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Posts posted by Johnnyseven

  1. 2 minutes ago, stuie said:

    I thought exactly the same… I’ve been in the bouncing dance floor lorry with about 50 people 😂


    Yep, you could get alot more than 20 people waiting at the bar and there still be plenty of space. As well as the dancefloor there's the whole area of tables undercover that's got to be 10m x 5m and the whole outside area.

  2. 8 hours ago, Tiesto13 said:

    Looking for some recommendations. I don’t have a very deep knowledge of dance music and whilst I really enjoy some of the more commercial/well known stuff and stuff that crosses over into indie, I’m typically a bit lost when looking through the late night line ups other than a couple of big names.

    I’m also not a massive fan of a lot of the techno that makes up so much of the late night offerings, which means that I end up getting dragged along by friends to some stuff that isn’t my cup of tea.  

    Anyway that’s a rather long winded way of saying that my lack of knowledge about dance music makes it tough for me to find stuff I might like because I find the differentiation of dance music genres baffling. I enjoy stuff like chemical brothers, Bicep, Disclosure, Flume, Todd Terje, Caribou, Rudimental. Not really sure how to categorise half of those beyond house maybe?

    So about the only things I’ve highlighted so far are Bicep, the hot chip dj set (no idea what to expect from this but hot chip are one of favourite bands so have got high hopes) and rudimental dj set. Would be keen to hear any recommendations based on the above. 


    Orbital and Phil Hartnoll's DJ set will probably do you some good.

  3. 21 minutes ago, al_coholic said:

    I wouldn't get that one, it only has micro usb input. It would be faster to get one with USB-C input. have a look at the INIU ones. Also a lot depends on what phone you have got, as to whether the output speed really matters. 


    In the end I bought this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/Anker-Portable-PowerCore-High-Speed-Charging/dp/B0BYP4Y1N8?th=1 - it has USB-C and a USB-A sockets which I assume can both be used to charge the battery and my device. I'll be charging a Samsung Galaxy S22 (I think), I don't use my phone much at the festival and I have another 10,000 mah power bank if I need it too. I'll also charge my phone when i'm sleeping so output speed isn't really an issue.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, bennyhana22 said:


    I typically get back to the tent between 5 and 6am on the Saturday and Sunday mornings, depending on who's been on. I tend not to try to push the envelope too much on the Thursday night - after the sets stop at 3am, I will usually have a slow wander home. Similarly, there can be a tendency to try to make Wednesday night go on and on, which is fine if there's something happening and you're having fun, but can be a bit forced for me. So an earlier night then pays dividends for me - remember the wise words of @Fishman: it's a marathon not a sprint.


    On the all-nighters, I'll be tucked up by 6.30-7am and then usually sleep until about 10. My obsession with filling every moment continues despite getting older, so I'm invariably at a first set of the day by 1130h or so! I don't drink, so getting up and feeling half-human is a little easier, I presume. Also, down 500-750ml of water with electrolytes as soon as you get up. It's made a massive difference to me for the last year or two. 


    I concur with Ben on the not drinking when partying making it easier to last the festival. I do drink but won't drink much at Glasto as, especially if it's hot, it just wipes me out. A pint or 2 a day when I fancy it is about all and lots of water and i'll always have a tube of SIS Hydro Tabs with me, the caffeine ones are good for a boost in the morning!

    • Upvote 1
  5. 8 hours ago, mrfunk said:

    things I really miss:-

    The Garlic Kitchen


    Is that the place that did garlic bread for £1? I pretty much lived on that in 98, 99 and 2000, it's all I could afford. If I found I had a bit spare on the Sunday though i'd treat myself to an Aussie Steak Sandwich - are they still there? I'm sure i've seen them not that long ago.

  6. 1 minute ago, incident said:


    Anker are certainly a good, trusted brand in a field where a lot of what's being sold (especially on Amazon) are unknown brands that are less than honest about capacity etc. Though for my taste Anker are also wildly overpriced and you can usually get the same quality for far less.


    Thanks for that. Any suggestions of other brands (or models) that would be better value for money?

  7. 1 hour ago, balti-pie said:

    Daydream nation is one of those albums that i kind of forget exists for a few years, and then all of a sudden i remember and its all i listen to for about six weeks solid 😃 ah god, its a smasher. Will be hoping to see Kim Gordon, shifts permitting ofc, though she wont be likely to be playing much in the way of Sonic Youth, beyond maybe one or two tunes at the very most . . 


    I wouldn't bank on that i'm afraid.

  8. 40 minutes ago, goldfishboy said:

    assuming it's kasabian, what is the purpose of keeping it secret at this point? it's not like they're too big for woodsies


    Contracted elsewhere, msybe with exclusivity.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, SezOrgan said:

    Does anyone have any tips on setting up page monitoring for the oxfam page? I am terrible at the tech but i feel like because you have to log in everytime and there is a no robot check it would be harder?

    I do check it constantly but if im going up against people with page monitors set up, then i don't stand a chance. 


    It's possible via the paid for Distill desktop version, I set it up last year but don't ask me how - I don't remember it being that hard though.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Soulphuric said:

    Hi again - just a bump on this one to hopefully get the other parts I was looking for.


    I found this in the Questions area - I assume that the best time to attempt to park in the car parks is around 7pm, with an approach of driving past the car park entrance to see if they have started accepting cars? 


    Also is there any disadvantage to buying a car park ticket at the gate (if not already) other than they cost a bit more?




    They might run out before you get there 😉

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, tigger123 said:

    Lonely hearts is outside 


    I meant the roof over the stage but i've had a look at the full webcam shot and it looks to be too near the Woodsies side of Silver Hayes to be the Lonely Hearts Club.

  12. 1 hour ago, Northtim said:



    Is this Assembly in Silver Hayes?  Looks BIG!


    Are you sure it's not Lonely Hearts Club?

  13. 32 minutes ago, Flaminglippy said:

    Virtually nobody else was...


    I had a brief look, saw more people on the stage than were in the crowd.


    2 minutes ago, Gnomicide said:

    I'd like to see Elbow headline, their stock is on the decline but maybe still too big for Bearded?


    Too dull for Bearded more like.

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