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Posts posted by grilladelphia

  1. On ‎6‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 8:43 PM, jyoung said:

    Same reason they don't just whack on EastEnders, Big Brother or BabeStation... Because it's a music and performing arts festival.

    petition to get babestation on the big screens @ pyramid

    edit: definitely falls within performing arts

  2. 3 minutes ago, beege89 said:

    OK last opportunity to buy some wellies. I've already got two pairs of shoes including some high top converses I'm willing to get messed up, plus I'm coming by coach and I have heaps of stuff to carry already. What do you guys think? 

    trainers all the way

  3. 3 minutes ago, shoptildrop said:

    No chance with a big tent or even a smaller tent if arriving Thursday to get in Park home or close by...

    The places you be able to camp will be Bushy, Pylon, Rivermead, South Park, Back house or Baileys - everywhere else will be full tbh

    exactly what I told them! I'm getting my "I told you so" speech ready and packed now.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Divein said:

    Oh yeah get them to meet you just the other side of gate A.

    where they gonna be camped? You’ll be lucky to squeeze anything in pennerds at that time. 

    supposedly around "park home ground"? (part of me hopes theres no space there as id rather not camp with them -but trying not to rock the boat too much with the others im going with, who want to camp with them)

  5. 13 minutes ago, Kinkyinuit said:

    I always thought the problem with using the ol' prison wallet is that it would make you walk really uncomfortably and make it more likely that you'll arouse suspicion

    ive personally never gone there - a mate did at boomtown a few years ago - I was way too drunk in the queue to remember his walk - he did throw a wobbly when we got in and he was struggling to get it out!

  6. 1 minute ago, Hawros said:

    That seems to make perfect sense. As you're arriving Thursday, queueing shouldn't be an issue, but certainly don't come out of the coach queue to head to another gate.

    duly noted thank you! now its relying on them to be awake by the time we arrive - and whether or not they can save space for our absolute fortress of a tent (it looked smaller when I was ordering it!)

  7. 12 minutes ago, Divein said:

    Are you getting a national express or see coach? 

    You get dropped off at Gate A and then join the coach queue it’s miles quicker to get in from the coach than from the car park. As you join the front the queue essentially. 

    You'd be be absolutely bonkers to go from the front of the queue to the back of another gate queue.

    if it was me I’d be aiming for a camping area and tell everyone to meet you there. 

    will be via See coach if that makes any difference? if that's the case ill go straight through gate a - as we're arriving thurs rather than weds the other camp will be set up already - but can probably get them to come and help carry bits!

  8. 5 minutes ago, Ddiamondd said:

    Got my Kahlua and vodka for breakfast White Russians (thank you festival tipsters!).

    also this! 1L vodka, 70cl Kahlua - and 1l white rum extra

  9. 54 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    im not keen until the tent is pitched .... and then it all falls into place and I started grinning from ear to ear :) 

    this ^ also. once youre pitched and sat, beer cracked - you can finally relax

  10. On ‎6‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 3:27 PM, GETOFFAMYLAWN said:

    Particularly loud ones I use plugs (aforementioned Dinosaur Jr always necessitating plugs) but most of the stuff I go to see doesn't really require them. My hearing is normally pretty sharp, but I do have low-level persistent tinnitus in one ear from when I worked in a call centre for years, which is a worry.

    No IEMs, but a guy at work did a full quiz with me about what it might be, and reckons that me using cotton wool buds to to clean my ears for ages might have pushed a load of wax in there, and then the drops I've been using have shifted some to the point it's blocking the ear. Got too much shit on today and tomorrow to really be able to get to walk in centre but I'm going to take Monday or Tuesday off sick and get them flushed out wherever somebody will see me.

    I had this the other week mate - paid £60 at a private clinic and got seen the next day - took 10 mins and I can hear perfectly now - best of luck

    edit: just seen its all sorted! I was the same and couldn't believe how well I could hear after!

  11. 17 minutes ago, D-Low said:

    Using the toilets in work for the last time today. I could wage a bet they smell worse than all the long drops put together on the Sunday. I will not miss this smell of stinking arse for a week. Definitely prepped for the smell of the festival now. 

    I thought this using some public toilets on sunday! weird how the smell of warm piss can get me excited for a festival..

  12. 9 minutes ago, Winslow Leach said:

    I'm working from home today so have a direct line of sight from my place in East London to your headquarters of insatiable capitalist greed.


    I'm in the flats next to the o2 - I see yall!

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