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Posts posted by kaytee...

  1. I'm with Three (don't all laugh at once) and as soon as you get out of a built up area you might as well use 2 tin cans & a length of string!!

    Because of this, the battery gets used up very quickly as the phone is constantly searching for a decent signal - am thinking of getting a cheap n cheerful PAYG for next week but on a network that has good reception in & around the site.

  2. I'm way excited now. Sunday is the start of my working week so from tomorrow I can say Kendal is next week :)

    Sorted all my camping gear now, bought gas for my stove, alcohol has been stored away, clothing packed for all possible weather conditions. All I need to do now is get there with all my stuff on the coach with minimal back damage - I don't know the meaning of packing lightly.

  3. I thought We Are Scientists had cancelled their appearance for a moment earlier. On advice from the doctor they were told to cancel some dates which thankfully doesnt include kendal but I wad supposed to be seeing them in Manchester the tuesday after kendal and that's not happening now. So hoping Keith's voice holds out and it all goes ahead

  4. What are everyone's 3 must sees for each day (clashes permitting)?

    Fri - Maximo Park, Admiral Fallow, Little Comets

    Sat - Shed Seven, Sound of Guns, Little Roy (but only if its sunny and he does the Nirvana covers!)

    Sun - James, Inspirals, King Charles (although closely followed by Bombskare and Feeder).

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