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Posts posted by SheffJeff

  1. 19 minutes ago, efcfanwirral said:

    isn't that exactly what turning a hard capitalist country into a socialist one would do? (the type the hard left Corbyn worshippers want I mean). Not take everything away, but chip away at their money with taxes etc a lot more aggressively than before?

    It seems I'm a hard left Corbynite which I'm not ashamed of but surely any future Labour policy will include taxing the rich more aggressively?    

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Fuzzy Afro said:

    I assume we’re also withholding treatment to those with underlying conditions caused by obesity or alcoholism or smoking as well then?


    what a load of tosh. 

    I fucking hope not or I'm fucked on all counts.

  3. 6 hours ago, Homer said:

    Lee Hurst trending on Twitter with his rebellious right wing schtick (I actually quite like LH - I used to go to his comedy club a fair bit - but he's not really helping himself here):

    One of the responses to this made me smile... surprised I've not seen this before.


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  4. 6 minutes ago, Wellyboot said:

    all this Christmas talk is really sad. 

    Usually by this time in the year im one of them really annoying people thats already well excited for Christmas, all my shopping almost done, what paper will i get what ribbon will i get..  but im just not excited this year :( 

    probably cos all of 2020 is a shitshow but its still sad

    My girlfriends said to me last night 'As it's been a shit year I think we should put the tree up early this year'.  No issue to me, I like having the tree up.  'When?' I asked. 'At the  weekend' she replied. Fuck me.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Mr.Tease said:

    Genuinely don’t know how that MP can say that with a straight face when his leader is Boris ‘Absentee Father Extraordinaire’ Johnson


    27 minutes ago, basicminds said:

    I am reading the bbc article on free school meals during the holidays which the tories voted against and found this interesting:

    Bassetlaw MP Mr Clarke-Smith asked: "Where is the slick PR campaign encouraging absent parents to take some responsibility for their children?

    "I do not believe in nationalising children, instead we need to get back to the idea of taking responsibility.

    "This means less celebrity virtue signalling on Twitter by proxy and more action to tackle the real causes of child poverty."

    An interesting point about absent parents not taking responsibility and makes me wonder what the psychological reasons could be for this.  Maybe Boris can shed some light on why people abandon their kids?

    This is the prick in question and I feel that's a bit of an insult to pricks.

  6. 3 minutes ago, efcfanwirral said:

    Ah red wall....hope Brexit is worth it..

    Part of me wants to feel smug and say to them 'I told you so you dickhead' and then I realise that the countries pretty fucked and I can't see an imminent way out which is immensely frustrating. I think if I'm honest I was secretly hoping that I'd been wrong all along about Brexit and it was actually a good idea and I'd just not understood the complex issues surrounding it and that the Tories weren't absolute scrotes but sadly I've been proven right again.  Woo hoo... definitely don't feel like a winner though. 

  7. 2 hours ago, RobertProsineckisLighter said:

    Wonder what Dan Jarvis and the leaders have accepted. Couple of million and a repaint of the Dickie Bird statue?

    I don't know enough about Dan Jarvis to know what stance he'll take but I'm sure Magid would've gone down the Andy Burnham path (for right or wrong I'm not sure). I think politics needs more of this type of honesty.



  8. 32 minutes ago, priest17 said:

    Wow not cool guys



    The only reason for turning off comments on a tweet like this is when you know you're a sly c**t and the comments would almost entirely be derogatory. Fucking weasel.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    Because the vast majority in the country don’t want a no deal, by calling it the Australia-style deal they hope that people won’t notice. 

    And sadly they're probably right... it'll be spun that its all Europes fault and BoJo will get away with more of his bullshit.

  10. I think we should all take a lot of comfort in the fact that these clever fuckers in white coats have managed to develop a safe vaccine in such a short period of time as this sort of time scale is unprecedented. I know I'll sleep a little sounder tonight knowing there's now a light at the end of the tunnel.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    I’m just holding out hope that they might at some point get something right ... like they did with getting several vaccines .... although it’s a long shot at know ... 

    I've got faith in the competent scientists and from this mornings news it suggests we'll have a vaccine in the first quarter of next year... I'm just wondering how the government will fuck it up for us though.

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