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Squall Moogle

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Posts posted by Squall Moogle

  1. Hello there! Despite having my best ever glasto, I am really beginning to feel very ill. Bad aches, migraines and incessant coughing. My mate had been experiencing these symptoms in the last few days of the festival, and i shared a tent with him for the whole thing.

    Anyone else feeling this bad? Starting to get a little worried.....:s

  2. Unfortunately I was only able to go to the Brothers bar once :), most of the time I either had a risk of being dehydrated or no where near the area.

    Do they do any varieties other than pear, strawberry, toffee apple and lemon? Would you all say that toffee apple is the nicest?

  3. Goodness me.

    This year was my first Glastonbury, I got there quite early and camped over in Dairy. The whole camp seemed rather nice to say the least, except for one case of a fella being tied up and thrown in the ditch. Fortunately I slept through that but my campmates were woken up by it (at three in the morning) and they were shattered the next day. It went on for ages, the people wouldn't let anyone help him out either and he was in there for quite a while.

  4. I was right at the front for blur and the stewards handing out water were a lifesaver. I was overloaded (with hat around my neck and bag), it was like a mad sauna, no room whatsoever and the frequent water kept me hydrated.

    I needed to get a sponge for washing up, I only had a £20 note which the shop couldn't change. The fella let me take it away for free, I came back later and gave the shop the 50p I owed.

    There was a guy really out of it who was looking for his friends on the first night. He asked us where he was and went on his way, we looked away for a moment and he ended up falling into the ditch by us in kinda comic fashion. I helped him out then along the awkward pathway, I remember him saying, "I'm a dentist, I shouldn't really get like this".

    Myself and my gf were planning to scavenge among the abandoned stuff on the Monday. We did this but made sure that all our finds were definitely left behind. Two of our neighbours overheard us, one of them told us we could take his tent (he just took everything and left it) and the other packed up his tent on sunday and left it for us in the bag ;).

  5. I went through nearly all the festival with no phone. The first night my phone ended up falling in a bucket of water with great comic effect, my campmates were in stitches. I tried it a few times in the weekend and the very moment we were about to leave I tried it and it finally had dried out, typical.

    It was very interesting being phoneless, we forget how much we don't need them.

  6. I was rather impressed with Glastonbury and thought the other people there were mostly lovely.

    However there were a few annoying points, both what people have mentioned and what hasn't been. In particular was the amount of tents and other camping equipment that was left behind, such a waste! My girlfriend and I did take some of the abandoned stuff, ended up completely filling my car (we checked to make sure they were abandoned).

    I was near the front for Nick Cave and the crowd became frankly dangerous after he finished. I'm used to metal gigs but a lot of indie kids in it were a bit dangerous, I guess their clique hasn't had too many crushings or whatever that metal has had so aren't as careful. I didn't mind it too much as I was 2-3 people back for Blur but I was glad my gf had gone to see Prodigy.

    The taping was a little annoying but much of it had been broken down after Thursday/Friday around me.

    There was a nasty event of perhaps bullying very near me, my campmates told me all about it (I was asleep). In the early hours, perhaps three or four some guys had tied one of their mates up and thrown him into the ditch near us. It woke up a lot of campers, at first everyone was laughing, even the guy in the ditch, then his calls for help took a different tone (the guys wouldn't let anyone help him out apparently) and he was in there a long time. It kept quite a lot of people nearby awake for ages and meant my friends hardly had any sleep. If it had woken me up, I wouldn't have been happy to say the least.

    We also had a few people pissing in hedges near us though most stayed away. On the first night this guy went there about three times in an hour, (we all shouted a few things at him, shined torch at him and told him to get lost).

    But the nice people I met certainly outweigh the bad eggs :P.

  7. What's the best carpark for the Dairy Ground? Also, what is the Dairy Ground like? I'll be camping with some friends and they suggested that area. Is it quite a semi quiet area and do you think it would be prone to flooding?

    The west car park is best for Dairy it is quite busy at the bottom but that is because it is near the railway line. In the rain it does not get very badly muddied up as the slope is not too steep. It is fairly quite when I am not there. ;)

  8. What's the best carpark for the Dairy Ground? Also, what is the Dairy Ground like? I'll be camping with some friends and they suggested that area. Is it quite a semi quiet area and do you think it would be prone to flooding?

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