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Posts posted by shoebox

  1. The Fleet Foxes set last year was very full, and yes, I heard about the one-out, one-in thing. Wonder if the crowd was heightened because of The Horrors pulling out last minute though? Dunno, possibly.

    Anyway, yeah, I can echo the fact that you will be able to see pretty much whoever you want on the two main stages. The whole festival's only got a capacity of about 5000 (I think!).

  2. I have to admit, I do see Wolf Parade as more of a tent band, rather than open-air. But I'm guessing their thinking was based around how popular the New Pornos appeared to be from the feedback they've received. I think they were genuinely surprised at how excited people were about them being on the bill, so gave them a headline slot.

    I dunno, whatever happens, something's going to go wrong with my plans to see all the bands I want to.

  3. I really wanted to go that, especially the date London as Yuck were also on the bill. Sadly I don't think Dino Jr are going to make it this year, maybe 2011.

    Regardless, if anyone is reading this, who is responsible for putting together between bands CDs, for the love of God, stick Start Choppin' on there would you?

  4. The only downside to the Union Chapel, and I mean the ONLY downside, because it is a lovely venue, is the fact that you can't take your alcoholic drinks back to your seat with you. This means there's always a mad rush between bands and a speedily downed pint, with a lot of other people thinking the same thing.

    I wonder when the official announcement will come about Lanegan and Campbell? I was under the impression that they were going to reveal the Thursday line-up last week, but it never came.

  5. They have quite a hefty back-catalogue, most of which isn't on Spotify, well not in the UK anyway. Personally I'm more of a fan of the later period stuff and would fully recommend starting with We Were Dead.... It seems their most instantly accessible from my perspective. That's not to do the earlier stuff a disservice, "The Moon & Antarctica" is a great album, as is "The Lonesome Crowded West", they're just not as packed with instant foot-tappers, in my opinion.

  6. They did a very simple post on Facebook asking who would be there on the Thursday. Guess using that as a guide. Fairly sure they said that the bands playing on the Thursday would be in the Tipi Tent, so yeah, not a great deal of room for a half-full campsite of people.

  7. Yeah, got to agree. If any of these bands are playing on Thursday only, that'd be pretty out of order. Not a massive problem for me, per se, as I'll be there on the Thursday, but I know people who aren't arriving until the Friday and are looking forward to Allo Darlin'. Some confirmation from the organisers would be appreciated.

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