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Mr November

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Posts posted by Mr November


    Don't 'give away' Hot Chip to the likes of your average Pyramid watcher. West Holts all the way. In the dark. With lights flashing around. And us danceing. Like Idiots. Make it so, Eavii.


    Yes, yes, yes! This is the one thing I want from the festival this year!

  2. The Foals thing is clearly a case of people reading way too much into an unremarkable coincidence, it's not like triangles are an uncommon shape.

    You're right, quite fashionable these days. Still, shouldn't count them out.

  3. They could, but I'd find it strange given that if this album is a big hit, they would possibly be in line for the top spot in a year.

    If Arctic Monkeys can do it...

    Maybe a bad example.

    Foos - Beck

    Kanye - Foals

    Madonna - Flo

  4. There is a piece in the Mirror today quoting Madonna from the Radio 2 interview tonight. It's a load of rubbish about her doing the school run or some such, but it indicates to me that someone at the Mirror has heard the interview. If that's true, wouldn't they know about a Glastonbury confirmation? And wouldn't they have revealed it as an exclusive? Or have they been told to keep quiet?

    Probably reading far too much into this, but it passes the time.

    Probably just a quote that's been put out for press to use. I have no basis for this reasoning though.

  5. No, don't twist my words. People who group music into sub categories and then go "I don't like pop music" are dickheads, as if all pop music is awful with no merit at all.

    You really didn't provide enough words to be twisted. Anyway, see my above reply to penguin for what I think was trying to be said. Still 'dickheads' id a bit harsh.

  6. What if they write off the entire genre based on....oh I don't know....the fact they don't like that genre? Lots of people don't like metal music....Does that give me license to call them all dickheads? People like yourself are making all these laughable assumptions about 'why' people don't like Pop music without simply realising its a matter of simple personal taste, not everybody has to like everything you do.....if they did the world would be an extremely dull place!

    I think the point they're trying to make is that there can be 'good' pop music and there can be 'good' metal and writing off an entire genre without hearing EVERYTHING that genre has to offer is not really being as open minded as someone perhaps should be.

  7. ..........then its not them. They're "bubblegum" pop.

    This is a conversation in semantics that could go on forever. So I'm doing a Bannatyne on it.


    I knew as soon as I hit 'Post' that I was getting into something I didn't want. I'm out too.


  8. I took 40 cans in 2013. Gave away 16 on the Monday morning.

    I took 30 cans in 2014. Gave away 12 on the Monday morning.

    This year I reckon I'll take just the 10 lagers and up to half a dozen special beers and save myself the pain of carrying so much. Then buy some nice ciders on site and take the usual litre of rum, litre of vodka, litre of novelty spirit (2013 was apricot wine, 2014 mead).

    I just don't drink that much, I guess.

  9. I think you're giving One Direction far too much credit in claiming they represent all pop music

    Well they are the epitome of pop aren't they? Most chart music you could just about pigeon hole into some other genre, but if we're talking pure pop...

  10. The 2 types of people I've ever heard say "I don't like pop music" IRL.

    1. Under 18s

    2. Archetypal 'metalheads'

    3. Classical music nerds

    3, Dickheads

    Are you telling me the only people who don't like One Direction are either under 18s, archetypal metalheads, classical music nerds or dickheads?


  11. I see a lot of 'I'll buy beer/cider there', so there must be an off licence there, where is that? I didn't see it last year, is it reasonably priced?

    I think they mean from the bars on site

  12. Nice to see some love in here for Dry The River. Matt has some new material coming soon - check out waylorland.com

    I got some news from him t'other day that suggests no Glastonbury this year, but could be wrong.

    To stay on topic, I was in my tent and it started throwing it down so decided to maintain shelter for a while. Had a nap, woke up and I'd missed Robert Plant. So disappointed in myself.

  13. Did you go see it on The Park last year?

    Brilliant when the countdown kicked in.

    No, I missed it! Can't remember where I was, but I remember seeing my mate approaching me with a disturbingly large grin on his face and it turned out he'd just come from it.

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