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Posts posted by Keef

  1. Finings is what brewers use to make beer/wine/any alcohol go clear. It has no taste and works very well (although careful siphoning afterwards is required for best results!). It's available from anywhere that sells homebrew stuff, costs about £2 or £3 for the two little bottles that last ages as you use so little of it.

    The one I use is this one and for 700ml you literally just need a drop of the stuff.

    Update on my vodkas: Mint one worked very well, tastes great and didn't need any filtering or finings. Apple tastes great too but the toffee one has had problems. The toffees I used didn't have as much colour as Werthers so it was very weak in colour.... and looked like pi55. So I thought I'd add some food colouring - green + red = brown, right? Wrong. Green + red even in the tiniest amounts made it go so dark it looked like dark chocolate. So I added some yellow too to try and lighten it again which worked a bit but not as much as I hoped. So my toffee vodka now looks a bit dodgy but still tastes great. Hey ho, I'll know for next time.

    Did you know... They use a finings solution made from fish in the production of Guinness, so technically Guinness isn't suitable for vegetarians (assuming they don't eat fish).

  2. Started mine tonight:


    That's Butterscotch Toffee (like werthers), Mint (like glacier mints) and Sour Apple Cubes, 200g of each in 700ml of Red Square. Should be all dissolved by tomorrow eve. Then they'll get two drops of brewers finings solution and 24 hours later I'll siphon off the lovely clear coloured vodka into plastic bottles. The remaining unclear stuff can be done in a couple of shots to celebrate a job well done. B)

  3. I bought a Car Park ticket just in case I needed to drive to Glasto. Turns out I don't (yay!) so i'm planning on just giving the sticker to a steward or too someone who needs it when I get there. Hopefully this will give me some good karma and it will be sunny all weekend!

  4. After the success of dressing as a gorilla for my stag 2 years ago and having the video of it played as part of my best man's speech:

    I'm trying to get us all to wear these on Saturday night:


  5. I wish I knew how to use the search function on this site properly. It doesn't seems the most user friendly and I never seem to find what I'm looking for.

    Can you briefly summerise what happened?

    1. Where did it take place?

    2. How many turned up?

    3. Did it look good or just naff?


  6. From the WorthyFM article:

    We’re going to be putting up 12 or so LED signs around the site, especially around the queue to get in, which will let people know the current status and how long they’re likely to have to queue to get in at that point.
  7. I've just got a PowerMonkey Explorer which will give my (non-smart) phone 2 full charges. That and a couple of spare batteries should see me through the weekend no problem.

    It comes with all the different connectors and can be charged up by mains, usb and solar. It cleverly uses the same base connector (the bit all the adapters connect to - an old nokia style connector) on the powermonkey, the solar panel and the usb lead so you can use any of them to charge your phone.

    The reason I'm going with so much power is because I've always been curious as to how far one walks around the site. Last year I used a mechanical pedometer and clocked up around 30 miles over the festival but it didn't work well and I'm not sure how accurate it was. Since then I've found a free app for my phone which tracks where you've been and plots it on google maps with all the stats... should be interesting to see the results.

    Edit: I was reading some science online which said that if a solar panel has any shade on any part of it it will affect the performance of the whole unit. So make sure you keep it fully in the sunlight as much as you can!

  8. The lack of hangovers I put down to a combination of the hair of the dog and all the fresh air.

    DONT mix this with flying back to Australia 24 hours after the fest though, it isnt recommended. Post G comedown PLUS jetlag...NOT GOOD!

  9. So based on what's been said, how about a Thursday evening affair on the West Holts stage? (would probably need to finish a bit early to satisfy licence/locals etc).

    Just one night of line up means fewer bands play, will be easier to get a different line up over the following years.

    Tribute bands get free entry to the festival and get their gig out of the way on the Thursday - maybe they wouldn't need paying quite so much then?

    It would be a great sing-along greatest hits type show, get everyone in the mood around the Brothers bar.

    What's not to like?

  10. After reading some people's thoughts on Brit Floyd and the Bootleg Beatles in th Brit Floyd topic it got me wondering whether there's room (conceptually, not physically) for a covers band stage at Glasto.

    I've seen loads of covers bands over the years, some are amazing and as close to the real thing as you're going to get (Bootleg Beatles, Brit Floyd) and some which I wish I hadn't bothered. Some of the better ones that stick in the memory are/were Counterfeit Stones, AB/CD, Status Quid, Bjorn Again and of course those already mentioned.

    There are too many to mention out there so there wouldn't be any problem filling a small stage for 3 days, but do you think there should be one at Glasto? Who would you like to see on it, who have you seen that's a cut above the rest?

    Personally I think it's a great idea, there are some great covers bands out there that could be showcased and I think most people would enjoy it.

  11. My own flavoured vodka review...

    Kola Cubes

    Like any boiled sweet they dissolve well, don't need much filtering, taste nice - maybe add a drop of red food colouring otherwise it's a bit brown.

    Pineapple chunks

    Boiled sweet so dissolves well etc. Tastes lovely!

    Pear drops

    Again with the boiled sweet factor. I use just the yellow ones (my sweet shop sells a mixture of yellow and orange - they look at you a bit funny when you ask for just yellow ones). This is one of the best flavours IMO

    Sour apple cubes

    Again, a boild sweet so dissolves well, not much filtering. The flavour isn't very sour once it's in the vodka but that's fine by me. Like very strong apple sours. This is my favourite!

    Werthers Originals

    Makes lovely vodka but filtering takes ages. Well worth the wait I reckon.

    Seaside rock

    This made the most mess when breaking it up - I was finding bits stuck everywhere for weeks after. Tastes nice though, the one I used was bright blue too!

    Mars bar

    Tasted nice but a bit of curdling happened when making it which made it look a bit unappealing.

    Jelly Belly Beans (1 bottle cherry, 1 bottle blueberry)

    Like others have mentioned about fruit pastilles, jelly beans leave a gelatine mush in the bottom of the bottle. Also the flavour wasn't very strong. I wouldn't reccommend it.

    I use 200g of sweets per 70cl bottle (with a bit emptied out to fit the sweets in). Boiled sweets don't tend to need the dishwasher treatment but things like werthers and mars bars do. And then the coffee filter to make a nice clear liquid.

    This year I'm going to try the Foxes Glacier mints as someone suggested and will also be taking toffee (werthers) and sour apple as usual!

  12. Just got back from Brit Floyd's gig in Norwich tonight and they were fab. When I last saw them (ie. Aussie Pink Floyd) they were at a live music venue but this time it was a sit down do at the theatre and they had the full stage set and light show and it was brilliant.

    I have a freind who works there (and is taking the set down as I type) and he said their orchestra pit was just full of bass amps - and you could tell! He also said that this year's tour is helping them perfect the stage show and they'll be back next year bigger and better!

    There was a dvd of their Liverpool show earlier in the year waiting on every seat (which was nice) that also lists their show dates through to June 2012 on the cover.

    I highly recommend them to anyone thinking about seeing them. I however, will be at U2, safe in the knowledge I've already seen them this year :D

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