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Everything posted by cellar

  1. It's pretty worrying that you're struggling to grasp the concept that it's not okay to call someone weird. Now please, stop replying to me. There's absolutely no need to continue this.
  2. I know you struggle with the fundamentals of discussion and debate, so I'll let you off on this one, buddy. Now go and find someone else to take your issues out on, there's a good lad.
  3. I am talking about public reaction to events that involve power manipulation and vulnerable people. You can disagree with the comparison if you like, but there is absolutely no need to call me weird for it. You've been told off, you're in the wrong. Accept it and move on. I won't even demand an apology.
  4. I guess I should be glad that you've done as I asked and insulted me directly this time. But if you want to trade personal insults that's fine, you absolute cretin.
  5. The point is, I thought quite obviously, that these are all just accusations. As has been pointed out by Nobody, there isn't the same level of uproar when it's not a celebrity. It's just a subject that I think is worth discussing, is all. I absolutely don't think any of these are okay. And would appreciate not being called weird for wanting to discuss it, Ozanne, so wind your neck in.
  6. Schofield wasn't, but Edwards was initially by the Sun. And then you get into the whole thing of, just because what Schofield did wasn't illegal, was it right? To me all of these things are abuses of power, and I don't think any of them are right, if the narratives are true. My problem is that I don't know that I have any right to assume their guilt.
  7. Yeah I think he probably is guilty of these things, but I'm aware that those beliefs are based on prejudices I have about him and his character, due to the way he's portrayed (mostly by himself) through media I consume. I wouldn't be as quick to assume the guilt of someone who wasn't famous. It's a scary thing really. And I think the lines become blurred as we look over the different cases of celebrities being accused of things, which is why I brought up Kevin Spacey. He was found not guilty by a court, but do you still assume his guilt? What about Huw Edwards? Philip Schofield? Edit: changed "didn't know" to "someone not famous" - I don't know Russell Brand
  8. Genuine question - have you already assumed his guilt? How do you feel about Kevin Spacey? I'm not sure either way, about either of them. But it's a tricky one
  9. Looks like BarryFish at the front there
  10. Ah I'm just on a phone unfortunately
  11. Did I miss something - was he banned? 😂
  12. Sorry, nit-picking mode - suffrage isn't votes for women. Suffrage is just rights to vote. The fights that came before giving women the right to vote were to give men who didn't own property the right to vote. So that's why people say "women's suffrage" and why they are called suffragettes.
  13. This was fun, makes me want to go and do loads of those quizzes that tell me what power ranger I am or what my favourite season is.
  14. Yeah another rate rise seems inevitable, but I think 5.75% is still on the cards (still lower than earlier predictions of peaking at 6%)
  15. Finally, something that actually sounds like Labour.
  16. I love this version of Topp Trumps
  17. Also my statement was clearly following on from the point before it, ie. That its perceived as harmless, when it isn't. There's a lot of information around about the damage that alcohol can do, I don't think there is the same level of information around about the dangers of nos. I also literally stated that maybe an information campaign would be better. So yeah, nice knee-jerk response.
  18. Feel like that's a bit of a unnecessary response - I think I made it clear that I just think there needs to be something done about the situation. I don't think there is "no actual reason" behind it, as you put it.
  19. I do think something needs to be done about it though. I think the perception of it is that its harmless, but I unfortunately know of someone who died from too much of the stuff. It seems like a blunt way to drive home the point, what is it, 2 years in prison? That seems ridiculous. Maybe some sort of information campaign would be better.
  20. Bad faith acting is when someone argues for something that they don't actually believe in, usually to further some other agenda. In the context of this thread, Ozanne uses it as a way of pretending that he doesn't believe that these people mean what they say, so he can avoid responding to them. Funnily enough, an example of bad faith in itself. Also, @Nobody Interesting can you please stop peppering your replies to people with insults? It's really unnecessary the amount of times you've called people stupid today.
  21. Something we can all agree on... Good riddance
  22. Where do you live @mattiloy? Should I be jealous?
  23. Also if they took government spending out of space exploration, do you really think they'd spend it on making poor people's lives better?
  24. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/infographics/20-inventions-we-wouldnt-have-without-space-travel I'll hold my hands up and say I'm biased because I'm a massive space nerd 🤓 but those are some pretty cool inventions.
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