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Posts posted by eFestivals

  1. 3 minutes ago, incident said:

    Of course it wouldn't be the same.

    That doesn't mean it couldn't be good / fun / worthwhile.

    but ... but ... but .... in that video i posted, Michael was singing "I'll be there".

    Are you saying he's lying to me?

  2. 12 minutes ago, LJS said:

    I'd imagine as her job is not a 9-5 position that would probably involve her having official papers in the house. Apparently that would be a problem

    It would be the same problem for the Bristol major.

    The issue is the confidentiality of the papers (standard data protection issues), not that they're super-serious papers that might start WW3 if they got out.


  3. 5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    Excpet she hasn't done fuck all has she, Neil?

    She's gone no further than anyone else in power, only making available spare resources from within existing resources.

    If a country cared more, it would choose to do more for that specific purpose, instead of choosing to do not a jot more.


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    Oh my 3 day rant hasn't been against the Tories, Neil. It's been against those who seek to excuse their callousness and inhumanity. 

    The only basis for your claim of "callousness and inhumanity" is what you thought was a firm explicit promise but actually never was (tho it's reasonable to assume it was).

    Making an empty promise to help refugees is making an empty promise to help refugees. 

    That's Cameron and Sturgeon.

    Shame Cameron wasn't the one who withdrew his own pledge, while Sturgeon is the one who withdrew hers, cos that makes one worse than the other.


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    Which is what she has effectively been doing. It's why we've taken about a third of the Syrian refugeees who've come to the UK to date.

    No, Scotland has taken proportionally-more *only* because Scotland has proportionally-more spare resources.

    Spare resources is in the rules for accepting them!!!


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    Unfortunately this is based on the outright lie that she has done nothing.

    she's done the minimum asked for by Westminster. She has done nothing extra.


    13 minutes ago, LJS said:

    I actually broadly agree with you on this, but where I disagree is your singling out of the SNP (as usual)  Reforming local taxation is a poisoned chalice. the SNP are far from alone in running scared of doing it. But only the SNP are to be held accountable. Funny that.

    That's zero on behalf of a more-caring Scotland and everything because of Westminster.


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    I actually broadly agree with you on this, but where I disagree is your singling out of the SNP (as usual)  Reforming local taxation is a poisoned chalice. the SNP are far from alone in running scared of doing it. But only the SNP are to be held accountable. Funny that.

    Hmmmm. As you say, it's a bit of a poisoned chalice.

    So the serious parties steer clear of making promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

    It's easy to promise the earth. You used to have all these hopes because the SNP were going to be that better party that would deliver better Scotland, and they turn out to be more conservative than the conservatives!

    But worse than that - for where it goes - is that everyone still loves them. 


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    We had the old rating system - I have no idea how what the rich pay now relates to what they would have paid then.

    If it worked the same as down here, they'll still be hugely quids-in.


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    the smart joined up thinking is to vote YES in indyref 2

    cos the smart joined up way of thinking is to say currency doesn't matter, deficits don't matter, borders don't matter, and jobs and prosperity don't matter?

    Fuck me, Scottish education has big problems.


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    I didn't cote for a tax cut for the rich.

    you voted for a party that wanted to give one, and who you knew were NOT committed to taxing the rich more.


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    Kevin's graphs

    of the effects of tory cuts.

    you think they're great. Yeah, i know.


    5 minutes ago, LJS said:

    Yeah only Neil does facts. Like the facts about refugees I've blown out of the water over the past couple of days.

    how about the fact that it took you two days to actually join the conversation you started! :lol:


  4. 1 minute ago, LJS said:

    So they "weren't an explicit promise" so I can't really hold her to it then - which equally means I can 't give her a free pass for not sticking to a not explicit promise. I'm so glad we've cleared that up


    You do know that there was no explicit promise by Cameron for the number of refugees, don't you?

    Within context - for both of them - it's a quite reasonable assumption they were promises.

    If you look at what the words actually say, neither were.

    We get a four day rant about Cameron, and "a bit daft and that's the end of it" about Sturgeon.

    There's no free passes around here, no sireee! :lol:

  5. 45 minutes ago, LJS said:

    Nicola hosting refugees is impractical and stupid.

    Just a bit more on this...

    The Mayor of Bristol hosted a refugee, after doing the same as Sturgeon did (but actually followed thru, unlike Sturgeon).

    Unlike Sturgeon, he didn't (the mayor has now changed) get a free house with the job and so have two houses and so the opportunity for the refugee to never come into contact with confidential papers within the home.

    Without trying to suggest the scope of the job is the same, there's fuck all difference in the 'risk' housing a refugee to make it "impractical and stupid" for either.

    So again, if you think it thru it doesn't go anywhere good with that excuse. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, LJS said:

    You really really think that I should hold her to a passing comment about refugees when anyone with a brain (which apparently excludes you) knows fine well that Nicola hosting refugees is impractical and stupid. I will hold her to account for saying somthing a bit daft but I will also note that in context it appearsed to be a natural response to a bit of a silly question

    So "anyone with a brain knows fine well that Nicola hosting refugees is impractical and stupid"..... except Nicola?

