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Squall Moogle

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Posts posted by Squall Moogle

  1. Easy, free and keeps stuff cool for days...

    Fill your cool box with pre frozen 2 litre bottles of water at home. As these melt, you have ice cold water but they keep food coll for quite some time. If you have a good box, the icy water can sometimes last until at least Saturday if you are lucky.

    Freeze the juices as well for your mixers if you are indulging in spirits and mixers.

    Did this back in 04 and our 10kg of bacon (supplied by butcher who was camped with us) lasted right through til Saturday...ok we had eaten our way through it all by then but I have even heard tales of people with cool food even into Sunday pm.

    Just dont keep going in and out of the box releasing any extra coldness.

    Use a proper solid cool box not a bag as they are better insulators. Its a faff and a hassle carrying such heaviness on site but if you are prepared to do so, then it is worth it.

  2. i don't think knives are allowed (penknives or other sharp knives, cutlery is ok. bit ridiculous taking that off you like) but if you aren't searched you'll be ok.

    i doubt they'd have a problem with a multitool though. you mean like a leatherman or something like that?

  3. The other day I purchased a very solid sack truck from BNQ. It's all metal with pnumatic tires.

    There is only one weak point from what I can tell, the pins that hold the wheels in. I could get some spare ones but when putting them in I'll need to lever them apart.

    When I've been camping, at festivals etc before I have found a multitool to be pretty handy. Would I get away with having one at Glasto? When I was at V they were very strict and took my cutlery knife. (They didn't find my penknife though and I didn't tell them). How is the attitude at Glasto? Obviously I'm not going to be carrying it around with me.

  4. I havent, but I dont really think thats the reason, I live in a pretty small town and about the only girls I liked were taken, or left college, its pretty difficult. I think thats why I like Lily so much really.
  5. I'll probably aim to get there about half nine, ten or so.

    What would y'all say would be a good place to camp? Don't want to be anywhere that is too packed, after somewhere quite chilled but not too quiet (basically so I can get a bit of sleep at night) and also quite near the sights and sounds.

  6. The question really should be: what the f**k are you doing buying that tabloid shit? By doing so, you're giving them the impression that you like what they're printing.
  7. Lol, I was being nice I suppose in case any LA fans got on my back, but it seems looking at this thread that quite a few peeps are of the same opinion about her.

    Got on my nerves the other day, they had about her on the news for belittling Susan Boyle. Moreso for the press for picking up on LA's twitter feed. Her opinion is in the press much too often, I was reading a newspaper the other month and they had made a whole article out of one quote by her about the tv show songs of praise, I mean are they that desperate to fill up print space?

  8. There are far worse musicians out there than her. I can also see why people find her music catchy after I have heard a couple of her recent songs.

    However for some reason I strongly dislike this woman and would like for her to fall down a well. It's like when you meet someone but feel a strong dislike for them but you can't really put your finger on why you do.

  9. Has anyone else read that Harry Hill book called Flight from Deathrow?

    The talk of Status Quo has made me think of it. In the book a visiting Chinese government official is desperate to get his hands on the latest Status Quo album (as it was never available in China) and ends up riding his landlady to Tower Records and going crazy there.

  10. There's a few rock/punk bands playing - The King Blues, and Eagles of Death Metal jump to mind.

    But really, you're asking for Glastonbury to be something it's not. Like going to Glyndebourne and asking "where's all the indie pop?".

    Nobody goes to Download and asks where the afrobeat is. Why go to Glastonbury and ask where the metal is?

    (stock answer "because Glastonbury's supposed to be diverse" -- true, but there are limits to that diversity, which if broken would change the festival.)

  11. Glastonbury would certainly beat V, hands down. I'm going to both of them and know that Glasto will be the better festival by a long way.

    However, if I had been able to get the time off work I'd much rather be doing Download, Bloodstock and Sonisphere than Glasto and V.

  12. What I would do if I was in charge of V:

    -Swap Strongbow with Thatchers.

    -Make the Strongbow tent the Thatchers tent and fill it with ebm and industrial music.

    -Make the Festival three days.

    -Get rid of NDubs, Katy Perry and all the bad pop acts.

    -List the bad pop acts as still playing but in a new fab looking tent.

    -When the people go in the tent to see the terrible pop acts one of the following would happen:

    - A. Firing Squad.

    - B. The people who go there get fitted with straight jackets and taken to an asylum for having chronic bad taste in music.

    - Add Metallica to the lineup.

    - Add Nine Inch Nails to the lineup.

    - Add Electric Six to the lineup.

    - Add Motorhead to the lineup.

    - Make the Bacardi arena play a fine array of refined classical music.

    - Add the Cure to the lineup.

    - Add AC/DC to the lineup.

    - Make the funfair cheaper and play rock and 80's music instead of crappy dance music thats too loud to talk to your friends.

    - Add an 80's disco.

    - Add REM to the lineup.

    - Add Alice Cooper.

    - Have a big massive slide that takes you from the top of green camp right down to the middle of the arena.

  13. Well, I don't have any problem with people moaning on here, nothing wrong with free speech whatsoever. As has been pointed out, the lineup is pretty bad compared to a few years ago. However I am quite looking forward to seeing Oasis, the Killers, The Wombats and several others.

    I am doing two festivals this year, Glastonbury and V.

    I chose Glastonbury partly because of the reputation it has both on here and also in popular culture. The other reason was partly because it's near me.

    I chose V because of the Efest Camp there.

    However at the moment if I were to choose two festivals I would go to, I wouldn't choose either of them and would have instead chosen Download and Sonisphere. Guess I will go to those two next year.

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