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Rufus Gwertigan

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Posts posted by Rufus Gwertigan

  1. 27 minutes ago, gizmoman said:

    So just political discrimination then, you don't like Farage so it's o.k. that he can't get a bank account, presumably that would apply to Corbyn too since you hate him, and a case could be made by the banks that he is antisemitic. If you were running the bank would you exclude any SNP members too? (i know you are not a fan). Banks should stick to providing financial services, the irony is they claim to be non-discriminatory.


    I may be wrong but banks can are covered by the Equality Act but only in terms of a basic account. Coutes withdrew their services but Natwest offered him a basic account for his needs.

  2. 18 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

    So calling people tories ? How does that fall ? I’d prefer to be called a moron than a Tory …. Iggy is after volunteers to mod by the way 

    Oh I could do that. I have loads of spare time and I think everyone is a c**t.

  3. 5 hours ago, gizmoman said:

    I don't claim to be left wing (or right wing for that matter), the reason the cap was brought in was the old system rewarded people who had more kids, more kids=more money, the reason it is stlll somewhat popular is that taxpayers don't want to see their taxes funding other peoples otherwise unaffordable large families. 

    People buy into the thinking that it is a reward and it is single parents living in their luxurious council house given to them for free.

    I have 5 kids and while we did not have them for extra cash one is not going to reject it. Most of the benefits we received, outside of child benefit, were all in work benefits and allowed us not having to worry about school dinners and trips etc. I saw the credits as an investment in the kids future and they have all gone through uni and are 'useful' citizens lol.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    There are plenty of policies that Labour have already announced that will help such as breakfast for kids in primary schools. Of course Labour are the best option to try to tackle poverty. 

    That's means lazy parents have to get off their fat arsed to get the kids to school early.

  5. 2 hours ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

    Hostel life can't be fun. I used to cover the maintenance on many such a scheme building for a housing charity. The antics some people get up to are extraordinary, and often brutal. I hope the authorities can home you elsewhere soon.


    Back in the 80s I found myself in a real doss house for a great weeks. The walls in rooms didn't reach the floor and I would wake to piss all over my floor from tramps next door.

    This one has been a challenge. They had so many rules but essentially I told Connor to keep himself to himself. He used to spend his day in my room. My room window opened up to the smoking area and we would often hear comments like "What is it with that big guy?" and replies like "Stay clear of him". At least they didn't call me Fat c**t.

  6. 15 hours ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

    I haven't been to a pub in yonks, but £3.20 sounds great for a Kronenbourg. Pub prices are mental nowadays. 

    Connor and myself took to going to a Wetherspoons a couple of times a month for a bite to eat. It got us out of the monotony of the hostel. A pint of San Miguel was 4.40 which was cheap for Manchester.

    I like to goto a Sam Smiths pub which usually was the cheapest. I drink their bottled Porter and used to only pay around 3 quid for a pint bottle. They charged me a fiver and the bottle is now only 440mls. I guess things are tough in the industry.

  7. 1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

    yeah, that David Kelly thing was grim. 

    The invasion was actually over relatively quickly...it was what came after that was the disaster...and that they couldn't find any wmd that was the main justification for the invasion in the first place.

    I was travelling that year and was in Vietnam when invasion started which was kind of weird.

    Anyway, that war totally tarnishes Blair and was completely avoidable...US would have still invaded whether we were with them or not.

    The invasion wouldn't have happened if the coalition had done the job right in the first place I.e. Gulf War. We shat on the kurds and Shi'tes. We had everything in place to just push onto Baghdad yet apparently decided to stick to the UN resolution. Rumour has it that the French Foreign Legion did a flanking move and was a few hundred k away.

    Guess we have Major to blame for that though.

  8. Maybe the parents are just pissed off they didn't get a cut of the money?

    Pure speculation but they could be angry he is gay and they are lashing out.

    Mind you I wouldn't mind a few grand for a pic of my dick. Sent one to Cathy Newman and all I got was a restraining order.

  9. Not to continue the conversation but I find it ironic that it is the S*n that has spilled the beans given they posted pics of Sam Fox when she was 16. It was illegal at the time to distribute indecent pictures of an under 18 but no one batted an eyelid.

    For interest there is no legal definition for indecent. It is up to judge and jury to decide.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Neil said:


    easy way to get the people (i'm not seriously suggesting this!) is to abolish pip up-to-£700pm not means tested.

    I have applied twice. The last time I was interviewed at home. I got the knockback as I was able to keep good eye contact. I self harm, scratch myself, when anxious and even though I showed my scars that wasn't enough. I couldn't be arsed to appeal.

  11. The council are moving us to another  tomorrow to a place somewhere in Oldham for a while. This time it is a furnished 2 bed house with a garden. Just looking forward to our own space and more importantly we have a cooker and they are supplying pots and pans for us. It will be nice to be able to cook a meal 🙂

    Be good to get out of this hostel.

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