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Posts posted by miniand

  1. Ah man. Used to live in Scotland and would go to clubs in Glasgow - The Arches, Subclub, MAS, Alaska. Soma Records brought me so much good music, so many good nights out and just great times. I love the label and love the tunes.

    How was your festi?

    Blinding... looked at the program a few times then got spangled, forgot everything I'd looked at and followed my ears. Usually to some edm... Only caught the name of one DJ, playing by the railway in the glade area, like a very low treehouse, playing old skool hard house and techno, about 50 people tops stomping around smiling, brilliant vibe. She was about mid fifties and called Louise... Saw 5-6 bands, Massive Attack was the only headliner. You have a good one?

  2. The first problem is the nuts and bolts on the hub coming undone,make sure they are tight, if they undo under load it can write off the wheel. Next problem is wheel collapsing under v heavy load. (See my twin wheeler) Third problem is the steel strips in a triangle shape buckling under v v heavy load. (I,ve welded a reinforcing plate in there on my modded sack truck) Twin wheels are v good on soft ground as well.


    My two, standard (bad boy) and the modded one (very bad indeed) Doubt a modded one is needed for Glastonbury. I built mine as I kept breaking them moving lumps of wood around.

  3. Get round there and start emptying her bins...

    She could have given it to someone who would have made good use out of it.

    And to think I couldn't get a ticket in the sales, could you keep her away from an internet connection on the first Sunday in October this year please.

  4. like this guy ? - another heading for disaster. { all he had to was make certain they were in the middle }

    each year I wait to catch the first few though the gate - and its the best laugh ever .

    You would think that some people were emigrating with the amount of stuff they carry in.

    Some people look as if they are about to have a heart attack - why they don't shift stuff in stages I cant say all I know its better than killing yourself.


  5. Was it 08 after the 07 mud bath that it struggled to sell out with the last tickets going on the day the festival opened? Had a great time in 07 but would prefer it not to be like that.

    The medical centre tends to be busier on a hot year like 10 by all accounts. Different types of illness and injuries, not much shade onsite. I spent a lot of 2010 seeking shade in the Glade area. Cloudy but dry for me.

  6. Am wondering about this. When the queue is going all the way round the car park and along a ditch I'd feel a bit shady pushing past because I'm heading for the re-entry point. Or does the main queue disappear pretty quickly after gates open? I'm talking Gate D mainly here.

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