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Posts posted by cb4747


    17 hours ago, sashabella said:

    Bought the last Tony’s in the Oxfam shop. Someone had clearly had a peek before me as the paper was pulled back a bit. Needless to say nothing!

    This. This is my only gripe with this competition. The placement of the golden tickets means that you can actually see into the bars quite easily. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BillieBobs said:

    It’s worked this morning! If anyone else wants to try it takes 48hrs to activate the rewards and opens the door to any Vodafone customer competitions 


    Did you enter it?! x

  3. 3 hours ago, al_coholic said:

    It does look horribly staged and not spontaneous at all. Plus she doesn't seem that excited when she wins. 

    I did think this. I know different people show shock/excitement in different ways blah blah blah, but when I was on the Radio last year the last thing on my mind was to film myself, it's a good thing I didn't because I screamed and cried like I had won the lottery, just the audio of me screaming is enough 🤣

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  4. 9 minutes ago, angelin said:

    Last year I bought a Vodafone sim if I can find it I’ll try but I’m not buying another one 

    It wouldn't take my old sim account! It said it had closed so I had to order a new one. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Doohickey said:

    Is the Vodafone  competition entry through the "My Vodafone" app? I dug out my old sim from last years ticket competition but can't see any reference to this years on it. I assume my credit has expired and stops me seeing the rewards.

    So you can only access rewards if you've topped up £10 in the last 6 weeks apparently. 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Scarfur1 said:

    I also think Vodafone are going to do something on their socials this evening…


    they replied this to me this morning! 



    I do genuinely appreciate their social media interactions. I received a message from them last year and they gave me 2 tickets to see Lana Del Rey in Hyde Park! It was such a fantastic day and I will forever be grateful to them for the experience. Their social media team is decent! 

  7. 11 hours ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:


    I thoroughly get what you are saying. I also recognise the zeal (and hope) on this thread. This will sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet, but its not meant to sound that way - I have entered all the competitions (including paying £10 for one entry) so that I could gift the tickets to a couple of people on this thread. It would be ace if at least one person on here got a couple of Golden Tickets. 

    It's not impossible! I've won tickets to Glastonbury twice now. With BBC Radio each time, no Golden Ticket - which is my DREAM win! What a rush that would be. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, thewomble said:

    I really don't like cider enough for this competition but needs must 😅 10 pairs to be won by end of May. Would be really interested to know how many entries are made 

    I'm very particular about my cider and Brother's is just far too sweet. But because I'm a sucker I'll be buying some and if I can't give it away I'll be forcing myself to drink it. 

  9. On 1/26/2024 at 4:13 PM, mph said:

    The cheese is not over yet !!!!!!!!!!!! Just got this

    Hi Ian,


    Congratulations, you have won a pair of tickets to Glastonbury Festival 2024 as you purchased a block of Worthy Farm Reserve Cheddar and scanned your Co-op membership card between 6-28th November 2023.

    This is fantastic! Confirmation of an ACTUAL real cheese winner! 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Cream Soda said:

    I'm assuming they contact the winner by email? I've been checking my junk folder multiple times today just in case...

    The Winners will be notified by Co-op via email within two (2) weeks of the end of the Promotional Period. 

    Keep on checking those e-mails! I've been hot on my inbox. Remaining hopeful. Ignoring the multiple blocks of cheese in my fridge. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Avalon_Fields said:

    The odds of me winning if it’s at my local Co-Op are high, I’ve bought 4 out of 11, there’s one left. 

    Trouble is someone will tell me there’s 1,753 Co-Ops or something…

    There's over 4000. Sorry 🤣

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