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Posts posted by andyrhodes24

  1. 1 minute ago, Barry Fish said:

    I went the GP route and I have booked my second online.  The system knows I had AZ first time and only offers AZ appointments for the second jab so I don't see the issue.  

    Thanks mate - just having a look now and the system says for u40s it'll show Pfizer and Moderna appointments although it doesn't actually say - just hoping they actually have Pfizer when I turn up and I had my first dose at the weekend!

  2. 22 minutes ago, Radiochicken said:

    Thanks! I’ll wait then, maybe they’ll do the same for under 30s soon.

    I'm under 30 and it's letting me book my 2nd online (not that I've gone through with it yet). I had my first at the GP so presumably I have to wait for them to invite me again

  3. 1 hour ago, nathanh said:

    What do we think of Melvins statement on Latitude 


    I don't think it's looking good for the festivals that have put out statements (Latitude, Kendal, Truck etc) but the silence re: R&L, Creamfields, Wireless etc later in summer is interesting, quietly confident maybe?

  4. 4 minutes ago, JoeyT said:

    I honestly think the “fear” of covid has gone for a lot of people.

    Once you’ve been jabbed / double jabbed many will see that as the protective ring around them regardless of what the efficacy is.

    I can obviously only talk for friends, family and from what I’ve seen but I just don’t see people caring anymore…

    I'm seeing that here as well, takeaways/small shops are usually well over the two person store limit and the supermarkets are always rammed. Few will bother trying to enforce compliance now whether they want to or not

  5. I had my first dose on Saturday at my GP (after I got the text invite), just gone on the booking website and I can book my second in eight weeks, I'm 27 btw so it's got me asking questions.

    A) Can I even do this? B) Would it not need to be at my GP again? C) Will there be a guarantee the vaccine centre I book will even be dishing out Pfizer on the day?

  6. 2 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

    I’m the only one wearing a mask on the bus today and got some disapproving looks. Have the rules changed overnight?

    A lack of compliance in places where mask wearing, social distancing etc can't really be enforced was always bound to happen after yesterday, but you know who'll complain if we have to go beyond 19 July

  7. 1 minute ago, MrBarry465 said:
    Why do the anti lockdown protestors miss the mark so badly with the message they send?
    I was watching some of the footage in London yesterday and rather than try to have logical debate about the lockdown extension, they immediatley swerve off into 'the vaccines are a lie' and 'microchip planting'.
    My position on the extension is that if it allows us to put more jabs in people with less collateral damage it's worth it. But I would have more sympathy for the protestors cause, if the narrative they were pushing wasn't just a load of horse shit.

    Absolutely right, they cry about not getting the time of day in the press but peddle the same lines about how big tech wants to steal their personal data through technology that is (most likely) too sophisticated to even exist

  8. 2 minutes ago, JoeyT said:


    Their confidence is interesting. If 19 July doesn't go ahead a month isn't a long time to forget about their confidence here. A lot of people will have forgotten how confident some in Government were with the 21 June date back in Feb but we'll all remember statements like this in a month's time

  9. 4 minutes ago, discgoesmic said:

    Couldn't agree more. R&L and those others further away in August are do-able in my view and probably have the financial backing if anything else goes wrong. I don't understand the point of those pilot concerts if they're going to restrict capacity or prevent festivals anyway.

    Exactly, if the pilots are successful there's literally no reason not to let festivals/outdoor gigs happen, you know Boris still won't allow it even if the pilots show minimal cases. The Daily Telegraph front page says that this extension is "up to" four weeks so who knows!

  10. 1 minute ago, discgoesmic said:

    Absolutely, I guess as others have undoubtedly said they can't start building the festival (amongst countless other things) with no guarantee that the lockdown will even end July 19. I'm just keeping an eye on Twitter accounts but I suspect most will be cancelled.

    It's looking that way unfortunately, you'd expect to see festivals like Tramlines. Y Not, Truck etc to confirm they're off in the next couple of weeks. Surely there's hope for the Festivals Republic ones if they're working with the Government on the pilots. Even still, that only gives R&L and Creamfields at August Bank Holiday five weeks after 19 July. They could do events tomorrow with mass testing if they wanted to that's the annoying thing

  11. 1 minute ago, discgoesmic said:

    Camp Bestival (last weekend in July) will be another casualty no doubt - was meant to be my first one back!

    It really is gutting isn't it. I've not got much hope for indoor gigs after the summer so we really need festivals this summer to keep a lot of us going with live music. Festivals could be so easily done with mass testing, they just need the results of this Download Pilot back pronto!

