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  1. Thanks, was there last night and it was great, will be there tonight
  2. Been a few times and the chameleon bar/elephant bar/hop and liquor bar has always been in the same place and they had a great selection of 80s/90s00s tunes until 3am. As an old git that suits me fine! The location is now replaced with the brewery, which is funk/soul-fine but not for me for the whole night. I know the tap house has indie music but does anywhere have the selection of music described above? I have my wife with me for the first time and she wants the post headliner music I described to her!!!
  3. I’ve got that model and it’s great, highly recommend it. Also had the pop up version that was fine in the mud in 2016. No issues with poles/tent strength at all
  4. I think it’s great here. 10 mins walk to woodsies, urinals and compost loos, plenty of space around.
  5. Yep loads of room in Darble
  6. Highly recommended. Done 2 Glastonbury’s in this, including the very muddy 2016. Great tent, easy to put up and take down. Worked so well for me, suggest going to a store and making sure there’s enough room for both of you plus bags. I am probably going to get the non pop up version of this for this year as going by coach
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