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Posts posted by Nickyboy

  1. 1) Chairs banned for 50 yards from the front of each of the main stages (Pyramid, Other, Jazz World).

    2) Get a path through the crew camping to John Peel from Gate A, and the camping around there. Its a long way round when you can see and hear the stage from your tent and it only looks about 150 metres away.

    3) More Sinks around toilets - 4 at each are not enough, especially in a morning and after the popular sets

    4) There were busloads of day ticketers came in on Sunday, which made it extremely difficult for us more 'tired' punters to get anywhere near the front of the big 3 stages.

    5) Try and link similar styled bands together rather than have them on different stages - it reduces flows of people a bit (especially during the evenings). Classic this year for me was Kasabian, it seemed obvious that a lot of their crowd would try and get to see Pendulum straight after, whilst others were trying to get in to see Bruce - it was a nightmare crush that simply could have been avoided.

    6) More shade / shelter from the rain.....more covered areas that aren't stages / tents would be great dotted about where you can just chill / get out of sun for a while and watch the world go by.

    7) A bit more seating around the open areas.....essential if its a muddy one....might also encourage less people bring chairs in as well.

    8) More than one way out of Shangri La - I don't know if you were there on Saturday night about 2.30am, but there was a fearful crush along the railway line......good job I was monged

  2. I saw dead weathers on friday do an awesome set which has made me forgive Jack White for postponing the new White Stripes album. They were after emiliana torrini at around sevenish. I think Pete Doherty was the special guest on the Queens Head on saturday.
  3. I generally thought ITV's entire coverage was utter crap to be honest. Fern Cotton is a useless sod at the best of times, completely up her own arse - at least Rufus seems to have a genuine like of the bands.

    Having said that, its amazing how the merest glimpse of bands can influence who you may see at Glasto - I wouldn't have given Calvin Harris a second glance at Glasto, but he had that Tent absolutely rocking !! Liked what I saw of the Rifles and Rumble Strips as well.

    Definitely won't be seeing the Ting Tings or Wombats - rubbish !!

  4. Depends what you're after. Generalising wildly, Pennards does tend to be a bit noisier, which maybe what you're after (stay away from down near the railway line though - flood nightmare if wet). Same goes for the Park. Paines and Dairy tend to be a bit quieter. I was up at Wicket / Lime Kiln last time, and as has already been mentioned, pretty quiet, more so this year now the big Cinima screen has gone.

    No idea what Cockmill, Big Ground and Kidney Mead are like. The latter is certainly too near the action for my liking, but then I tend to like my spliff's in a quieter more refelective space !!

  5. A bit gobsmacked by the amount of kit being taken in some of these piccies......bare essentials for me:

    warm fleece, kag, few T-Shirts, 2 pair shorts, plenty of underpants, deodorant, toothbrush, bog rolls (2), wet wipes, soap, jeans for the motorbike ride there and back, tent, sleeping bag, undermat - plus wellies if weather is looking dodgy. Otherwise DM's for M/B ride, and a pair of deck shoes.

    Lots of money - its my yearly treat, so buy most stuff whilst there (booze et al) even though mucho more expensive.

  6. i dunno..i mean i'd never use an umberella whilst watching a band in a crowd. i'd use it to walk around with (if it's absolutly pissing it down) or i usually stand at the back while a band is playing with plenty of space around me.

    to each their own.

  7. I'm going by Motorbike again this year, which is good. You can't take as much gear as in a car but you can get in and out much quicker and easier. The problem with Driving / Riding as opposed totrain / bus, etc. is the Monday drive / ride back, which when you've had an intense weekend, is harder than you'd imagine :blink:

  8. Unlike Reading where its somewhat a tradition to 'bottle off' bands you don't like, I've never seen any negative reactions to bands. People simply move on....there's too much to see and do to hang about in front of a stage watching some band / act you've no interest in.

  9. Went with the missus 95 and 97 - she loved it and so did I. Since then she's got a job as a TA at a school and finds it impossible to get time off in term time. Went with best mate in 05 (and again this year). Had a whale of a time last time as well, and I'm expecting to again.

    Seriously, I don't think it matters who you go with (or on your own), a great time is guarenteed, proving you embrace the vibe and the occasional squalor.

  10. I think there is something to the cultural thing, and I think festival going is still predominantly a white middle class thing presently. That's not to say it won't change.

    When I started going to football as a nipper in the seventies (and I'm a Huddersfield Town supporter - Huddersfield has all my life had a large West Indian and Asian community), there were hardly any 'non white' people in the crowd. Culturally, supporting football simply wasn't part of their cultural background. However, on the occasions when I visit now, there's a much larger proportion of West Indian and Asian Supporters - I guess the majority are still white, but the mix is much more 'even'.

    Over time I imagine this will happen to Glastonbury and other festivals as well. I'm sure the excitement we exude about festivals will eventually rub off and encourage more people to attend who may not have attended in the past.

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