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Posts posted by Wherethewildthingsare

  1. 1 hour ago, henry bear said:

    Elbow are one of those acts that the prospect of seeing doesn’t exactly thrill me, but once they get going I tend to enjoy (see also Manics etc). We couldn’t be arsed moving on Sunday so stayed for them and thought it a great set. 

    Exactly the same here!

  2. 15 minutes ago, WestCountryGirl said:

    I'm gutted that Ziggy Marley's set isn't available to watch - that was one of my favourite bits of the festival. First set back in front of the Pyramid stage - I shed some happy tears! Not least when the sun broke through during Is This Love.

    What a shame, it was a great opener, really happy vibe

  3. 18 minutes ago, danbailey80 said:

    There is the possibility that it was Lindsay that was the least keen for Glastonbury. So now it's Neil Finn (who's very keen on Glastonbury).

    We know Mick was keen. Stevie has talked about it lots and you'd assume Christine would be keen (English and lived nearish for a while I think). 

    And if Neil was there this year to chat about it....



    This would make sense. Saw them a Wembley and really enjoyed it. Had Free Fallin’ and a couple of crowded house songs as extras

  4. 10 minutes ago, Zacko said:

    I stood next to/behind "him" waiting to cross the road (you know when the stewards make you wait while a vehicle comes past) so I had a good ten seconds of staring. I really wish I'd asked whether he was Mick Fleetwood now, we're both from basically the same town so that could have been the in!


    I’d doubt it just because he charges a shed load for a meet and greet and can’t imagine he would wander round the co op for free!

  5. 2 hours ago, gfa said:

    Only 3/8 of our group of first timers made it to the SE corner - and not into any of the big closed off venues - think only half of us got to the park too. Not sure any of us visited the green fields - we didn't get to the stone circle or glastonbury sign either as far as i know!

    I made up for it the following year and when I’ve taken newbies we get pretty much all of it in. On reflection this year I didn’t go near the John Peel or the acoustic at all

  6. 4 hours ago, PassingCloud said:

    As much as I do enjoy the larger places, you could really take them alone and it would be any other festival. It’s when you explore places like the green fields, the woods, circus, kidz field, etc. that you realise what Glastonbury is so different and special. 

    Exactly! And the lack of arenas and the reliance on  self moderation generally 

  7. 3 hours ago, Alvoram said:

    I would like to see a proper poll, as this thread is very leading... 

    I get the press argument, but they're gonna pick up on it either way. Hell, they'd already declared it a super spreading event before it even began, and nobody could really argue with that, as it was obviously going to be. 

    But it would be nice to see the percentages here. 

    So one of my friends is positive and I have some possible symptoms but negative (perhaps on day 6) . On the other hand my son and his partner both have it (they didn’t go) and so do three people I work with (neither did they). Most people aren’t testing but I work in a field where we do. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, PassingCloud said:

    I’ve read a few things from people that didn’t really get it. Someone reckoned it was not really any different to Reading/Leeds. Sounds like they didn’t explore beyond the main stages. 

    They really can’t have done. My very first year I didn’t get to the Park, the Green Fields or the SE corner!

  9. 8 hours ago, Alvoram said:

    I loved it, it wasn't until Saturday at the JP that I really felt that 'glastonbury love' and totally fell in love with the place, but that moment came. I think more than anything I love (most of) the people!

    I can't wait to get back and see the things I missed... 

    I have definitely come to the conclusion that I couldn't get on with camping inside though... Nothing but those toilets 24 hours a day, no showers, constant noise and traffic through your camp... I'll leave that to you hardened veterans and young whipper snappers... (If I was still of the age where I enjoy being off my trolley it would be a different matter, but those days are long gone.) 

    We're already planning next year!!! Thinking of hiring a CV if we can't get Sticklinch... 

    I think you should always be able to get something at WV or Sticklinch as tent constantly came up for sale but there’s always Rig’s Field just outside, had loads of room and quiet (no shower/handy parking would be the dealbreaker for me)

  10. 3 minutes ago, essjay2009 said:

    The path down starts in a different place. So where you used to get to the bottom of the camping bit where there was a semi-circle area of stalls, the bar, and then a bit of grass with some benches on it for you to take in the view, all that is now higher up the camping field. All the stalls are now just in a row. There's still a seating area, but it's where the bottom few tents were last time, so in a different spot.

    The path down starts in a different spot and is in a switchback style and through the trees (i.e. it sort of zig zags its way down the hill rather than being a relatively straight path as it used to be). 

