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Posts posted by jonnyx

  1. They're no good for those coming in from town.

    There used to be an entrance, that had you pretty much walk up the side of the arena, this year you had to first double back on yourself, then zig zag towards the entrance. It added at least an extra 20 minutes I reckon

  2. “…and the album is also, of course, for all the entirety of its 44 minutes, and 23 seconds complete and utter dog shit”.

    “there’s funk too, but its really, really badly played white-boy funk that sounds like castrated bits of Mick Hucknalls knob slapping against an unused Charlatans bongo drum”.

    “Are you convinced you won’t be buying it yet?, its an abomination that should see whoever signed The Twang crucified”.

    "...its the Chernobyl of pop music, 2009"

    “the joke isn’t funny anymore, last orders rang out long ago and the game is well and truly up"

    "DOWNLOAD: Anything other than this. Anything..."

    :D Perfect for V Festival 2009 then?.

  3. Or how about putting Texas as headliners above Coldplay in 2002, Texas are possibly the worst headliners I have seen of all time, ran out of songs half way through & then spent half an hour getting some drunk bloke out of the crowd to dance with her, utter shite!!!!
  4. I still have no idea where all the money has gone.

    In comparison to any other festival, this is the weakest line up!, plus we’ve lost a stage and have a day less music!.

    We need one of those forums to ask Angus! "what the f**k has happened?!?!". But given they can't even update the website, that's never going to happen.

    Aaaaaaagh! and knowing our luck, it’ll rain too!. :rolleyes:

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