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Posts posted by Euphoricape

  1. 30 minutes ago, northernringo said:

    NI Executive to discuss a 6 week lockdown (with a 4 week review) starting on Xmas eve but not affecting Xmas bubbles.

    Figures up today so I understand why but it is going to be awful for those in hospitality/non-essential retail.

    When are we going to hear talk of England doing the same...?

  2. 3 minutes ago, FestivalJamie said:

    To be honest I think the cases are rising (or about to start rising) in the whole country. I think things are going to start escalating pretty quick over the next 3 weeks. Today’s figures will be especially nasty with the backlog and I could see us hitting 30k+ as a standard in 2 weeks time, with London 10k cases alone.

    Tbh I hope Cornwall is put into tier 2 later today, as in a few days time we will be nearly up there with Bristol if cases keep rising at the rate they are.

  3. 3 minutes ago, efcfanwirral said:

    To be fair that could still happen and Glasto not (and is what I'm leaning towards). Currently tier 1 actually allows 4,000 at an outdoor gig. I know Eden isn't but presumably they could replace the tent with a stage? 

    I'm confident about Doves at Delamere for example, as it's only around 4,000 people. But I'm not at all confident about Glastonbury or camping festivals. 

    I have to agree with you, I was much more confident a few weeks ago but starting to have doubts about glasto now. Cornwall is currently tier 1 but we have had rising cases in the past week with clusters at schools and colleges etc so who knows where we will be by then. If I have tickets then at least I have something to hope for in the summer. Hopefully both will be on and be the best summer ever.

  4. Just now, incident said:

    Thing is - most of them already have gone back, and at this point the ones that haven't are probably because they're waiting out isolation after a contact or a positive test.

    I thought students were all back home a while ago tbh.

  5. I hope they go down the path of restricting travel to your own region. The fact people are currently able to travel all over the UK at will has seemed crazy to me during this whole pandemic. Living in Cornwall I would feel much safer with just the south west area visiting.

  6. Maybe there will be a full lockdown over christmas and new year now instead, then allow maybe 3 days of very limited family mixing over Xmas / boxing day. That way you can still see family but pubs, shops etc all closed to compensate..?

  7. 19 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    It’s quite easy, they get up in front of the podium at a press briefing and say ‘blah blah blah sorry, cases high, Christmas relaxation is cancelled’. 😉

    They are setting us up for it if you look closely. The messaging has changed already. I think it’s coming. 

    Reducing it to 3 days won’t do anything, that would be a fairly pointless move. 

    I agree with you, the messaging is definitely changing. I would guess an announcement incoming by the end of the week.

  8. Well the hotel where I work in Cornwall is currently full until the end of the year with all guests being from tier 2 and 3 areas. My manager believes the best approach is to turn a blind eye and let guests drink and mix together in the bar. I have been told to serve guests alcohol whether eating or not, and not question if couples sit with each other. I have complained to the GM, and awaiting a response but if nothing is done I think I'm in my rights to get signed off with stress. It just doesn't sit well with me, and if the local community knew this was going on there would be hell to pay. 

  9. I'm still waiting for somebody to ask them the question of why people are still allowed to travel? Why push local areas into strict tiers but then allow people to travel and mix in areas they like including UK holidays? Its negligence. Total half arsed measures, with all the damage to businesses but not clamping down properly. I'm not feeling it today..

  10. A group of scientists is urging the public to rethink plans for Christmas, saying the country is heading for "disaster".

    Independent Sage, a group separate to the one offering advice to the government, says: "The best way to keep your family and your community safe is to delay things into the new year, when things are safe."

    The group warns that the country will "pay the price in the new year", adding the UK should "think very, very carefully about what's the best thing to do at this point in time".

    In England, three households will be able to mix in homes, places of worship or outdoors from 23 to 27 December.



    3 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    Unless they are forced too due to the numbers I reckon they'd wait, it makes sense to do it during the holidays. So they'll go for lockdown the 3rd day that schools are back.

    Sounds about right. Mid January would be my guess at the latest.

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