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Posts posted by Matt87

  1. 1) a 'secret' gig by a solo artist and guitarist of a band that headlined Glastonbury twice. Apart from Damon Albarn...this solo artist (record out this year) and his 2 fellow musicians will be the only currently scheduled performers ("currently"...so no Thom Yorke comebacks please!!!) at Glastonbury this year who have the experience of playing 2 Pyramid headline sets. well, let me recheck the facts, his drummer may have only been in the band for the second of those headline sets... regardless of whether this unannounced solo gig happens or not, all 3 of these musicians will for sure be gracing a certain stage on Friday as part of another artist's backing band.

    a pint of cider for whomever can first guess whom i'm referencing...

    for REM fans...

    Robyn Hitchcock and the Venus 3, will feature Peter Buck, Scott McCaughey, Bill Rieflin (basically 3/5 of the on-stage quartet of REM's 03 Pyramid gig, and 2/5 of their 99 set, Reiflin wasn't on drums yet).....Peter Buck has at times been the support act for Hitchcock on this tour (when I saw them in NYC recently, Mike Mills made an appearance too for a mini-REM reunion) and his 'band' is basically Rieflin & McCaughey...so, wouldn't be surprised if they get added somewhere on the Friday...

  2. a pint of cider to first person who can guess (1)

    1) a 'secret' gig by a solo artist and guitarist of a band that headlined Glastonbury twice. Apart from Damon Albarn...this solo artist (record out this year) and his 2 fellow musicians will be the only currently scheduled performers ("currently"...so no Thom Yorke comebacks please!!!) at Glastonbury this year who have the experience of playing 2 Pyramid headline sets. well, let me recheck the facts, his drummer may have only been in the band for the second of those headline sets... regardless of whether this unannounced solo gig happens or not, all 3 of these musicians will for sure be gracing a certain stage on Friday as part of another artist's backing band.

    a pint of cider for whomever can first guess whom i'm referencing...

  3. My favourite track on there after 3 full listens is probably Doing it Right, followed by Get Lucky.

    The production, as expected, is great. Some fantastic sounds on the record.

    As an album, I feel like it is a collection of separate songs, which in one way has some perks, it covers disco, jazz, dance, even west-end musical; however, I felt pulled from one to the other. I'm enjoying the disco-ey Lose Yourself to Dance, then suddenly it's West-End/Broadway number Touch, and then it's back to disco with Get Lucky. It's such a stark difference in sound.

    But I am enjoying it. I can see them incorporating some of these songs into future live sets, but whether they will go in that direction or not, who knows?

    On another note, I read an article a few days ago that revealed that bookies were offering around 3/1 that Daft Punk would be at Glastonbury, even now when most of the line up has been revealed.

  4. a couple of new names have been chucked in my direction recently as being the 3rd headliner - and that's The Strokes, and Kanye.

    Much like all the others, there's nothing I can put much faith in, tho there's nothing I can find to prove them wrong.

  5. Just saw that Paul McCartney is playing some American festival the week before Glastonbury and it got me thinking. It's been 9 years since he headlined, and if they're short of a Sunday headliner.......well it would be a popular way to close the festival.

    A concern would be if The Rolling Stones did play on Saturday and then you have Paul McCartney the next night it's not very diverse.

  6. you would think that he would get ahead of himself and fund the following years festival with money earned previously, would mean giving less to charity but would ensure the future of the festival.
  7. What I do know is that Eavis has to take out a massive loan each year for the advance funding of the fest. Something that was recently reported somewhere said that he's borrowing £15M from a Dutch bank to fund this year's festival.
  8. you're not telling me anything I don't know. :lol:

    The thing is, history gets to show that when Eavis says 'booked' this far in advance, what he really means is that a loose verbal arrangement has been made that might not come to fruition when the time comes to firm it up.

    However, with one booked for next year I really can't see it not happening. Another is less likely to happen as a generalisation, tho I have reason to suspect that there's enough keen-ness there with the band members that it will.

    Who are they? You'll have to wait until July. :)

    Why July? It's Feb and we stil don't know any of 2013 headliners. I'm guessing that Fleetwood Mac probably turned down Eavis this year but said something along the lines of 'We want to do it, but not this year.' So I'm gonna say they'll be one next year.

  9. Mmmm could it also not be a case that back in the 60s, 70s and 80s the thought of a privately educated well to do individual going into, god forbid, a rock band would have had mummy and daddy cutting the money supply off and that they hadvto get themselves a proper job in finance, law, medicine etc? However over the last 20 years or so parents allow their children to grow and express themselves a lot more freely now hence a sudden influx of privately educated individuals entering the music industry? Not saying thats the case but more of a question
  10. It is an interesting one alright.

    In the 1990's it was certainly more linked towards album sales than touring. At one stage I thought it was column inches/magazine covers that meant you had achieved that title. You know, the ol' Springsteen on the front of Time and Newsweek at the same moment thang.

    Think I'd put the Chili's in the same bracket as REM on your above list. Also it is difficult to ignore Nirvana and Oasis. For a short period of time (1992? / 1996?) they were indeed "bigger" than everybody else.

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