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Posts posted by shoebox

  1. I am very pleased that I am already seeing The National and Grizzly Bear this year. The disappointment of them now being incredibly unlikely for EotR is lessened somewhat.

    Gutted about B&S though, they would have been great for EotR. Hopefully they'll play some headline shows in the capital.

  2. I saw Midlake a few weeks back in London. The set comprised mostly of the new album, which is a little understated (but still great, IMO) but the songs rocked nicely in a live setting. Yeah, of course Roscoe and Head Home were the highlights, but the new stuff sounded good.

    Not sure they're headline material, but last year's Okkervil River slot would suit them down to the ground.

    The only thing is, I believe they're back over here in November for a show at the Roundhouse, so I'd be surprised at another UK show in September.

  3. There was a comment from the EOTR boys and girls on Facebook yesterday, suggesting that they don't know who the headliners will be until the bill is pretty much complete. I mean, Wilco is an obvious one, because they are massive. And I dare say if they were to secure the services of a National or a Sufjan Stevens (for example) their decision would be made for them.

    Apparently they've been amazed at how popular the New Pornographers have proved to be, so should they not manage to get any REALLY big names, I wouldn't be surprised to see them bumped up to headline status.

    But what do I know?

  4. Saw Midlake in Dublin last night and it was a special gig. 2008 was my first EOTR so I missed Midlake's 2007 appearance. Would love to see them at EOTR this year. By Sept with several months of touring behind them, their profile could well justify a headliners slot on the Garden Stage. Or perhaps I'm just getting carried away....
  5. Not of songs, but I've been very impressed with Nurses, Black Mountain and Ladyhawk so far. Three bands on my must-try-and-see list already, that I wasn't already aware of, that is.

    Guess we won't get another announcement until after SXSW now, around the end of March time. So plenty of time to get familiar with the rest that has already been signed up.

  6. It's a great and revealing interview. The most positive thing I took from it though was the fact that he's trying his damnedest to get the biggest and best names to the festival. The fact that he's trying to get Sufjan and the Arcade Fire there is really good news. Whether he's successful or not is a moot point, but it's great news.

    I really, REALLY hope he gets the headliners he wants and isn't scuppered by other festivals.

  7. The Pink Mountaintops are the same band but playing a different type of music,more poppier/Spectorish. Last album,Outside Love, is a cracker. Stephen McBean is the main man. The guitarist in Black Mountain also has a band called Black Meridian. Wish I had more time to follow all these artists :P
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