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Posts posted by miniand

  1. copious amounts of hash cake washed down with a pint of red wine is generally not considered a nutritious nor sensible breakfast. Just what was in store for me however was a cheeky surprise.... 6 slices in and showing off with bravado, I enquired "just how much gear did you put in this cake"? to the illustrious baker. " 4 to 5 OUNCES" came the reply. Admittedly, cold sweats enveloped me and I withdrew into a general state of foreboding and panic....then it hit me like a train....I barely managed to crawl into my tent before every muscle in my body ceased responding to my brain and I span in circles freefalling into 8 hours of oblivion....goodbye Friday at Glastonbury 2008!

  2. Apart from having to have a quick sit down one year at Glastonbury I've not really lost it there, many years ago at Tribal Gathering though... I got separated from my mates, decided to have a sit down near the entrance to a tent, got paranoid and necked all my remaining drugs, started to bury them first then decided that was a bad idea, had far more than I would have reasonably consumed in 18 hours, ended up necking nearly 2 grams of extremely strong speed, we called it base and got it off of some hells angels we knew, normal dose for a night awake raving with a pill or two was a third of a third of a gram, and at least half a dozen e's.

    Completely lost about 3 to 4 hours of my life, came to in the middle of a heaving techno tent with a huge circle of space around me where I must have been bouncing off of people... As I became aware of my surroundings again the circle rapidly closed up again, at which point I toddled off to get a bottle of water.

    As for acid, I've found it fairly difficult to acquire any even half decent trips for years. Got some relatively decent ones off silk road last year, made the mistake of thinking that trip ain't working at Roger Waters last year, dropped another one, just about kept it together and still enjoyed the show.

  3. As others have said it makes getting around more difficult if it is very muddy, carry some black bin bags to sit on, allow more time to get from a to b .

    I prefer dry with sunny spells as wall to wall sunshine is too much if you don't tan easy... You can still have a great time whatever the weather, it's just different.

  4. Hmmmm, not sure who CCCheese is and we're not aware they're part of the team...we have a Cheddar Police Station but that's problably the closest link we have to cheese!

    CCCheese was a poster who said he was an officer at Glastonbury. Offering a similar type of 'service' as yourself.

  5. From reading this forum it would seem Arcade Fire will get the biggest crowd from what I can make out. (i know the forum is not fully representative sample of the Glasto going public, but its an indication)

    Too many are unsure about Metallica and too many hate Kasabian

    Surprised so many think Dolly will. Yes it will be big but not rammed. Someone may correct me but I dont think a middle of the day act has ever pulled the biggest crowd of the weekend

  6. I was on an Oxfam training course and they really emphasised how much you need to check and what signs to look for. Also, 'secret shoppers' come in, as in people working for companies that check glastonbury are keeping to their contract for capacity. So people should definitely assume the worst, although some are obviously less bothered on the gates.

  7. Does anyone else think that Glastonbury should put something in place when people cannot attend the festival so they can sell their ticket legitimately. If you can prove that at the last minute you cannot go and someone is willing to purchase your ticket then they should sanction it as ok by transferring the purchasers reg number to that ticket and email you privately so you can show the gate on arrival. Their system would then show that this is the case. It doesn't mean there will be loads of people buying tickets to sell as they could stipulate that it has to be sold at face value. I just think it is unfair that there are tickets out there that people cannot use and people willing to purchase them, I have emailed the festival but don't think its something they would agree to.

  8. The insurance doesn't cover this situation. My wife may not be able to come now and I had a look at the insurance and it only really covers serious illness and major transport problems, so we won't be able to get the money back.

    I don't see any problem with selling a ticket at face value, as long as the person who is buying it knows that it is a gamble.

    So there is a possibility I may have a female ticket for sale soon.

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