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Everything posted by 49Lawson

  1. Yeah, this is my feeling too, although I like to think he wouldn’t be sat watching us squirm trying to do the mental gymnastics of working out how they fit into the line up if there wasn’t at least a chance…
  2. Mainly because I don’t think it’s been fully confirmed where it is yet mate. The last one was in a great location (if you got a nearby hotel) with good links into the city for through the day. I think someone mentioned in here around July time where they’re looking to have it next year but it escapes me fully. Once the location gets locked in and they announce more details of that I’ll probably commit if there’s still tickets available
  3. I know it isn’t his style at all but are we all in agreement that if we ask @Ken19 to confirm or deny Blur we’ll all ask for nothing more between now and Christmas ?
  4. Definitely, this is very true! If it had still been at IFEMA I think I’d have rebooked our hotel from last year; Lil Nas X, Sigur Ros, Franz, Paolo, The Amazons, QOTSA, Black Keys, Tash Sultana, Puscifwr, BBC, RHCP, LG, Prodigy, The Hu. Great start that. I do wonder about the GNR thing though, feel that they slot in as the big headliner on the Friday but then why not announce them today if so? Unless they’re waiting for a whole tour? Or they’ve dropped the ball with an early announcement tease once more, hahah?
  5. Some great names on there; probably not enough to fully convince me over yet (especially as I can’t see where it’s going to be yet) but that’s a much better start than some festivals have had
  6. Fully thought I was being stupid when I said there’d be 4 headliners a day yesterday
  7. As someone who didn’t go to RW this year I am over the moon with that, but imagine I’m massively in the minority
  8. I would much prefer this to be honest; gives you a much better indication as to if the festival will be worth doing next year
  9. So does this mean no news for Werchter today Ken?
  10. There’s some sort of press conference happening so we should have something soon
  11. Any time between half 12-1 o’clock UK time based on the press release
  12. The external optimist in me wonders if they’re going to do four acts on the top line due to scaling down the amount of days but I know that that’s highly unlikely to impossible. Hoping that they reveal a bit of the undercard tomorrow too; RHCP and GNR are a good start to convince me to go back, but when coupled with the likes of Lizzo and Sam Smith I could do with a bit more to sweeten the deal
  13. Sure that final clue is meant to represent RHCP’s Stadium Arcadium. Find out tomorrow either way
  14. Ah apologies, the lad my friend got it from works at the SoL which is why we thought he’d know; and when my mate asked him if he had any evidence he sent him that screenshot I first posted. Either way, I would still be surprised if they played Glasto
  15. I must admit, I know absolutely nothing but it did come to me via a friend I trust, and it came to him via someone would usually be well informed about these things. He said it’s due to be announced next week; as I say I’m not claiming to have any insider track or anything, but if it’s real I would imagine that rules them out
  16. Apologies for derailing the chat and sorry if it’s already been discussed, I’ve just been sent this. If it’s legit I can’t see GNR doing the Saturday
  17. I know there’s only half a dozen names announced so far; but it’s hard to believe that this is the same festival I worked every hour of overtime possible to make sure I could attend in 2016. Seems lightyears away now
  18. Sam Smith at Nos, in what looks like a very prominent position, is sending shivers down my spine…
  19. Either this clue has everybody really stumped; or people have just gone past caring and are ready for the line up now
  20. My guess would be at some point next week, feel like leaving it any later would be a bit too close to Christmas to harvest the Christmas sales
  21. Yeah, I think your prediction is about right. Would be surprised if RHCP are about and they haven’t got them. I was going to make a comment about the danger of teasing bigger names and then not delivering could cause a massive backlash through bad communication. Then remembered that this is Mad Cool…
  22. Been thinking about this, if Billie Eilish is about around Werchter time by the looks of it, I can’t see Mad Cool missing out on her. I also think that they’ll have Lizzo and The Black Keys from Nos. Surely we can’t be right with all of those predictions on that grid because those names coupled with the likes of GNR, Green Day, Lana Del Rey etc would be far too big for a three day festival?
  23. That’s what it would take to pull me back in now; Billie is a more interesting name than some being thrown about but I don’t know if she would be enough on her own to convince me to go back yet.
  24. I really thought RHCP were nailed on for this, but looking at the big names there it’s hard to imagine where they would fit in now
  25. Can’t see anyone but Billie Eilish for that Friday headliner now
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