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Ted Dansons Wig

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Posts posted by Ted Dansons Wig

  1. 34 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

    If he had got away with it, do you think he would have lost any sleep? He would have probably felt very smug.

    You're right of course. He wouldnt have owned up or felt remorse if he'd gotten away with it. But he didnt get away with it.

    He cracked up specifically when he talked about all the people he'd let down - especially his Mum and Dad. I'm a Dad with a son nearly that age - maybe thats what resonated with me. Maybe it was all for the cameras - I didnt think so.

    As Gay Tent says above - he's got a good few years in him at top level if he wants them yet.

  2. On 23/03/2018 at 1:41 PM, kaosmark2 said:

    Avengers 1, Winter Soldier, read a synopsis of Age of Ultron rather than sitting through that shit, Civil War.

    The last 3 that were released are all excellent, although I'm not sure any of them will actually have that much relevance.

    I'm expecting Infinity War to be a huge let down anyway. Any film that's been hyped and led up to for 8 years can't deliver on what it's trying to achieve. Particularly as a 2-parter. Captain Marvel and the 2nd Spiderman should be far more interesting.

    Got to include the first Guardians movie in the list of MCU films to see surely...

    If for other reason its when we get the Collectors description of the Infinity Stones for the first time...

  3. On 23/03/2018 at 11:20 AM, The Clearest Blue said:

    Young Fathers last night were superb, fucking brilliant, I’d never been to the Trinity Centre in Bristol before but it was a decent venue and served Grimbergen so I was never not going to like it!

    Best venue in Bristol.

    Parking can be a bitch mind


  4. 5 hours ago, andyb66 said:

    Well.. it’s been a while.

    after much deliberation and cogitation myself and my motley crew have decided to bypass the sales and just go straight for VIP tickets . The thought of missing out again would probably tip me over the edge. I came close to tears last time around! 

    It might sound like a massive kop out on my part, and you’d be right!  The mere thought of missing out again is making a bead of sweat form on my rather wrinkly forehead! 

    Hi D,

    How VIP we talking here? Camp Kerala? :lol:

  5. I actually felt a bit "out of" the festival in the tepees. Maybe because you've got a fence round the area and its so quiet in there. Like you can SEE the festival - but you're not really part of it

  6. On 19/03/2018 at 4:38 PM, Big durbs said:

    Bloody hope we get tickets for next year mate , glad to see your still allive :-) , hope sunny wiltshire is not to deep in snow.

    Yo Durbs! long time matey.

    Wiltshire as tranquil as ever bloody cold though. Hope you're well. Limbering up for the 2 -4 pm stress-a-thon after ticket day

  7. One time we've stayed on tepees I got the teepee ticket thing off eBay at the last minute. Not sure if thats still possible (was 2011). I think at the time the tepee was £900 and I paid £600. Had festival tickets anyway naturally.

    Personally - wouldn't bother again as it seemed an awful lot of money for very little. If you do go for it - try not to get one on slope. Rolling downhill in a sleeping bag soon loses its novelty value

  8. Oh my Gawd. First time on here in months. Noticed this thread still around. Then that the same folk are still posting in here!!! Only difference now is that I got to meet some of you...

    Best wishes all - see you next year (at the festival - NOT in this thread...)


  9. Like Tommy boy is almost always honest with interviewers. 

    He hasnt produced a album since 2011. If he has retired - how would we know the difference? 

    But on the OP question - cant be many artists not suited to a festival format - but he might be one.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Kinkyinuit said:

    Having only managed to get tickets on 2 occasions, it doesn't feel right not having a stress filled week or some element of blag to get in.


    Maybe the new rule of this thread is you aren't allowed to BUY tickets - but you still have to blag you're way in. And you do it for the whole trip. So you blag your way down on the train or by lift. Blag your way in. Dont buy a drink all week end. Then do the same in reverse.


    Come to think of it - I've got friends like that already

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