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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. Without the Starmer interview they would still exist. Labour are trying to build a coalition of voters to win an election, not a protest party. I think it would be complacent to think they can do that refusing to engage with sun readers.
  2. I don’t see writing the article as supporting the sun, it’s not like people will buy the paper in droves because of an article from Starmer. It’s a way of getting a message out to voters and I support giving the people an opportunity to read that message. The alternative is they only read the Tory message, I don’t see much benefit in that.
  3. The sun readers deserve political representation like the rest of us. I am very wary about discounting the views of a whole subset of the population. I hope a decent chunk of the sun readers vote labour as this will not only improve their lives, but mine. No issues at all with Starmer putting the case forward. I also think banning the sun would set a very dangerous precedent and would not support this. I am more in favour of what happens in Liverpool where people just boycott.
  4. I saw a video of Owen Jones debating with Margaret Hodge on Sky. My god Jones is a bad debater. Maybe he gets clicks, but his style isn’t changing anyone’s mind.
  5. I happily avoid the Sun newspaper, I was a Liverpool fan at the time of Hillsborough but drifted to my local team (Wrexham) as I got older. Some people choose to buy the sun and that’s up to them, these people also have a right to political representation and in some seats may make a difference. I see little to be gained in telling all sun voters to vote Tory. To me what will benefit both sun readers and the people of Liverpool the most is a labour government. I am pretty apathetic about what paper Starmer (or other labour MP) writes in, I just won’t read if I don’t like the paper, in fact I probably won’t read if I do!
  6. I think his conspiracy theory views are more in line with Trump
  7. For all the talk about building new houses. You need the investment in infrastructure to match. Where will kids go to school, people access a gp,how will roads and parking cope etc
  8. I think it’s one of those things that gets more attention on social media than the real world. Rightly or wrongly I don’t think most people are that bothered about Middle East politics.
  9. There is load of sh*t history everywhere, including here. Yet you don’t seem to get as many people judging other countries as a complete entity.
  10. I’m thinking wider though. It’s not just a poor choice of words by you, it’s pretty common for people to talk about pro/anti Israel. You don’t seem to get this for other countries. I’m not sure why this is.
  11. I am neither pro or anti Israel the same as any other country. To me a country is more than the government. I am British and don’t endorse many of the actions of the British government. I do find it a bit strange how Israel at times is grouped together as an entity that doesn’t happen with other countries. You rarely hear about people being talked about as pro German. What has disappointed me is with all the bloodshed in recent days, many on social media seem more obsessed with political point scoring than all the dead people.
  12. If they were a few seats short, they would have an effective majority with Sinn Fein not voting. If you mean a few seats short (taking into consideration SFnon votes) then I would think they would have an arrangement with the Lib Dem’s which would likely be more stable. In a scenario where they needed some kind of rainbow coalition to dispose the Tory’s/DUP they could in theory have more power , but realistically would they throw their toys out of the pram if they didn’t get what they wanted and let the Tory’s back in?
  13. I think Just Stop Oil not only have an issue with the message, but the messengers. They haven’t found that leader that can connect with the media, instead they often come across as very middle class.
  14. It’s an almighty cock up as a result of user error, these things happen in football and outside football. You just have to learn from it and take moves to stop it happening again.
  15. If this is an anti Liverpool conspiracy there would be a lot easier way to do i then via a VAR room where everything is recorded.
  16. They can’t look back and give goal. Once spurs take the free kick the decision has gone.
  17. The Diaz disallowed goal was a balls up, Liverpool just unlucky to be at the wrong end of it. To me the Jones red card shows a bigger flaw in VAR. In a pre VAR world that is rarely given by a referee. By changing an incident taking part in pace to slow motion it completely removes the context of the event and makes the tackle look worse than it was.
  18. In term of these motoring policies the devil is in the detail. I would definitely favour opening up bus lanes outside peak times. However they already do that around here, so not sure legislation needed. As I have said I would also favour this oversight on camera to ensure they are there to encourage safety and not trap drivers to generate income. I would also like to see a crackdown on some of these private parking companies, but suspect they will get a free pass.
  19. I don’t disagree, but I would certainly support some kind of oversight to ensure there is some kind of purpose other than generating money.
  20. Which is why we I would support changing the law to get rid of those that are there for income generation and not to promote safety.
  21. I think our health and social care would collapse as people (who we would need) would choose to go elsewhere.
  22. I don’t think trapping motorists is the way to pay for these services. I think some cameras are there to improve safety and fully support these, I don’t support cameras just there to generate money.
  23. I think some of the bus lane speed cameras (particularly when situated right at the end of lanes) are purely about income generation. I would support legislation to stop these, not sure how you would do it though.
  24. While many will agree, how you achieve that is much more complex. Even if you got rid of private schools, many of the best state schools can effectively become private as house price premiums are effectively selective.
  25. Those on the left having a meltdown about him on social media are just giving him the attention he craves. People like Fox don’t mind being hated, what they hate is being ignored.
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