    And i know the words weren't an explicit promise, but we're both smart enough to know she knew exactly what she was saying and what people were meant to take from it.

    The bit she didn't consider is that some people have more memory than a goldfish.

    She was quite happy to use the plight of refugees for her own political position while knowing she fully intended to do fuck all for them.

    But it's "just a bit daft". I'm sure you'd say the same about similar from the lips of a tory, right?

    And you wouldn't go on a three day rant if a tory did that, of course. 




    This is a lie.

    She can be stood there, saying "May, give me X number of refugee kids right now. I'm not going to shut up until you do".

    And we all know that May would do it. No politician could refuse it.

    Instead, Sturgeon calls May a c**t (fair enough) for doing nothing while doing nothing herself. 

    When she can. Which isn't fair enough, not for someone who actually wants to make a difference for refugges when they hold all the public resources to do it with (and claims from her country that the wonderful people would be all in favour too, so no risk to her political position).

    She just wants to gob off, when May is an easy target with this. She doesn't give a shit about really helping (and I have an inkling I know why).



    Another lie. The SNP's policy was to limit the rise in the threshold for higher rate tax to the rate of inflation.

    Another great demonstration of your prowess in maths. :lol:



    Yet another lie. They didn't abandon it. They were unable to get it through a parliament where they led a minority government. They have not repeated the pledge. Normally parties are held to account when they don't fulfil pledges made for that term of parliament.  Quite how long the SNP will be held to account for a pledge that hasn't featured in any subsequent manifestos is a matter for speculation.

    OK, fair enough, I accept the pledge itself has lapsed.

    But there are still all the words used to justify wanting the council tax abolished  - about the unfairness of the council tax - which is the system they've had the powers (and majority) to abolish and replace but have chosen not to.

    So in their own words and actions, they now think an unfair system is best.

    Whatever way you look at it, it's nothing of that better Scotland cos it's got lovely people, is it?



    It very much depends what you replace it with - anyway they are squeezing the rich this time round but that doesn't count does it?

    Hmmm, yep, they're making the rich pay a little more.

    And by doing so, they're ensuring that the unfair system stays in place for even longer*, where the rich get away with paying much less than they used to under the old rating system (not sure if you had that in Scotland? Guess you have something similar if not, tho).

    (*in the same way having an AV ref has ensured no electoral reform to a system we would support) 



    I wouldn't know. I have never voted Tory & I don't make a habit of making excuses for them either. 

    In the reverse is true ...

    Vote Labour, get Tory

    Vote SNP , get Tory

    Vote Green get tory

    Vote LibDem get Tory

    Except of course there's sometimes vote Labour get Labour.

    It's very unlikely that vote SNP get labour will ever happen, because SNP votes up there ensure fewer Labour votes down here, and on a not-unreasonable basis either.

    So you start off complaining (falsely) that you only get tory govts anyway, and your solution is to make that even more certain. It's not the smartest joined-up thinking I've encountered.



    It's not a second choice. I thought you understood electoral systems. I'll let you into a wee secret, Neil. I don't know how I would have voted if I had only had one vote. It would depend on many things. I'm guessing that as I don't know how i'd have voted, you probably don't either.

    But you had two. You want to shine your halo about the tax cut you voted for, but don't want to dull it for the tax cut for the rich you also voted for



    Have you taken your medication today?

    It's not me with the delusion that Scotland can cover-off a 10% structural deficit with a few years of growth (which is particularly insane, cos there's not even anyone else saying it's possible who's lined you've been suckered by, it's something you've invented all by yourself).



    We'll just have to wait and see won't we. We have already established that you possess unique gifts for seeing into the future. I'll have to admit I cannot match you there.

    It's not difficult, it only requires working from the facts.

    You could do it too, if you did facts.

  7. 18 minutes ago, LJS said:

    It is my great honour to present you with the Trump award for most spectacular interpretation of a poll statistic for 2017. 

    I feel safe in closing the category now as no one will be able to come close.

    The way i worded the percentage was pisstake, but like so much you're too dumb to grasp what's in front of you.

    The effect of that 68% is what I said, tho. It's game over for her as a politician that can do anything for Scotland outside of Scotland by March 2019*.
    (*providing a50 is triggered this March).

  8. 11 minutes ago, LJS said:

    For completeness, I should probably include this from your favourite man of the cloth.

    Presumably you will interpret this as meaning 70% of Scots think Nic is worse than Hitler.


    Nope, what I see there is that sturgeon isn't the streets ahead that some like to pretend.

  9. 17 minutes ago, LJS said:

    you know very well that I have not given the SNP a free pass.

