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Mr November

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Posts posted by Mr November

  1. Crushing disappointment. A desperate booking from the sounds of it, compounded by the fact I saw them only 4 Glastobury's ago. Really thought we might get something special that night.

    Of course, my dad would disagree.

    And I personally fucking hate Weller. Ugh.

  2. Sorry, my post was crap, I meant the Sunday if you couldn't make Saturday. Does your girlfriend know you're cheating on her with Sharon??

    I've considered it, but I don't think I'll get back from the airport in time :(

    No, she's aware of her existence, but I have so far kept my intentions from her. My friend recently got kind of pally with Sharon and I somehow came up in conversation, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.

  3. Someone had 2 tickets they advertised by the Brudenell FB page if you want to check them? I can't make that date, but we've got a date on Friday anyway, in Wetherspoon's.

    Thanks, but that was probably me! Only time I can go on holiday, with my GF being at uni/on placement

  4. Yeah he's too big for the Glade nowadays.

    Hard to be sure where he'll end up... maybe West Holts?

    Would be ideal. Caribou > Jon Hopkins > Hot Chip on West Holts. In my dreams

  5. She's my number 1 must-see. The last three shows I had tickets for, I then had to miss for various reasons, including one a week on Saturday. Given that I plan to marry her, I need to pull my finger out really.

  6. Right this guy is one of my must sees after missing him for Tallica last year. No regrets as didn't really know him them but have had to miss both London gigs so really keen to see him at Glasto.

    Where would you place him? What day? What stage? Hoping for no clash with Hot Chip or Funkadelic!

    I'm really struggling to place him. Also hoping for no clash with Hot Chip, so before or after Caribou on The Park, any night but the night HC are playing would be fine with me.

    Really hoping he's back in the Glade. I missed him last year too, and would love to have a chance to go to that again.

    Glade show was great, but it was way too full and spilling out the sides. I think he'll get a bigger stage this year.

  7. I realised that the reason I was underwhelmed by last night's announcement was that I was already pretty sure most of the bands I'm bothered about were going to be there, mostly due to this place. I couldn't ever give it up though!

  8. When I put their Glastonbury set on iPlayer last year, I was surprised at just how good they were as a band and how much was going on. Went to see them on tour and had so much fun! Sexy, groovy fun...

  9. Yay, Florence not headlining! I still think she'll sub Foos, but if it is the purple one (the plural in special guests means nothing in my opinion) I can see her subbing him and the info I received was a cover up

  10. Pretty underwhelming to be honest. Probably because the only stuff I'm bothered about we're pretty much confirmed. Not a single 'oh wow, they got them!' Act on there for me. Yet...

  11. Handing my valuables in at the Lock-up then getting to the top of the hill with a drink and a smoke. That's when I can relax and laugh maniacally at the thought of what's to come.

  12. It's already been made. It was up for about five minutes then taken down again. We all saw it but we've been sworn to secrecy.


    Can confirm, Hamish. You've got to be more attentive. You're in for a long wait now.



    I'm not over fussed about Foos, but Saturday for Hot Chip would be a preferred slot.

  14. Right I officially need some Sunday purple action now as family have just sprung a Saturday night 2016 wedding on me so we wont be able to go next year.


    It must be him this year, gotta have one decent headliner!

  15. 1500 pages!

    Remember the glory day when we hoped the headliner would be announced when we reached page 1000?

    And then joked about it not coming until we hit 2000?

    Well we're going to hit 2000 before then

  16. We were walking through Silver Hayes, on our way to Wild Beasts at the JP when the wind began to pick up. The girls communicated their desire to use the facilities, so we waited, eyes on the sky.

    Then it came, a huge cloudburst that forced me to throw up my Pound Shop brolly. As we three grown men huddled beneath our pathetic, flimsy shelter, we realised the girls must be having a hell of a time in the long drops. All of a sudden, it stopped.

    "Is that all you've got", cried my friend, fist waving at the sky in a jokingly challenging manner. Then, right on cue, shitsville opened up all over everyone's party.

    My brolly was shredded as we hot-footed it up the hill, but the entire field had flocked to the JP tent for cover. We only had one option, head around to the far side and pray for mercy. Luckily, after what seemed forever, we made it to the far side of the tent, only to be confronted with Niagra-esque scenes as water poured from the roof. We ran for the first opening we could see and after sharing a brief Herbal Essences moment under the cascading torrent with a stranger, made it to shelter.

    We thought the worst was over, but as the water began to pour into the tent, the crowd was scattered. The power was cut and darkness fell upon us all.

  17. Ah completely. My mate has done so many festivals, but mainly small dance fests, and she beams when she's at those, so I think it's going to be on another level seeing her reaction.

    Plus, 4 of us managed to get a Tipi, so it'll be extra special. Although she is already sick to death of me going on about it, I have zero craic other than 'when I was at glastonbury......'

    Soon enough, she'll understand.

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