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Posts posted by al_coholic

  1. 3 minutes ago, verrymerry said:

    This is the Other Stage now 


    Wow that is insane, there's normally more there before the bands even start. And that's with the obligatory Dave Grohl appearance about to happen as well

  2. 3 minutes ago, matrainertje said:

    Oh God. Even busier than the Stones? 

    No dont think so, looks like there is slightly more space around Mandela than there was for Stones. but they have changed things around in the last 10 year so difficult to tell. Probably not far off 120,000 people I would think judging by the crowds at the other stages

  3. 7 minutes ago, Joanne punshon said:

    Just wanted to say a big thanks to you all this wk end, I've been watching at home and reading all your likes and must watches, I've thoroughly enjoyed it.. Highlights have to be Viagra Boys, Editors and Rick/blossoms.. 

    Here's hoping to being in the field next year, but if not your company has been special ❤️ 

    I'm out of votes today, but great post, and spot on. Been throughly brilliant on the forum this weekend, I have totally enjoyed the convos and banter with everyone. Will miss it when back to work tomorrow, but roll on G2024 and hopefully tix. @Neil FYI been awesome on here

  4. 7 minutes ago, ICGenie said:

    I have it on good authority that Chris Martin did a shift at Gate B this weekend. Genuinely. So Davy G still has a way to go yet!

    While I am not saying this is true of false. Bearing in mind he was in Naples on Thursday night and is in Milan today. It would be a poor show from him if he did fly back for a couple of days, and go against the supposed sustainability ethos of the band. 

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