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Everything posted by Matt86

  1. First names of Cabaret Vert, end of August so very close to Sziget ^^
  2. Yep it is not an "extra day" as I thought, it's a separate one. But maybe tickets will be available first to people who attend the whole festval.. anyway, that band would be a dream at a fest' 😅
  3. is it an April fool lol..? it seems too big to be true for a fest'. I've always think that bands like AC/DC or the Rolling Stones can not perform at a festival..
  4. I have doubts about it, it seems too big ... (the Stones)
  5. Can you believe it guys, a festival is about to get The Rolling Stones lol.. : https://www.ladepeche.fr/2021/08/05/garorock-a-marmande-les-rolling-stones-ca-se-confirme-et-ca-serait-un-dimanche-soir-9716475.php
  6. Not only Kendrick Lamar, but also The Rolling Stones.. 😮 They would add an extra day for them : https://www.ladepeche.fr/2021/08/05/garorock-a-marmande-les-rolling-stones-ca-se-confirme-et-ca-serait-un-dimanche-soir-9716475.php
  7. Just to give you an idea of the best acts possible when it comes to DJs' ^^ I've been asking for Armin Van Buuren for so long, can't get why they never booked him ! 😞 ( I'm more of a rock/metal fan, but even I know how good this dude is lol )
  8. That's true... ! But still, I don't believe they'll bring him back. Plus, we don't want a "2018 .2" edition lol Anyway.. tomorrow is an interesting day for many festivals , we'll see then 🙂
  9. They said the same thing about VOLT and BALATON lol.. I heard Kendrick Lamar will be in Europe next summer, but I think it might be too early to see him already back to Sziget.
  10. He will be in Europe for Summer 2022, if I have not been lied to
  11. Kendrick Lamar might be at RW finally. We'll see tomorrow
  12. That's why MadCool has never been an option for me ^^ Camping is a too much important part of a fest' ! Anyway, with Mad Cool news, + some others giving names on Friday .. do you think Sziget will tell us tomorrow to "stay tuned" and then give us something the day after ? I have to say it's getting hard to believe, even more when I see that VOLT and BALATON don't even have dates so far.. 😕 I would think at least VOLT give his line-up before Sziget..
  13. I hope you're right, 'have no interests in a no-camping festival, so Mad Cool was always out of question for me.. but I'm a bit jealous (no, ENVIOUS) when I see this line-up 😅
  14. And just a little reminder : in 2020, Major Lazer was suppose to perform at Mad Cool and Sziget ... it seems they're not anymore on the Mad Cools' list... so maybe.... 😄 😄 hehehehe
  15. Just so everyone realise how strong Mad Cool fest' line up is ... damn.... 😮
  16. Mad Cool is killing the game this year lol.. what a line up... 😮
  17. @Sziget2022_Leaks, maybe you can answer that : since this year it's gonna be 6 days instead of 7 , do you know if more acts are happening ? I've always thought that 4 gigs/day on the main stage isn't much...do you know if they might plan 5 gigs/day ?
  18. close to 0% .. So many artists are available, what's the point of already bringing back acts who were already here the last time ?
  19. For what it worth, some good festivals in France (Garorock and Cabaret Vert) are giving names next Friday, the 22/10. They usually have names that could fit with Sziget, like L.Gallagher, 21Pilots, Foals, TDCC, The Strokes etc... , so I think we will get first names next week. I Can't imagine Sziget being the last to announce, and being "spoiled" by the others.
  20. And what festival try to be " as environmentally friendly as possible " in Europe..? 😉 I'm sure Szigets' gonna try to book them. I'd rather have a stronger rock headliner, but I recognize that Coldplay would be perfect for Sziget.
  21. nooooooooo ! 😢 😢 😢
  22. More seriously, even if it would be a huge catch for the fest', if I have to bet, I would say a band like Imagine Dragons is more likely.. Same for Nick Cave ( 😢 ) and Stromae (damn I hope he'll be here.. ❤️ )
  23. This page is 100% bullshit lol, saw it too a few weeks ago ^^ +, I have never seen a headliner coming 2 years in a row. So Ed Sheeran is nt possible to me, clearly not. Ok, so Coldplay will open or close the Sziget Festival (10 or 15 August). End of discussion. LOL 😄
  24. (Just saw on Twitter a video of COLDPLAY, telling us to be there at 2pm for some shows announcement)
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