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Everything posted by Witness

  1. Thanks all, very helpful! Am hoping the Wednesday/Thursday we get our bearings!
  2. Hi guys First timer here so wondering where the best meeting points are? Our group has very different music styles so will be splitting up regularly but will want to meet back up, particularly after the headliners. Were staying in Sticklinch so won't be able to use the tent as our rendezvous. For example, Friday we're all going to different headliners so where is best to meet up afterwards before heading to a late night area? Thanks!
  3. Where can I see this order tracker? Still no dispatch email for me...
  4. We're on the 10.30 train down from Paddington on Wednesday. Is the actual train mental or is it just the shuttle queues when you get off the other side? Thanks
  5. On the hunt for light camping chairs and a decent cool box/bag if anyone's got decent recommendations. No car as train down and bus back but staying in Sticklinch so no tent to carry. Options on Amazon either seem to be too cheap to be anyway decent or very expensive for the cool box/bag.
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