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Posts posted by hurdy

  1. 1 minute ago, incident said:

    Fair enough - I'm basing that on how it's worked in previous years as I've got a ticket this time. Hopefully someone with more up to date knowledge can provide a better answer.

    Phew, was worried I'd missed something then! 

  2. 20 minutes ago, incident said:

    Both Monday and Tuesday are official arrival days for the regular shift - when you filled out your profile (assuming you've done that), you would have selected either Monday or Tuesday arrival - if you need to change this, probably best to E-Mail them. 

    Don't remember an option to put my arrival day in when I did my profile? 

  3. 8 minutes ago, StoneCircle said:

    Or deliberately under quoting as any promoter would do?

    I dunno, they could over quote by the same percentage and still sell out within half an hour. Can't see what they gain by doing so. 

  4. 44 minutes ago, Wherethewildthingsare said:

    This was the thread I was looking for! No time now for fresh  raspberries or rhubarb so thinking ruhubarb & custard or lemon sherbert...

    Plenty of time for rhubarb, six to eight weeks has always worked well for me. 

    I've also found the same amount of time works for frozen berries. Smash them up in a pestle and mortar with some sugar and then chuck it in a mason jar. No idea if that works better than fresh, but it's good when I've made it that way. 

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  5. 17 minutes ago, marathonsteve said:

    Why have you got to go for training for the third time ? or maybe I have missed something here

    They're asking for everyone to train this year irrespective (due to the fallow year) 

  6. 1 hour ago, chuckles07 said:

    Has anyone ever seen a Dynamo show at Glastonbury - what is it like? I like him a lot, he seems a decent bloke and he does some amazing stuff, i have never seen him at Glastonbury though.

    As far as I know, no adult will have. Kids only in the tent in Kidzfield when he's on, parents have to wait outside (or certainly was when wee went up) 

  7. 44 minutes ago, Sasperella said:

    Yeh, and, does anyone else think that 23 minutes actually seems like a relatively long amount of time for the coach resale to sell out? Sadly the thingy doesn't have sell out times for resales so I can't check, but it feels longer somehow.

    Not sure on the 23mins - I was in after 6 minutes for Thursday tickets and none were available for any departure point. Backed out and tried, Wednesday and they were all gone. Back into Thursday and still none available. 

    I suppose the 23mins was the time for every ticket to be sold with payment authorised - @eastynh got one after 15mins which I guess was someone not following through with their purchase for whatever reason. Seems to me though that the vast majority went within 6 minutes and after that there was just the occasional scrap. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    I was successful getting a couple of tickets. Noticed that tickets were being "reserved" today, timer and all.  I wonder if there will be one on Sunday?

    Was that a feature in either of the October sales?

  9. 38 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    Do we think it's an actual Hot Chip live performance or a mystery box DJ set?

    Got to be DJ hasn't it surely? Has a headliner ever played an announced live set in such a small area before. 

    It was carnage trying to get in when they DJ'd their Prince tribute. 

  10. 56 minutes ago, Quark said:

    Chatterers can jump in the fuckin' bin.  Do my head in.

    That's why I go to gigs alone, no-one tries taking to me! :lol:

    Can't remember where she nicked it from but my better half often takes some post-it notes and a black marker pen. Any chatterers get a post-it with "noise w*nker" tactically applied between their shoulder blades. Tends to work quite well. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Gabi_says said:

    Any recommendations on solar chargers? I'm optimistic we'll have a mostly sunny one this year 

    Generally rubbish. Limited to no use in overcast conditions and still take hours to charge if you get direct sunlight, assuming you're not moving around much. 

    You'd be much better off with a high capacity powerbank. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, The Nal said:

    Not sure why they weren't there in 2017. The brisket sambo was glorious for a Sunday hangover. 

    They opened a bricks and mortar restaurant and knocked the fests on the head iirc. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Perks said:

    Ah man, dude was brutal, and f'ing hillarious, had the pleasure to meet him when he played me pal's comedy night in bham few years ago, off his rocker


    Where was that at? 

  14. 9 hours ago, Matt42 said:

    Without being mean I do feel that there is absolutely 0 hype for this set. I don’t think I’ve seen as little excitement or anticipation or speculation surrounding a headliner in any festival I’ve ever been to.

    EDIT: to further what I mean by riding the hype of the first album. Popular music is not loyal at all unless you give them something to hype over.

    Plenty of excitement in our house. I have two teenagers who have Stormzy at the top of their must see list (unfortunately for one Tame Impala was second...) 

    Whilst it won't be Springsteenesque in terms of length, I am reliably informed he's got enough material for a headline set. 

    Different demographic innit? One that will form part of the future of this festival. Bit harsh to suggest they need a load of hype to stay on board with an artist. 

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