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Posts posted by Obiginnaw

  1. 9 hours ago, MaxPower said:

    Yeah still expecting them, would be an Overmono-like weirdness for them not to be there.

    Salute is absolutely sick but he’s not one im hugely surprised on not being there (yet), has only gotten traction fairly recently. Would be a great booking tho.

    yeah i 100% agree on prospa, and also Salute, he'd be cracking somewhere in bright sunshine though early doors methinks

  2. 1 hour ago, CH0161 said:

    Has anyone got past experience of how good/efficient the shuttle service is...As we know every minute counts in terms of getting a good camping spot.

    We will arrive at around 4am Weds morning, what time realistically could we expect to be in the queue at Gate A?

    i was admittedly very drunk last time we got there, however if memory serves we got there about 1am , which was far quieter and we waited at the shuttle bus stop for a short while to pick a few others up. but even then i wanna say I definitely get change from an hour/around that much. 4am is considerably busier judging by how quickly it started filling up which could either hurt or hinder that time (less time to wait around at the stop but you might have to queue to get on). however it's really efficient i had no issues with it whatsoever! in terms of getting a camping spot it depends where you fancy camping. Pennard Hill might be tight by time you get in but i shouldn't imagine any other problems

  3. good grief i hope these boys show up somewhere good. 


    in other music news, BUFO's residency kicks off tonight at 11 which i will for sure be tuning into !

    another one who's done a Rinse Mix this month is Salute, who i'm surprised not to see anywhere on the bill just yet, seemed destined for Silver Hayes

  4. 11 minutes ago, EFC1996 said:

    It’s always the latter.. I’m grateful to get paid after glasto because I know my bank balance will not be too happy if I was to get paid whilst I’m there 😂

    it happened in 2019 but where i was only back from uni about 2 weeks before i only got about £200 on the friday. thought i was Rockefeller and buying strangers pints all the time.. until my card got swiftly returned and my pint sentenced back to the bar around 2pm Sunday 😂


    7 minutes ago, gooner1990 said:

    That would be good for me - I'm away in Spain on a stag do weekend of 10th-12th June so won't be very flush before...looks like the credit card will be coming out to play!

    ouch, yeah i'm cancelling all plans from about now just to make sure i have something to go with to soften the blow, or my experian will do an Oldham 

  5. 7 minutes ago, gooner1990 said:

    I get paid two days after we come home from Glastonbury! Argh!

    i get paid on the friday we're there and i'm yet to determine if that's a good thing or a horribly dangerous thing 😂

  6. 24 minutes ago, nikkic said:

    Having been to Lost Village, where the majority of the stages are in the woods, I can vouch for this.

    Would be very cool at Glasto.

    yeah big upvote for this, i love an open air stage at times but the trees sort of kept all the sound in and it was all one immersive entity

  7. 2 minutes ago, David_303 said:

    - How was the school disco, darling? 

    - Awful, pure anthem bashing, they even dropped The Nine FFS

    letter from the school - 'your daughter has been kept behind after school. The reason for this stopping the music by spinning the DJ equipment and shouting "easy man, wheel up wheel up big tune!" and making a gun shape with her fingers

    • Upvote 5
  8. we crashed hard on the friday afternoon due to too much beer, and opted for a Long Island Iced Tea from one of the bars. best tenner i spent all week, I reckon it was omitted from the true Easter Sunday Ressurection testament. had enough alcohol to give you a small buzz but as it was also mostly coke the sugar helped immensely

  9. 1 hour ago, Zacko said:

    Shangs lineup is completely stacked. Jesus, they have really SMASHED it this year. Honestly don't know how I'm gonna fit even 5% of what I want to see in tbh. 

    Bonobo and Maribou in Shangs, am I dreaming?

    yeah i feel Maribou have slipped under the radar in the sheer size of that lineup but they're a very big name I'd love to go and see!

  10. 2 minutes ago, gfa said:

    Can you send a partiboi set - seen good things he sounds like an absolute nutter haha

     This is one I’ve always revisited , it just seems like pure chaos I cannot wait 

  11. 5 minutes ago, Ddiamondd said:

    Sadly not. He's so intensely in demand, there were a spate of European fests all with big offers in for him — live and DJ, as he's mixing it up atm — and Glasto were just not yet ready to jump. No foul play, just didn't line up.

    His agency has booked some of the most exciting IICON/Silver Hayes acts for this year though, so fear not. Still tons of amazing stuff to come. Just lacking one bobbing bucket hat.

    ahh huge shame, but yeah completely get how in demand he is, it's not without justification either. i was lucky to catch him at lost village but i know a few in my group were keen to see him - and i've no doubt the rest of the lineup is enough a plaster over that wound!

  12. 16 minutes ago, AshwaGandhi said:

    Going to backtrack on that statement. I can understand why people are excited, I just can’t get excited for his music. Least appealing thing on Arcadia for me which is good I guess!

    i get where you're coming from, but i don't think he'll make any mistake of throwing out the wrong vibe, i'm 99% sure he understands the assignment. otherwise you'd just book Camelphat imo if you were going purely for a big commercial name that kinda fits the spider vibe these days. I'm almost disappointed it isn't booked as love regenerator but it might give him some freedom to do whatever he fancies

  13. 7 minutes ago, Zacko said:

    He's one of those guys who could pop up on almost any stage and he wouldn't look out of place, so fingers crossed! 

    Part of me thinks we might get a J.E.S.U.S reunion as they've been teasing it recently, but I haven't actually looked at the tour dates to see whether this is feasible. 

    well look at coachella, he doens't care what stage he's on 😂 but yeah i mentioned J.E.S.U.S in here a few days back but Jackmaster being booked seemed unfavourable on here as he's not really got many "big" bookings of late but that might be his way back in. He's always been someone i must see so i'm more than happy to see him and skream in any configuration

  14. 13 minutes ago, SouthbanKen said:

    Fuck me there is lot of woo - woo ing in the crowd there. I know @bennyhana22 is keen to keep the thread positive, but i am sure he wont mind if we just all agree that its perfectly reasonable to bash in anyones head if they start woo - woo ing. 



    as much as i agree, at least it's not "whoop there it is" 

  15. So Skream’s just announced a London date for the Saturday night, 6 hours b2b so that pretty much rules him out of both Saturday and multiple sets over the weekend… I’m heartbroken but fingers crossed for a set somewhere across the weekend 

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