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Posts posted by SheffJeff

  1. 6 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    Isn’t VAT 17.5 % how does that cover a 50% rise in prices ? Or have I got my figures wrong ? 

    I think VATs actually only 5% on domestic energy bills so cutting it will have even less impact than you think. Obviously it will help a bit but not by very fucking much.

  2. 14 minutes ago, blutarsky said:

    All good shouts, but looking for 7" singles 

    I've got a 2 year old and as a keepsake every year I do a little video with photos of her and music over the top.  For the first one I had Magnificent (She Says) by Elbow though this was never released as a single so that's not much help.  As Maurice says though you could be painting yourself into a corner by choosing 7" singles. You may be better off just buying a box that holds 50 albums instead?  I think I'm gonna follow suit anyway so thanks for the suggestion.

  3. On 9/28/2021 at 7:51 AM, kalifire said:

    Thought the ending to VIGIL was about as bad as the rest of it. What a load of old shite. 

    Going to try Alice in Borderland on the strength of Squid Game. 

    I've despatched Squid Game and Alice in Borderline over the past couple of days and have loved both of them.  Not something I would normally try but saw the recomendations on here so thought I'd give them a go .. gonna try Sweet Home next as that is apparently similar.

  4. 32 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

    Point of order, China has nearly 5x as many people living there as the USA.

    It also has around 15* the population of Germany - which incidentally is around the same factor that their emissions are greater than Germanys.

    More than a little unfair to single out China who are actually a bit ahead of the curve than many western countries on the environment, and may very well end up saving us all given they are the only major economy not totally beholden to the pursuit of endless growth.


    All fair points... the US and Germany are both worse on carbon emissions in relation to population then China.  The article I got the image from though was discussing Chinas increase in emissions...  it was a moving bar chart thingy but I couldn't work out how to insert the fucker (link to article below).  I thought it was an interesting way of showing how emissions had changed over the years by country and found it worrying that Chinas carbon emissions had more than trebled in the past 20 years from 914 to 2776 million tonnes.  While in the UK we had managed to reduce ours from 155 to 101 which is diddly squat and again doesn't factor in our much smaller population.    

    Anyway I know next to nowt about this issue really... just think we're bolloxed whatever we do.


  5. US and China have the same emissions as the next 30 countries combined so it does feel like we're pissing in the wind a bit (UK was 101 million tonnes in 2019).  That's not to say we shouldn't do anything but as Stevie says we need the bigger boys to play ball to give us a fighting chance.


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