  12. 4 minutes ago, DeanoL said:

    So what are you going to do, exactly? Are you actually going to participate in full-on civil disobedience? Or are you just assuming other people will do that bit and you're just going to go Tesco without a mask?

    I see a lot of talk like this but very little that actually looks like it'll become action.

    You constantly see this kind of talk on Twitter and it makes me laugh every single time. They act hard behind their keyboard and fall into line when push comes to shove with no intention of causing a scene. It's sad in a way, ultimately we're stuck whether the people like it or not

  13. Just now, Matt42 said:

    Latitude and R&L are in trouble.

    I agree it's not looking good. It begs the question of what the point of the pilot events was if they're not going to let events like Latitude, R&L and Creamfields go ahead with mass testing. They're literally organised by the same people organising the pilot events

  14. 23 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

    I keep coming back to the point that I can't find a single graph or piece of evidence which justifies continuing lockdown.

    It all seems to be based around a fear that it all might go south.

    So its not dates or data...  its just fear it seems...     It worries me at what point does the fear go away and we can get back to data ?  

    It's all based on 'what if's' in terms of rising numbers of hospitalisations but the graphs don't lie, hospitalisations are flat even if cases are going up (including the lag)

    4 minutes ago, Havors said:

    Seems to be doing exactly what was predicted and wanted....  Yet that is now no longer good enough it seems? 

    Pfizer reducing hospitalisations by 75-85% after one jab is staggering. If that's not good enough I don't know what is

  15. 6 minutes ago, Euphoricape said:

    Any chance of festivals still happening this year? I can't see it myself now..

    I think it comes down to the Download Pilot next weekend. If no (or very few) positive cases come out of it and it’s proven to be safe then it’ll be incredibly hard for the Gov to justify saying no

  16. 4 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    Boris is a knobhead to day that. If a random prick on a forum a month ago (me) could see this coming, then the Prime Minister of the country would obviously have been advised of the possibility before the last time he said he couldn't see anything in the data.

    We’re talking about a bloke who went round a hospital ward intentionally shaking hands with confirmed COVID patients for a photo op, he’s a fucking imbecile

  17. Just now, Barry Fish said:

    Telegraph article is pointing out the real ecconmic cost of this "small" delay.  Many businesses have loans taken out on the basis of a June 21st reopening and business rates are due on the 1st July.  The is a terrible combination.

    If you think of the wedding industry who's peak months are June and July the whole industry could now collapse.  That is a heck of a lot of small independent companies.

    There is going to be a lot of anger come out of this.  Boris was only saying last Monday he couldn't see anything in the data etc etc.  Its fine for people here to say it was obvious it wouldn't be 21st June but business was left with little choice to work to a plan of being ready for the 21st.

    I wrote something on this at work earlier today. According to the ONS, 20.8% of the average UK’s household’s monthly spend goes on the services industry, which includes weddings, cinemas, theatres, hospitality, sporting events and gigs etc. It’s a massive amount of money we spend in these sectors and money the industries can’t keep losing forever.

    This has the be the last extension, if the 20+ age groups have been given their first dose in five weeks then they can’t justify the economic impact when hospitalisations and deaths are low even if the former is rising.

  18. Just now, efcfanwirral said:

    Probably because a large sum was spent and they dont want it to be seen to go to waste 

    I wouldn’t be surprised after the £37bn test and trace fiasco in the Select Committee review, I read the other day it’d cost less to vaccinate the entire world population…

  19. Just now, efcfanwirral said:

    That's vaccine proof only or no festivals then...

    If the Government is happy using them to permit entry to events then I am too. I suppose the speed of results can outweigh a positive/false positive result if a PCR test later confirms it either way. I just don’t get how there hasn’t been an improvement on the 72% accuracy rate of lateral flows in a year

  20. 1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

    Newsnight talking about FDAs report on shitness of lateral flow tests


    They’re dogshit aren’t they? Something daft like 1 in 3 tests are inaccurate and if you get a positive test you still need a to PCR test to confirm it

  21. 1 minute ago, guypjfreak said:

    Well that's it.. If they wait any longer to open up I think that's the nail in alot of festivals... Gutted... For them and us.. 

    So much for this “Great British Summer” we were promised. I’m hoping the pilot events mean things can go ahead if they’re regulated but you know what the Government are like

  22. Just now, Chapple12345 said:

    I think this is actually an okay compromise, how many additional vaccinations would we expect in this period after the huge demand the other day? 

    At the current rate it’d be about 4-5m first doses and 11-12m second doses on current supplies which are good numbers when it’s put like that

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