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Mr November

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Posts posted by Mr November

  1. Argh, stop getting me so excited about him headlining - I don't think I'll be able to handle the let down when it's bloody Flo!

    (and I was more thinking of a purple-tinged sunset, but Ribena rain sounds excellent!)

    I know, I know, I'll be crushed when that happens, but you've got to dream!

    That would be unreal! I'd be happy getting drenched under those circumstances.

    I still have hopes pinned on the Purple fella for Sunday. I'm taking my mate as a newbie and she's in love with Prince, so I'd just love to see her face both when they announce it, and in the crowd.

    I LOVE taking new people and seeing their little faces beaming like mine did back in 2008, when you know you've found something/somewhere special. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy

    Me too. Nothing like seeing a grown man with the face of a child on Christmas day when you walk them round a corner at Glastonbury. Just when my friends thought they'd seen it all last year, I lead them into Block 9. That was a picture worth the entry fee in itself.

  2. So it'll be chucking it down, but it'll be Purple?!?!?!?!

    Oooooooo maybe they'll use Ribena!! :girldance:

    The only time I'd accept rain would be for that song. All the lights from the stage would be purple and it would look amazing! I'm sure if they could pull it off inside the O2, they could do it for Glastonbury!

  3. The longer they leave it before making some kind of announcement, the greater the chances that someone in the know will leak or blab, and that would be embarrassing for the festival, as they would probably then be forced to rush something official out.

    It's happened before, and must present them with a real dilemma on timing.

    I don't know why it would cause much of a problem, unless some of it's incorrect. GFL just don't need to comment.

    Plus, I'm sure those 'in the know' about anything sensitive like P***** would keep quiet, as they'd know first hand why it's a secret.

  4. In 2007, by the time The Who came on I was whimpering in my tent just waiting for it to be Monday to go home.

    The prospect of a 'secret' set from Bill Bailey on the Fire Stage at midnight was all that kept me going

  5. Ive been going since 2003 and 2007 was the only year went home early. I got home to watch the Who playing with a glass of wine still having mud on my legs after a shower. Sheffield was badly flooded, not far from where I live. I was on a comedown and thought the world might just be coming to an end. In hindsight Im glad I left when I did as the scenes of people trying to get off site on the Monday did not look pleasant.

    2007 was my first year. Oddly enough, I don't remember being at all bothered about who the the headliners were, though I was happy I had the opportunity to see a legendary band in The Who.

    As for the weather, my god... I had no real point of reference. I think I just thought to myself, well this is that Glastonbury mud everyone bangs on about. But the relentlessness of it was exhausting.

    I look back now and wonder if I could handle doing that again, with one jumper, one pair of shorts, a simple roll mat and a one-man Argos tent.

    I stayed at my friend's in Reading on the Monday night once we'd finally been freed from the car park quagmire and on Tuesday there was no public transport going north of Derby. Nothing. That was an interesting 'I won't be in work tomorrow, boss' phone call!

  6. You can't pay for resale tickets with a credit card in the UK? I could have sworn I got some with a cc last year. So if you get through and need to buy 4 tickets you need to have over £900 at the ready? Few days before pay day, looks like I'm asking the Mrs for a temp loan!

    No, it was the same last year. Debit cards only. And bear in mind that if you need 4 tickets and 4 people are all trying at the same time, all 4 of you will need the £900 available!

  7. Been watching a couple of Prince + 3RDEYEGIRL videos, I'm convinced he'd still smash it with them as his backing band. That version of Let's Go Crazy at Manc Academy - brilliant.

    Care to share?

  8. Added my 13mins flat

    deadpheasant 3

    gooner1990 4

    the otherbellboy 4.59

    efcfanwirral 5

    ricaroet 6

    getoffmylawn 7

    gnomicide 7.45

    magicalglitterbunny 8.3

    curly girl 8.42

    gracemary 1992 9

    memoryman 9.59

    pin head 10

    greenarmy12 10.3

    mungo57 11:00

    surrysupermum 11.45

    emsiexxx 12

    willutalk 12:34

    Mr November 13

    kalifire 13.3

    srb 14

    DAVA 15:00

    mattdavies 16

    ADS1980 17

    oneeye 17.05

    mezhyp1 18.3

    CTO 19:00

    Guy 20

    tezshields 26:00

    01seb 29:00

    sime 45

    londontom 320

    jackmypie 360

  9. 2 trips to the car is an absurd waste of time. I cannot comprehend making that horrific journey twice.

    I will forever break my back and do it all in one journey. No trolley either.

    I bet you people make two trips to the car when bringing your supermarket shopping bags in too.


    Haha! The second trip is always for booze, which I'll be taking less of this year. We also have a massive tent that needs 2 people to carry so if it isn't in the rucksack, it needs going back for.

    Sadly, some of us are small of frame and short on cash!

  10. Not a story but advice... get a trolley to make it all the more easier.

    I've not once seen a trolley make anything easier for anyone. it slows you down, get's in the way of other people and can generally be a safety hazard if not secure properly. Saw a poor girl get her leg messed up last year by a tumbling trolley.

    I will forever be a member of the anti-trolley brigade. Just take a second trip to the car.

  11. I'm holding onto the slimmest of hopes that they'll be there. They're doing two festivals in Spain in May, then the one in America in July - surely one in between would only help keep them warmed up!?

  12. Not a joke. I'm honestly asking the question, I've been looking at recent gig setlists, all the hits there.

    The missus and a few mates went to see him at Wembley and were raving about him.

    Might just be me then what with music being subjective and all that. Would go and see him if he headlined on Sunday, see what all the fuss is.

    If you appreciate good musician and showmanship, which I'm sure you do, you'd be blown away.

  13. I have foolishly booked a holiday over what could be resale weekend. As Mr 100% for our group in the last 5 sales (deposit and resale), any help getting just one for one of my best buds would be greatly appreciated!

  14. Its going to be a reformed Half Beatles of Macca and Ringo and his all Starr band. Heard it here first...

    I'd take that over any of the other non-purple suggestions being banded about at the moment.

  15. Nope, i'm just pointing out the blindingly obvious.It's clearly bullshit.As will be proven in 20 minutes when there's no announcement, which they claimed would be midday today.Anyone want a bet? :)

    It would be odd to direct a shed load of traffic toward their site on the first day of payment window, which is why I don't think it will be until next week.

    At the same time, the foolishly optimist in me would put a cold pint of Glastonbury cider on it dropping today.

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