    You can get a glimpse of a view when walking down / up the path, but there's no area to sit and take it in like there used to be. It's a big miss in my opinion, I used to love ending the night at that little overlook bit taking in the view and trying to get my breath back!

    Yes the view was great. I also enjoyed the wander through the green fields. The Sticklinch walk home is less interesting!

  11. 2 minutes ago, tullux said:

    WV was again a good place to stay, sadly the viewing point disappeared. The new hill of death is not really better,

    but ok. The bad thing about WV is, that it is soooo fucking cold at night above the field, cant stop freezing.

    I’m not sure how I feel about the look of that new path. What is there now where the viewing point was previously? I don’t remember it being any colder than general camping. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Chicken Bob said:

    Why ? So you can wear a “ive had covid” badge or something? 

    Because my sister has cancer and is vulnerable.  If I’m ill I stay away. I‘m not ill but as a close contact over the previous five days I could be asymptomatic and be a risk to her and so I test before I see her if that’s ok with you. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Longdrop Bum Grapes said:

    I stayed at WV this year and in 2019 and definitely had individual showers both years.

    I only queued more than 30 minutes once and was similar length queue for both

    bottleneck in mens seemed to be the changing room capacity, not the showers themselves as many cubicles were free when changing room was full. So either women had more space or got changed faster after showering 

    Wv had both in 2019. Personally I Chuck something on and get changed in the tent  

  14. Sticklinch had individual cubicles but the queues were nothing compared to Worthy view last time. The toilets were tiny and overrated. Preferred the breeze of the composts despite feeling like climbing up a gallows first thing in the morning.  

  15. One of my friends has to test for work, negative last night but developed a temperature overnight, negative at 7.30 am, positive by 9.30. We shared a tent and a car. I have been hoarse since Friday night (blamed it on dust, smoke, singing etc) tested negative twice today. Would like to know if I’ve had it 

  16. 5 hours ago, Dave_c said:

    I worse Adidas originals all weekend and my feet were fine and I did a lot of walking. My shoulders were sore though from carrying a rucksack full of cider all weekend!

    Just said exactly the same thing - next time the training will include a rucksack full of drinks! 

  17. 5 hours ago, Cooter said:

    Adidas Superstars have always been my festival choice of footwear, very comfy tough trainers. Just make sure they're well worn in beforehand.

    Glad I’m not the only one! My little toes are quite straight and find superstars don’t squash them up. I have been walking a lot in them. Next time I will also train with a rucksack full of bottles and cans!

  18. 4 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Hiking trainers or fashion trainers? I was on the former with Vibram soles and although my feet were / are still throbbing, on the whole would still recommend as the best option even in a dry year.

    I wore two different pairs of adidas superstars with memory foam Insoles plus DM sliders on the Thursday (yes really). Walking boots stayed in the bag. 100,000 steps, 43 miles, no blisters, no aching 🤷‍♀️ (and I say this as someone with neurofibromas in my ankle). The ground was super stony in parts with huge chunks of “chipping” but zero mud. 

  19. 17 hours ago, balti-pie said:

    You must be made of steel/be wearing a beer jacket, I was bloody freezing at sundown each night and had to have hoodies/coats on 

    Perfect weather! Discovered that my unused new rain poncho is very effective at providing an extra layer of insulation late at night 

  20. 1 hour ago, philipsteak said:

    Friend of a friend works on the pyramid. He didn't know. And he usually would. Very few people were in the know

    I saw it posted on Thursday night by the owner of a Glastonbury FB group. 

  21. 1 hour ago, jparx said:

    Was the scout tent the same as the ones at WV? Thinking one of them and a beefier air mattress or even a folding camping bed might be the play next time if we go to alleviate back issues..!

    Yes exactly the same. Recommend the decathlon base and a 10 cm SIM. Slept well to the Arcadia lullaby

  22. I thought it was great especially once you persuaded the barrow boys out of their barrows to give you a hand with your stuff. Crisps were not allowed on site by the owner. Didn’t miss the killer hill at all. I’d say the walk to stages was comparable and what you lose in not wandering through the green fields you gain in a spacious, non crowded walk through quiet camping fields. 15 mins to the Other, 20 to the Park. Queues for showers seemed a lot less than WV. All were cubicles on the womens side at least. Paid £3 to dry my hair quickly a couple of times. Yes needs more water and washing points. Compost loos at the back were so much better than portaloos. Also found them better than the flushers as so tiny and the smell lingered.  Seats outside the vendors would be welcome. Bought excellent coffee from Hedonist and the drinks stall (no food). Yes needs a better fence as there were a few intruders. Access in and out was a pleasure. 

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