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Posts posted by Tyonks

  1. 9 hours ago, FuzzyDunlop said:

    A few months or so I posted a post about a friend of mine who died. Her friend not at the festival posted on the the glasto chat facebook page asking for people to take a selfie with a  hashtag #foremma. over 500 people took a picture

    If you did it. Thank you very much it meant a lot to her friends.



    That is excellent - on occasions Social Media can do brilliant things. 

  2. I've had an unbelieavble time at all 4 i've been to although if I attempted to put them in order it would be, 

    2014, 2011, 2017, 2015


    I will say this year i saw more of glastonbury probs helped by the weather and being slightly less inebriated than previous years.


    On another day it could be different. 

  3. 11 hours ago, fowls said:

    When someone states an issue about sexual assault of women, and  your initial response straight out the gates (and only contribution to the conversation) is "but what about men?" you are muting their argument, or at the very least not listening to their concerns.  The harassment men and women face are very different, there aren't many comparable scenarios to raise in the same conversation.  For example, do you fear for going into a tight crowd in case someone tries to grope you? Do you think someone would try to grope you if you crowd surfed or joined a mosh pit? These are the concerns being raised.


    If you believe there's a latent widespread incidence of male sexual assault that is not being discussed, then yes that's worth discussing, but it's not relevant in this thread.  Or at the very least wait for the conversation to develop past a single page before trying to "balance" the issue.


    And the MD girl/boy thing - not particularly.  I think most people have experienced someone on drugs fascinated by hair, it's obviously not sexual and they don't try to grope more intimate areas.   The invasion of personal space may be annoying, but at best it's standard harassment unless the tone descends to a sexual nature.  

    The general coversation was about sexual assault and harrassment and didnt specify gender and apologies that I lead a busy life so I only contribute limited times on the forum. Other that I'm not going to continue this convo.

  4. 2 minutes ago, fowls said:

    With all due respect, someone on molly stroking your hair and a single experience you had "years and years ago" 

    Firstly I'm not muting discussion - I'm adding to it. Odd claim.

    Secondly, I'm sure if I had a stroked and rubbed my hands through a womens hair and wouldn't leave them alone at Glastonbury and then she came onto this thread to state that this happened - there would rightly be plenty of outrage. 

    Sounds creepier that way round though does it not? 



  5. 1 minute ago, H.M.V said:

    Someone rubbing your face or running their hands through your hair although incredibly invasive cannot be held in the same regard as someone invading your genitals. 

    I'm not going to argue with you as it wouldn't be appropriate but towards the end of my post I did state that a girl did attempt this

  6. 4 minutes ago, Spindles said:

    Fucking disgraceful to think that this is a problem that not only exists but seems to be getting worse?

    Fellas, have a fucking word with yourselves.  You've got sisters, you've got mums, you've got female mates, many of us have got daughters.  How would you feel if they were on the receiving end of this?  Feel that way about ALL the women out there, get angry at the thought of them having to put up with this as some sort of normalcy, which it isn't and never should be.

    Reading this thread has ruined my night and I've only been home from work 10 minutes :/

    Ladies, I'm really sorry you have to put up with this.  Truly saddens me that this is the world we live in.

    You should perhaps read my post earlier in the thread and also glance over @ghostdancer1 post. It's not just women who receive this kind of treatment - although there is no doubting that women are frequently the targets. 

  7. I'll no doubt get down voted to shit for this. But for balance, it happens to guys too, but largely seen as "funny" when it happens to guys by wider society. 

    At various times girls have grabbed and rubbed their hands through my hair (i have a lot of it) and i remember at reading festival a girl rubbing my face and hair very incessenatly with both hands while she was on her friends shoulders. Would not leave me alone and her friend laughed it off implying she had been doing mdma. And some chav girl years and years ago in Portsmouth attempted to grab my bollocks in broad daylight while I was walking down the street. 

