e. a convincing win, so that it would 'repudiate' Trump's approach and set the tone for reducing divisions. Also looking unlikely seeing how things are panning out.

    AP calling Texas for Trump and Democrats looking at losing house seats.

    Out of upvotes but thanks for the info.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Kurosagi said:

    Can't work out whether a a 269 tie is still on the cards:

    Steven Shepard
    Senior campaigns and elections editor

    5:52 a.m.

    Taking Biden at face value about Michigan and Wisconsin — where, for what it’s worth (not that much), the exit poll data looks pretty good for him and he came in with a significant polling lead — here’s where the map goes: If Biden wins those two, plus Maine, Nevada and Arizona, but nothing else, he’s at 269 electoral votes. Which means he’s a Nebraska-02 (where he’s currently leading) away from hitting 270 on the number, WITHOUT Pennsylvania and Maine’s 2nd District.

    Sorry if this has already been covered as I'm still half asleep... what happens if its a 269 tie? Penalty shootout?

  8. 1 minute ago, Kurosagi said:

    For the non CNN watchers..."If Biden wins Ohio then Trump has *no* path to the White House".

    And currently the stats only include 29% of the early vote so more Biden stuff to come...

    Also for the non CNN watchers, their presenters appear to have access to very high quality speed.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    I do hope that one of the three* "shits" of this thread will indeed be over soon.

    * Trump, Tories, COVID.

    You know its a really shit top three when trumps the one you want to get rid of least!

  10. 12 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Yeah - ours defaulted to Brazilian for some reason.

    As strange as it sounds I think I actually enjoyed watching it in Portugese more. When I watch something with subtitles I have to 100% engage where as when its in english I find myself messing about on my phone or laptop and generally missing bits. I suppose thats why I used to like the nordic noir type series.

  11. Watched the first episode of The Mandalorian last night, late to the party I know. Was a bit confused why they'd filmed it all in an alien dialect with English subtitles but enjoyed it nevertheless. Just watching the second episode and I've realised that for some reason the audio was set to Portuguese, I'm now enjoying it in English. What a tit.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    eh? I want chancellor job or nothing. I am pretty good at sums...if that helps.

    I don't want to doubt your financial credentials but I doubt even this government with their reckless spending would bet a tenner on trump! 😀

  13. 2 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    Greenfields crafts arent they ? 

    Thats right pal, she's obviously a massive glastonbury fan so is probably on here already and this has probably been posted before but thought I'd share on the off chance it hadn't.

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