    Sturgeon says she'll house a refugee? Free pass.
    Sturgeon says she wants to help refugees but offers no resources that she controls to help them with? Free pass.
    Sturgeon says she wants to help Scotland's poor but instead robs them? Free pass

    And that's only on what's been mentioned here today. If I did this whole thread there'd be pages more of the free passes you hand out to them on EVERYTHING!!!!



    You also know that they have reversed the higher rate band hike which when it suits their opponents is presented as a tax rise.

    Which is...?

    A tax freeze for the rich rather than the cut for the rich she wanted to give.

    And which didn't happen due to anything of the SNP.



    They have also raised the higher rates of council tax.

    After abandoning the pledge to come up with a better system.

    Which makes it another benefit to the rich, not (compared to the claim) something against them.



    You know very well that I was disappointed in this as i would like to have seen them go further.

    If you vote tory you get tory.



    You also know that my vote that is never mentioned went to a party supporting higher taxation and who succeeded in getting the budget amended so that more tax is raised & more funds are made available to local councils. Still short of what I would do, but there was no electable option that offered more.

    Yes, your second choice that would have got nothing if you had a one-vote system.



    These are inconvenient truths for you  Neil, so of course you ignore them & continue to weave your own personal version of my views.

    It's so much easier that way.

    You vote tory and get tory and welcome the effects of tory-ism.

    All for the glory of a tory-free Scotland. :lol:

    (and just wait till you vote indy, then you'll REALLY know how tory they are!!! ... even you'll WANT tory there. Bankruptcy or double-tory? LJS will have the double-tory, and sends his thanks).


  10. 11 minutes ago, LJS said:

    The council sets the rate for band D properties with the rest of the band moving automatically in proportion  to that. So  it might be technically accurate to talk of a "base rate" but it risks giving the misleading impression that there is some other rate they could change.

    The Scottish government has increased the differential for bands E & above.

    I wasn't really criticising anyone, just giving you the opportunity to demonstrate your double standards by criticising the (SNP) Scottish government for not increasing tax whilst leaping to the defence of (Labour) councils for not increasing tax.

    Good stuff.

    The double standards are all your own.

    You say the SG can't do anything because it doesn't have the necessary levers. If that's true for the SG, it's even more true for local councils - and if you did consistent and honest, you'd have to give those councils the same get out, but you haven't, have you?

    Which only gets to mean you think you've found something which makes the SNP look good and makes Labour look bad, when it's actually only making you look bad.

    If councils can do something and you want them to do something, so can the SNP. So why the free pass for the SNP?

  11. 40 minutes ago, LJS said:

    And look what happened..



    Dearie dearie me.

    Local elections coming soon Neil. Who should I vote for to ensure I pay more tax?


    That says "basic rate". It's an odd thing to include in a report when there is no such thing as 'basic rate' for council tax.

    It's suggesting to me that some (at the cheaper end) get their bills frozen and others don't. I know there's new banding for council tax in Scotland, so perhaps those councils are getting a funding increase via that, and don't feel they need to increase the burden on the poorest?

    Or alternatively, they're giving a fuck-you to the SG, who have been cutting the funding for councils rather than increasing taxes on the people who can afford it? - which is something beyond the powers of those local councils. 

    What does seem pretty certain is that those councils are very unlikely to be under the same funding pressures as the places that have gone for a bigger rise.

    And hey, perhaps the SG needs to devolve more 'levers' to those councils before they're able to make any effective change? After all, if worthless bullshit like that gets defended by you (and it does) for the SG, you can't go criticising local councils for doing fuck all for the poor with far fewer powers.


  12. 3 minutes ago, mjsell said:

    but in comparison to Spurs, there is definitely not that feeling of optimism surrounding the club.

    that partly driven, tho, by the knowledge that wenger's time is coming to an end soon-ish.

    People are already looking ahead, and they're seeing a 'better' that's not necessarily ther - but they're convinced that it is.

  13. 46 minutes ago, lost said:

    Yep lots of clubs did and didn't get champions league football. I'm undecided if he's been keeping them down or propping them up recently but I guess we will see if he goes.

    Maybe his skill isn't being a 'top top' manager, but at being fantastically consistent?

    Whatever it is, his 21 years in English footie is a fantastic achievement all in all, when the full context of everything he's had to cope with (the skint years) is put against it.


  14. 22 minutes ago, The Nal said:

    They beat Madrid and Juve en route too.

    Rio was saying last night that it would be a shame if his legacy is remembered for the last decade. Seems a lot within the game attribute a lot of changes around training, conditioning, sport science and psychology etc in the Premier League to him. 

    Yep, and what I think has cost him in recent years is that the other teams are now doing the same.


    22 minutes ago, The Nal said:

    He did great to keep them top 4 when he had crazy negative spend for the new stadium but net spend in the last 4 seasons is £200m and he won 2 FA Cups in that time after a decade of nothing and finished 2nd last year. Will they give him another year? 

    and Utd spent even more, and won fuck all.

    Wenger isn't all bad.

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