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Posts posted by Woffy

  1. 1 hour ago, Superscally said:

    I want to the documentary of @Woffy's stag do. 

    The best i've got is my profile photo here.


    One of me back at work on the Tuesday would be more entertaining. 

    In fact i'd like to see it as i have absolutely no recollection of it.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, lessthanwill1 said:


    Yes I’ve heard it’s pretty tough!  10,100 ft / 3,100 metres of elevation gain in 50k!  It includes essentially two summits of Snowdon (one via most of the Rangers path and the other via the Pyg track).  There’s a 100k and 100 mile version which look totally crazy. 

    A guy at work did the 100 miler and came like 15th or something. Absolute beast. I've only just got talking to him. He said it was pretty sketchy in parts: he passed some huge drops in clear daylight, but said he'd've been pretty terrified to have traversed those parts a little later in the pack when the mist set in. F*** THAT!

    At least the 50k sounds a little more...manageable! 

  3. 20 hours ago, lessthanwill1 said:

    Thanks for the tips on the IT band issues above guys! 

    Thanks - I think my post on this wasn’t recovered after the site went down!

    I finished!  Finished 82nd out 350 odd people who entered.  Took 12 hours 15 minutes.  Throughly enjoyed it!  

    However, I have been struggling with some knee and IT Band issues following the run. I think this is largely due to body mechanics as I am so unbelievably tight in my hip/hamstrings/glutes and I think I am now paying the price.  Have been stretching and strengthening those areas with the help of a physio over the last few weeks and seem to be making some progress.  Should hopefully be back to normal in Feb and able to start training for the Ultra Trail Snowdonia 50k, which is in July.

    Nice one, dude!

    Well done and congrats! Amazing placing! (I'm a back of back-er: Goal A: Finish. Goal B: Don't come last!)

    Ultra Snowdonia 50k is..............brutal, isn't it???????

  4. 1 minute ago, Hugh Jass said:

    They're going to move the festival to early December to coincide with the football.

    Adele to perform at the joint Glastonbury Festival / Qatar World Cup opening ceremony, subbing the burning of a giant wicker itinerant slave labourer.

  5. Just now, Ayrshire Chris said:

    Main stages open on a Thursday as a one off for next year would be awesome but the licence wouldn’t permit it.  We can but dream! 

    I don't want my Thursday ruined by stages being open ffs.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Try findarace.com dude.

    It's a pretty good resource.

    My favourites, all local(ish) to me of course, are pretty much the ones i've done / am doing this year:

    Beachy Head Marathon - brilliant event and course. one of the most popular trail marathons in the country

    Andover / Salisbury Trail Marathons

    Winchester Big Way Round 50k - 2021 was it's inaugural year

    I've also done Lulworth Cove 50k (my first ever race of any kind) which was BRUTAL! 🙂

  7. On 10/9/2021 at 3:22 PM, Hugh Jass said:

    Mad to think we’ve only had three festivals since the last utterly mental “Adele is going to sub” shout.

    Barely halfway through October and we've jumped the shark already.

  8. 3 hours ago, steviewevie said:

    well done to your daughter.

    Yes, DOMS kicking in nicely. I signed up for Manchester marathon next spring a few weeks ago, but now thinking maybe not. Marathons are hard, too hard for poor old steviewevie, half marathons much more civilised.

    (whispers) trail marathons are the way forward

    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, dentalplan said:

    I would really like to investigate it further, but I would also like to never hear it again.

    I strapped in and delved into the YouTube comments. 

    Apparently he’s been lip-syncing to the same recording since 2013. 

    The consensus between his Italian American fans seems to be that they know this but really DGAF. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, Mardy said:

    Woffy, come here and give us a kiss you magnificent bastard. How's tricks?

    For comedy, i reckon you want a) to be downstairs, dunno why, but it feels important, something about going down the steps b) a low roof, I think the laughs need to be contained and not escape upwards/outwards c) a low stage, 9-12 inches max. d)Stage should be pretty small, one mic, couple of spots. no frills. e)the backstage area shouldn't be literally backstage, the comedian should have to walk through the crowd a bit to get onto the stage. and f) there needs to be no space at the front, no real gap between comedian/crowd. A ramshackle arrangement of chairs, not neccesarily in formal rows


    Mwah! All good buddy! Literally just found out I can drink alcohol while taking the antibiotics I’ve been prescribed. Result. 

    Wow. Impressive. You REALLY know how to comedy. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Mardy said:

    London? Roundhouse is OK for a largish venue, but I love the Lexington. Used to like the Scala but had a bad experience there a few weeks back. Union Chapel also great.


    Outside London, Ramsgate Music Hall is decent, although the Trades Club in Hebden Bridge probably my favourite. And for comedy, the Stand in Edinburgh is the best venue in the world, bar none.

    Alright Mardy. How you doing? Long time no speak. Had to delete the Twitter for my sanity. Anyway:

    Genuine question: What makes a decent / great comedy venue (as opposed to a music venue with great sound / acoustics / viewing visibility, etc)?

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