  8. 1 minute ago, MetaKate said:

    Literally can't stop since waking up Tuesday morning. Every small thing makes me so so sad and reading this thread had me tearing up every second post. I'm feeling absolutely wrecked emotionally.  I did a 12 hour sleep last night( finally) and need to do another 12 hours tonight i think. 

    It will get better!

  9. Just read the rest of this thread and although I do understand everyone is feeling low (as am I) it will get better and there is a beautiful world out there and some amazing places to visit. I know i spent best part of 800 quid for glastonbury everything included - that could take you to some excellent and fun places around europe all with great people to meet (particuarly if you stay in hostels). Take that opportunity next year! 

  10. 4 hours ago, Matt42 said:

    Okay so the blues have fully hit me today

    Radiohead have headlined the Pyramid again, something I thought I never was going to see at one point

    There is no festival next year, I am back to work today so it's back to reality.
    The festival illness is creeping in...
    A sudden realisation that there are very few bands left on my list of favourites I'm yet to see... and I have no idea where my life is gonna be in 2019, I'll have graduated and the blanket of University will be gone.

    I don't even know if there's a 'Radiohead' type act i'm dying for to play in the future... seems all too much like an end of an era! I'm gonna have to jump onto the led zeppelin or floyd reunion bandwagon I think...

    Anyone else like me feeling a bit lost after this festival? Moreso than any other years? 

    I agree with the lack of must sees now as seen the vast majority if not all the bands i've always wanted to see. Strange position to be in, as when i was younger never really saw it coming. 

  11. People talking about weird post Glasto dreams - I am with you 100% on that. I was only on alcohol for this festival but had a nap on Monday evening and it was horrific. Woke up disorientated with chills running down my spine as I was so freaked out. Think it goes to show how much of an assault on the senses (in the best possible way of course) Glastonbury really is!

  12. Saw Napalm Death/Heck/Hactivist


    Enjoyed all of them a lot. Earache stage is an excellent idea and seeing bands members crowd surfing through a tube train was fun- didn't find queuing too bad, just found the distance to the nearest toilets a bit frustrating. 

    Did feel like I was going to collapse after Hacktivist think the effects of the whole festival finally caught up with me then - although I did have a very sweaty hug from someone in the mosh pit - all good fun

  13. Leaving the JP tent after frank carter and before the killers when it was rammed. Could not get out of tent due to everyone coming in the tent meaning there was no thouroughfare getting out and I felt very agitated. But one chap took the lead and created a space for me and the mrs to get out which, even though only a small gesture, I was very appreciative. Only wish more people would do it would resolve alot of issues with crushes!

  14. Didn't see a film but had an explore one afternoon. Was very cool and got some good snaps. Loved some of the cars - I go week at the knees for a caddy haha.


    There was also a film playing in the tent which had about 2 people watching which was remincsent of Videodrome (but wasnt). Was intrigued but others in our party wanted to move on so didnt hang around in there.

    Overall was a nice deviation.

  15. I agree that festival appears to be mainly white and also a large section is middle class. Which is a shame particuarly, if i remember correctly, there appeared to be increased diversity back in 2015? 


    I think part of the issue is that there can be a fair bit of snobbery at glastonbury when acts such as Jay-Z and Kanye are announced on the pyramid stage and when things like the petition against Kanye gets a huge amount of media attention it may not appear that inclusive and subconsciously that would turn alot of people from different backgrounds off. 

    I know it turns me off to an extent and i'm very white (apart from my arms and face after this weekend!)


  16. 18 hours ago, Huckleberry Finn said:

    Frank was certainly very outspoken during his set. He threatened men who sexually assault women during with depapitation. I am of course disgusted by that behaviour and applaud the denouncement, but not sure if he went about it in the right way. Only a hunch, and in the absence of any other evidence, maybe they were pulled?

    To be fair you're probabaly on to something there, although they must have known that he's always been, shall we say, a lively performer! 

  17. Had to be up just before 8 this morning as the sprog was up. Utterly dead to the world physically and mentally. Bit better now as had a kip while the sporg was having nap. Normally takes best part of a week before 100%€ again mind! 

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