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Posts posted by Hawky

  1. Hang on, wait, can we just clear this up.... Kasabian and Foo Fighters are headlining and Kaiser Chiefs are playing?

    If only we had this news earlier. If only, there was someone who had contacts, who ran a website and revealed this information to us, perhaps through riddles. Perhaps called Nail? Kneel?

    I guess i'll just have to hope someone can do this in time for the future :mellow:

  2. All the hyping for The Cure and Green Day was merely nothing but just rumor and people getting too exited over nothing. All we had is strong rumor based on some info than isn't probably as it was now.

    Realistically the strongest link we've had to an actual headliner is Flo now and the slight chance of Linkin Park via the rock band option.

    Doesn't matter about that the crowd it different. It's a 50k or similar festival. She has done that two years ago at Latitude and and she's is WAY WAY bigger now.

  3. It wouldn't make a difference if you had 4 or 400, it's more the lack of the record.

    However, if you were going to try and convince us, you could have at least made it realistic. You almost had me at one point. Florence can't be headlining NME, because we all know The Cure are. Next you'll be saying Kasabian are headlining.

  4. i dont know where you're going with this mate, i dont wanna get into a forum fight here but what I'm saying is realistic, I am saying Kasabian are headlining Main Stage, I am saying that Flo will headline NME on one of the days, but i have no info on The Cure.

  5. True about the rock festival but if Enter Shikari or At The Drive-In headline nme same night, it still keeps that stature and both bands want to be seen by many of R&L crowd.

    Bestival I doubt, as said, she headlined a similar size two years ago, that was a MB put together fest.

    R&L is a rock, indie/pop, alternative festival. Flo, Kasabian and Foo's fit that.

  6. Can you link please? :)

    I thought he's said recently, if anything, the festival was moving away from "rock" and heavier acts. It's also important to point out again FATM started out as a fast rock band, and also whatever MB says is generally said to sell the fest.

  7. R&L gives people their 1st shot, known for it. She was booked 2 years ago for a FR festival. It depends where your playing to how popular you are. If you're saying that, Kasabian play knowhere near the top of the bill in Germany as they simply aren't that big.

    Flo is bigger than Dizzee, would you really see her headlining Splendour Fest in Nottingham? Dizee has done the Bestival heading rounds, Flo might not even need to go there and just pass it.

  8. They don't seem to be doing much touring at the moment. Currently on tour in Australia. After that, nothing. I don't see them as headliners though really.

    They might be waiting to announce a massive tour! :P which includes LnR

    Maybe we'll get Page & Plant again?

    Maybe... Doubt it.

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