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Everything posted by steviewevie

  1. What is labour's response? They don't want to upset any of those lovely red wall voters....must look tough on immigration. Maybe they'll suggest sending them to N Korea or something.
  2. it's like a new slave trade triangle...
  3. do people give a shit about the cost? They just want to see some suffering.
  4. will be article 16 next...job done. Good old boris.
  5. Oh, so they have been asked then?
  6. yeah, it is so wrong on so many levels, and probably unworkable...I guess the idea is to put people off, and also a nice bit of red meat for tories and it triggers remainy liberals like me.
  7. tory MPs will love it though...and many voters too.
  8. Don't worry about fines...look over there!
  9. Bojo is in trouble, so let's send refugees to Rwanda.
  10. More fines on the way...apparently....but Bojo will be ok because we need his leadership in these turbulent times.
  11. you know it's Harry Enfield, right?
  12. I mean he's in house of lords...so maybe not as desperate for promotion and power as other ministers...
  13. you decide this shit the week before depending on the forecast. Hope that helps.
  14. At last...someone with principles...whoever he is...
  15. Sweden and Finland could be joining NATO soon...not sure this invasion, sorry I mean special operation, is going to plan for Putin....unless his plan was to completely fuck Ukraine and partially fuck Russia and potentially start WW3.
  16. Chris Mason taking over from Kuenssberg as BBC's political editor...seems like a nice bloke although I'm sure he'll be accused of bias soon enough, although maybe with a bit less vitriol seeing as he's a bloke.
  17. you see a lot of people trivialising it, saying all this over some cake, it is equivalent to a parking fine, that we all knew Johnson was a bit of a rascal etc etc...but this doesn't get round the fact that there was loads of this stuff going on in downing st..and that Johnson knowingly lied to parliament and the country. Now the argument being made by ministers is that he is devastated by this and he didn't realise he was breaking the law...that has got to be the biggest load of what the fuck yet.
  18. yeah, it is unfair...but labour have to offer a decent alternative to persuade a lot of people to vote for them, the electoral map and press just favours the tories. In the end, a lot of people still love boris because of brexit, and they don't trust labour with the economy/crime/defence/monarchy etc...although inevitably Ozanne will post some polls showing that labour are currently ahead of the tories on most of this. Labour are definitely doing better these days with all this partygate and cost of living stuff...but is it enough to win an election, not sure.
  19. Sunak will probably be sacked over coming months and that will be it, his political career will be over. He really has messed up over the last few months.
  20. no, an election wouldn't fix inflation in short term, it is hitting countries everywhere...but it could change how economy looks in the future. I guess the argument is where Johnson's govt taking us...by all accounts he likes to spend and sees how levelling up and net zero are important, but they are a divided party on all this with some still believing in more thatcherite policies like Sunak, and others believing in more state interventions like Johnson. Problem for labour at moment is where do they stand on all this...how are they going to deal with the many problems this country already has and will have as we move away from fossil fuels? Big questions require a big vision.
  21. that's really not going to happen...and even then tories may well win again but likely with a much smaller majority...Bojo will do his war leader thing with lots of pictures of him walking around with the man Zelensky. For labour to have any chance they would need a really clear vision and exciting manifesto showing how they could improve things...maybe it could be done...and tories are kind of in a total shambles at moment...and I'm kind of changing my mind as I write this... Don't labour need about a 10 point lead to have just a one seat majority?
  22. It was wait for Gray report... Guilty. Then wait for police inquiry... Guilty. But there's a war on now.
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