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Posts posted by cheesey_toastie

  1. Did you get a sticker? Did you like it?

    Funniest questions as me and my friends handed them out?

    1) What's it selling (nothing)

    2) What's it for? (Nothing)

    3) How much do you want? (Nothing)

    4) Is this a BNP thing? (This was during Dizzie Rascal!!!)

    Cheers for making my festival people!!!

  2. Did anyone else notice during the Calvin Harris bit the line.. "I like those girls carrying an extra bit of weight.." They swiftly cut away from a girl who was.. in a bikini and carrying a little extra flesh.

  3. I hate this culture where we're not happy until someone looses their job... but surely if this is the case - some f**ker has got to be up for the chop!

    Do advertising rules stand for TV programmes? They advertised Live NY, and I sat through their f**king adverts for nothing! I want my life back!

  4. Funniest thread ever - renewed my faith in E-festivals message boards. You all turned on ITV instead of each other!

    I've been reading this whilst watching the +1 showing if only I'd read it earlier I could have been in bed! ITV can't do drama, comedy, live sport and now live music. They deserve to be going bust.

  5. OK - I think we can all see I deliberately over egged the MAKE my friends see something question. I'm not frog marching them around the site! It's glasto - besides if I waited for my friends to finish beers, pack up chairs, put down bacon butties, collect their belongings and go to the loo each time I'd have no glasto left!

    I love this board and the anger from mis-interpretation of posts. I wondered if the 200 posts comment was suggesting that I had a cheek in creating a topic without having posted 200 posts!!??

    Blue Roses was a good call - I see them supporting Emmy the Great in Manchester, very rare a support act nearly upstages the main event!

  6. What is the one band / act / performance that you are going to force your friends and insist they trust you on.

    Some of my more notable successes have been getting everyone out of bed for the Darkness, treking to see Rolf Harris (which stage was it, the Accoustic?), Lightspeed Champion in the Gradiuan Lounge, Band of Horses at the John Peel, Magic Numbers at the John Peel...

    Other than Emmy the Great this year, I haven't spotted any little gems - any suggestions folks?

  7. I can't really justify either the time off of work or the petrol money but I love the idea of a protest.

    Perhaps there can be an online version too... for those that can't make it to the site.

    How could we do this?

  8. here's something i posted on the reading board aaaages ago...

    Not many people beleived me when i posted it on there but if you put your research in you'll find out it's true...

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