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Yoghurt on a Stick II

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Posts posted by Yoghurt on a Stick II

  1. 2 hours ago, grumpyhack said:

    Yog - I asked because I was thinking about smaller, cheaper festivals that I could recommend to you and Mrs Yog that would fit in with your tastes - both musical and socially.

    In the absence of a Glastonbury ticket (though still hoping for the resales) our gang have gone for two so far - Steelhouse on a mountain top near Ebbw Vale at the end of July and Greenman in August.  Steelhouse is cheap but very heavy metal.  All beards and tattoos (the men and women!) but still a friendly vibe.  Greenman is more mixed genres.  Not done it before but lots of positive comments from those who have.

    But I'm kicking things off with Wychwood at Cheltenham Racecourse at the beginning of June.  That's a very family friendly festival and great for socialising with a fairly mixed line up. Great for kids with the added bonus of Neil and family and some EFests sponsorship.

     I'll probably end with Something Else in the Dean.  About as cheap as you can get but again a very chilled, friendly place.

    None of them are too far from Brum.

    My own tastes range from Chicago blues to folk with a bit of prog rock thrown in.

    I think that I can rule out going to Steelhouse then as I really can't stand heavy metal. It's not just that I don't get it, it actually annoys me if it's put on in my presence. I've read about Greenman before and it's one I'd like to visit one year. 

    I've been to Wychwood and thought it OK, but don't think I'll be returning to it.

    We are supposed to be going to Equinox this year for the first time. Someone has said that they'll be buying us tickets for it as a gift, which is very nice indeed.


  2. 54 minutes ago, grumpyhack said:

    What are your tastes in festival music Yog?

    Hello grumpy. I don't really go to festivals for the music. I go because festivals are nice places to go to with my wife, friends and occasionally family members. I was taken by surprise though when the Rolling Stones played Glastonbury. I really hadn't given them the time of day, but thought they really pulled it off at the festival. I like a wide range of music from Leona Lewis (yes, that one off the X Factor) to Primal Scream. If I was on Desert Island Discs then my number one record (currently) would be the live version of James singing the track 'Sound'. I consider it a work of art.

    What about yourself?

  3. 3 hours ago, stuwilky said:

    Mr Yog, please count me in to assist in your quest for resale tickets.  Happy to assist a gentleman such as yourself.

    That's very kind of you stuwilky, and very much appreciated. However, a spanner has been thrown in the works in that my wife has indicated that she'd rather do a couple of smaller festivals for approx the same cost as Glastonbury would cost us. That said, I'm not giving up just yet, and will endevour to talk her around.

  4. 3 hours ago, Anderson19 said:

    Don't suppose you recall where your had the wheelbarrow from, that's the style I've been looking for.

    Think I've now decided wheelbarrow will be the wheels of choice for this year, whenever I see wheeelbarrow people on the way in they always look comfortable and have a smile on there face.

    Apologies for the delay in responding. The lead to my own laptop fizzled, sparked a lot and then died. I'm now using a different account and computer, and am subject to fucking annoying adverts. Anyway, you didn't really need to know all that. Sorry. I bought the wheel barrow from a farmer (we're not from London!). I think they are used for carting hay around normally. If you, or anyone, are based near Birmingham then I'll give you mine - although you'll be racing the clock with me selling it on ebay. I'm calling this shout because I want (if I ever get to go again) to go to Glastonbury in a minimalist stylee. Having a fuck off and die wheelbarrow leads you to taking far too much kit, in my opinion.

    If you aren't near Birmingham, then look up on ebay for things like horse wheelbarrows, hay wheelbarrows etc and that should see you right.


  5. I know what you are saying grumpy and dizzymoo. It seems a mad action to take, but I truly believe they are genuine, despite not knowing their provenance. Not only that but there are external pressurising factors which are forcing me to get the campervan fixed sooner rather than later. We are going to sell our beloved campervan - it's a case of needs must. That said, when our house sells we'll be in a position to buy another. Although we have only had fantastic times in our campervan, I've never really got on with it's design. It has a fixed double bed (more comfy than any bed either of us have ever known) and a kitchen area - but no lounge type area. I think I'd like a fixed double bed over the front cabin type arrangement which allows a fixed lounge area. However, her indoors hasn't expresssed knowledge in this area and might, up on realisation, find it a bit too clausterophobic (not sure on that spelling, but am too tired to check). What I really want is a converted small bus. I suspect that my wife would like that too - having space to move around is all important. Anyway, it'll be all academic if these two 'geezers' half inch it!


  6. Hello CG

    The mechanic said that he'll come and take my campervan away and sort the problem for £335 cash. This means that the money I have already spent on parts has gone down the pan. I am also a little wary because this is a mobile mechanic ie I don't know where he lives / works etc. So, theoretically he could just take my campervan tomorrow and bugger off with it. It doesn't help that he and his mate look like two of the roughest looking geezers that I've ever seen. Still, at some point you've got to place your trust somewhere.

    Sorry to hear that you are working all the hours that god sends. Hope you are happy working them knowing that Good Time City is around the corner. :)



  7. 13 hours ago, Curlygirl said:

    Hi peeps. Finally caught up in all events. @Yoghurt on a Stick, did you ever manage to sort the wardrobes? And ford transit related stuff? You had a bit of a bummer of a few days there mind... hope it's all coming together! 

    @lucyginger great news you're getting better matey! 

    @dizzymoo fab result for your youngest! I'm sure you're very proud. And congratulations on managing to drink so much scotch and port haha. Hope the hangover isn't too bad. 

    Good luck with Gumby Jrs bed @mr gumby! I think I would've just bought a cabin bed, easier all round! 

    I have nothing to report  it's that time of year that I work non stop to get time off for June! Bye lovelies



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